It really is a family trip this time! Updated plans 5/6 x 2


DIS Veteran
May 3, 2009
I decided to post a PTR for our upcoming trip in May.
I don't know if anyone remembers my TR from last year (link is in sig) but I got most of the way through it and couldn't get the time to get back to it, when I finally did it had been moved to "Completed" and closed. I will definitely make it a point to finish this one when I start the actual TR.

For some history. My DH and I went to WDW last year and had a great trip, it had started to be planned as a family trip with my DH's parents and siblings but gradually everyone backed out and it was just us so we went alone.

This years trip will have a mostly different cast of characters than last year's trip was to be. I apologize for the wordiness of this post, I may edit it later with some pics when I find some.

First up is me! I am Danielle and I am a 37 year old RN. I love everything Disney and have been there many times and will continue to go for many more. :lovestruc

Next is DH, and his name is Tim, he is 34 years old, will be 35 by the time our trip starts. We have been married 7 1/2 years and have no kids (yet) and we live in Western NY. This will be his 3rd trip and he is slowly becoming converted.

Here we are:

Accompanying us on the trip is DH's Mom, she is Rose Anne and she has never been to WDW as of today (although after Sunday that will change, she is going on her first trip on Sunday with DH's brother and his wife and family, including their 2 adorable little guys, ages 2 and 4) She is gladly planning this upcoming trip with us as well, Hope she likes it!! She has said that since this trip is all adult, she will get to be a Kid in March and an adult in May! :cool1:

Next up is My SIL Amy and her hubby Dave. They live in Western PA. They have been married going on 5 years (in July) and this is their anniversary trip for them. They have no children yet either but are trying to adopt. They were in Disney for their Honeymoon and have each been there one or two other times before they met.

In the past week or so we have added 2 more travelers to our little group in the form of My BIL's Dad and My dad, who just agreed to come with us last night!! :banana:

BIL's Dad is Raymond and he is a Disney Newbie. He lives in SW Virginia and is a (very) recent widower.

My dad is Bob and he is a Disney Vet, (actually an Army Vet too! -20 years) and he has been there more than I have and he and my mom are responsible for my current love of all things Disney. He had been a few times in recent years with my older brother and his family but we haven't gone together since 1999. (Almost all trips before that except one in 87 and in 91 have been with him and my Mom, who passed away in 2002.)

Next up: Resort choice and other plans.
We knew we wanted to stay in a Villa so we would have a kitchen and enough room for everyone, We figured that a 2 Bedroom would be best for us. We probably could have gotten it somewhat cheaper if we rented points but we did a 30 or 40% off deal (I forget which) through AAA. Our Choices when we booked were Saratga Springs and Old Key west. I let m MIL and SIL choose since I have been to WDW many times and I didn't really have a preference as to which resort. I actually wanted POR but BIL wanted more towards Deluxe and everyone thought it would be more $ to get 3 rooms.

So we check in to Saratoga Springs on Sunday May 15th and check out on Sunday May 22nd.


My MIL wanted originally to take advantage of the kitchen in the Villa and eat some meals in the room but BIL vetoed that one (DH and I were all for that too, actually) there are too many good places to eat for us to eat in the room so we do have the dining plan, this is my first time on the regular DP -we did the QSDP last time.

When we added our latest 2 travellers (My dad and BIL's Dad) we tried to switch to a grand villa or a treehouse villa but they were both all booked. We will probably have BIL's dad stay in our room and My dad said he would rather hae his own room so he will get a studio. Hopefully our rooms can be near each other, I don't know the layout of the buildings and how many of each there are in each.
We haven't made ADR's yet :-)scared1: I know, we better do it soon, the travel agent will make them for us when we get the final list to her which may have been yesterday, not sure) but we just narrowed down the restaurants over the weekend and then we added 2 people so at least we don't have to add them after the fact.

DH, MIL and I are flying from NY and our flight lands at 2:45 (so far). SIL and BIL are flying from PA and their flight lands at 2:30 or 3p. My dad and BIL's dad are both driving, Dad from Philly where he lives BIL's Dad from VA. We should all be at the resort by suppertime at least so we are planning a dinner at the Resort.

Sunday- Turf Club

Monday- Biergarten

Tuesday- Spirit of Aloha Luau Show (ADR made already for 5, have to make it for 7)

Wednesday- Kouzzina

Thursday- Fulton's Crab House
(this is the night Amy & Dave are going to Victoria & Albert's, they went there on their HM and wanted to go back for their anniv.) so the rest of us are going to Fulton's, we wanted one that wasn't on the DDP since we wouldn't be able to use a credit that night and it is one that MIL is most looking forward to going to. My dad is looking forward to trying it too

Friday- Teppan Edo

Saturday- Coral Reef

Tuesday and Thursday are the only ones set so far, we will see how the other days line up, there may be some changes to the days.

No WAY I am first:cool1::cool1::cool1::cool1::cool1:

We'll be at WDW the same week as you. yippeee!!!

reading on now....
We haven't made ADR's yet :-)scared1: I know, we better do it soon, the the travel agent will make them for us when we get the final list to her which may have been yesterday, not sure) but we just narrowed down the restaurants over the weekend and then we added 2 people so at least we don't have to add them after the fact.

DH, MIL and I are flying from NY and our flight lands at 2:45 (so far). SIL and BIL are flying from PA and their flight lands at 2:30 or 3p. My dad and BIL's dad are both driving, Dad from Philly where he lives BIL's Dad from VA. We should all be at the resort by suppertime at least so we are planning a dinner at the Resort.

Sunday- Turf Club

Monday- Biergarten

Tuesday- Spirit of Aloha Luau Show (ADR made already for 5, have to make it for 7)

Wednesday- Kouzzina

Thursday- Fulton's Crab House
(this is the night Amy & Dave are going to Victoria & Albert's, they went there on their HM and wanted to go back for their anniv.) so the rest of us are going to Fulton's, we wanted one that wasn't on the DDP since we wouldn't be able to use a credit that night and it is one that MIL is most looking forward to going to. My dad is looking forward to trying it too

Friday- Teppan Edo

Saturday- Coral Reef

Tuesday and Thursday are the only ones set so far, we will see how the other days line up, there may be some changes to the days.

We are doing a lot of the same ADR's but diff nights:
We are doing Biergarten, Coral Reef, Kouzzina and the Spirit of Aloha. My DH keeps mentioning Teppan Edo but we have ADRs for all of our TS credits on DDP already, and really one big sit down a day is usually enough for us.

Sounds like your gang will have lots of fun....and some stories to tell when its all over!:thumbsup2 (no way to have that much family in one place and NOT have stories!)
We are doing a lot of the same ADR's but diff nights:
We are doing Biergarten, Coral Reef, Kouzzina and the Spirit of Aloha. My DH keeps mentioning Teppan Edo but we have ADRs for all of our TS credits on DDP already, and really one big sit down a day is usually enough for us.

Sounds like your gang will have lots of fun....and some stories to tell when its all over!:thumbsup2 (no way to have that much family in one place and NOT have stories!)

Welcome! Thanks for responding. That's cool that you will be there the same week. I am excited about our ADR's. The only ones I have done before are Biergarten and Coral Reef so I am looking forward to trying the others. My dad has been to Teppan Edo and my BIL/SIL have been to Coral Reef as well so it will be mostly new for all of us.

We will definitely have stories! Good ones most likely, we all get along real well. I am very lucky that my MIL is not like the dreaded MIL that you read about, she is great, I actually met her the same day I met my DH and we clicked right from the start.

My Dad and BIL's Dad have only met once but we think they will get along well too.
My MIL left on her first WDW trip earlier today, she should be checking in to Kidani around now. :cool1: As far as a trip planning update, we added my dad to the ressie on Friday, so he now has a studio villa booked! We also have our ADR's made as well :banana: Here are the times :

Sunday- Turf Club 7:35p

Monday- Biergarten 7:35p

Tuesday- Spirit of Aloha Luau Show 8p

Wednesday- Kouzzina 6:50p

Thursday- Fulton's Crab House 5:10, we may try to change this one to later

Friday- Teppan Edo 8:30p

Saturday- Coral Reef- this is the only one we haven't gotten the confirmation for.

I decided to post a few pics from our last trip that I never got to on my TR that was never completed.

These are from our last dinner at the Coral Reef. We really liked it there and that's one of the reasons we are going back this time (and because others want to go there too) It also fits this PTR because if it is still in the menu, I plan to get the same dinner, oh wow it was good!

Here is one of our views of the aquarium, we were towards the back:


DH had the Pork Tenderloin, he said it was really good.


Here is my Seared Chicken, comes with spaetzel and asparagus with an applewood smoked bacon broth. This was soo good, very nicely seasoned, the skin, which I don't normally eat, was really good and crispy. I think this was my favorite thing I ate on that trip.


For dessert DH had the Jack Daniels and Bailey's Mousse and I had the Chocolate Wave, these were both good too.



I saw on a menu recently that this had brandied cherries instead of the raspberries, I don't know if that is a temporary or permanent change or it was a misprint. I have also seen in other TR's and food reviews that the Mickey Head balloon shaped thing to the left was a hard sugar thing, too hard to eat. Well, that one in the pic was more like a white chocolate, not hard at all, I wonder if they changed the recipe or if there are different ones.

I decided to post a few pics from our last trip that I never got to on my TR that was never completed.

These are from our last dinner at the Coral Reef. We really liked it there and that's one of the reasons we are going back this time (and because others want to go there too) It also fits this PTR because if it is still in the menu, I plan to get the same dinner, oh wow it was good!

Here is one of our views of the aquarium, we were towards the back:


DH had the Pork Tenderloin, he said it was really good.


Here is my Seared Chicken, comes with spaetzel and asparagus with an applewood smoked bacon broth. This was soo good, very nicely seasoned, the skin, which I don't normally eat, was really good and crispy. I think this was my favorite thing I ate on that trip.


For dessert DH had the Jack Daniels and Bailey's Mousse and I had the Chocolate Wave, these were both good too.



I saw on a menu recently that this had brandied cherries instead of the raspberries, I don't know if that is a temporary or permanent change or it was a misprint. I have also seen in other TR's and food reviews that the Mickey Head balloon shaped thing to the left was a hard sugar thing, too hard to eat. Well, that one in the pic was more like a white chocolate, not hard at all, I wonder if they changed the recipe or if there are different ones.

ooohhh that looks yummy - the chicken and the desserts. We will be going there mid week. DH wondered if it would be weird to eat seafood while watching fish o:lmao:, though I noticed neither of you had seafood there. too weird for you?
ooohhh that looks yummy - the chicken and the desserts. We will be going there mid week. DH wondered if it would be weird to eat seafood while watching fish o:lmao:, though I noticed neither of you had seafood there. too weird for you?

DH won't eat seafood unless it is canned Tuna. (although he has eaten mussels mefore, so explain that one...) I eat a few things as far as seafood goes but didn't see too much that struck my fancy and that spaetzel and asparagus sounded good to me.
A few changes have been made to our ADR's, I'm not 100% sure of times because the travel agent made them and we haven't gotten the new itinerary sent out yet, but I was doing an update today anyway so I am just adding it in. The SoA show that we had originally had set for Tuesday is now Saturday, that change happened when she went to add our dads to the ADR they were full on Tuesday. That made us have to move the Coral Reef, I think, to Friday and Teppan Edo to Tuesday. I will fill you in on those when I get them.

The main reason for this update is that our flight times have changed. If you don't already do this I would highly recommend to check the times frequently during the time before you go, we never got any notification of the change. Yesterday afternoon, my DH was playing around on the computer and looking at the flight times and prices for our dates and asked what our flight # was, I found the print-out and told him, he said "Wow, the flight now says 1:18!" :cool1: (it was originally 12:07). Well, this 1:18 was great news as we were hoping it would change before our dates because we would be cutting it close with our travel time to the airport that day because of a prior commitment earlier that morning. Well, the crazy thing is, we called DH's mom and let her know and about 15 minutes later she called back and said it was now 12:24!! :confused3 That's crazy, 2 changes in the same day! Even if the first change wasn't made yesterday, it was in the last couple days because I have been checking it periodically myself and it was the 12:07 earlier in the week. Oh well, I guess we better just keep checking...

good point about checking airline times. Oddly I saw that our departure is the same, but our arrival is pushed back. very strang.

and I happily see that by booking so far in advance I am definitely saving $$ the fligh to is now $30 more, the flight home is $125 more! and that's per seat. :cool1: yeah for saving $
We got our Documents yesterday!! :banana::dance3:

Everything is set to go, I have been keeping tabs on our flight and it is still scheduled to leave at 12:24pm and land at 3:03pm as of today. We are driving and parking there for the week because our flight home doesn't land until 10:30 on the 22nd and we didn't want to ask my BIL to have to pick us up at that late time as he works early the next day.

I also have the final times for our ADR's and I am trying to figure out what day we will be able to go to see Wishes and the MSEP. I really hoped to be able to at least see Wishes but with the times and park hours as well as our ADR times, it doesn't look good. :sad1:

Sunday, May 15th (check in day)
Turf Club @ 7:35

Monday, May 16th
Biergarten @ 7:35

Tuesday, May 17th
Teppan Edo @ 8:10

Wednesday, May 18th
Kouzzina @ 6:50

Thursday, May 19th
Fulton's crab house @ 7pm
This is also SIL and BIL's Victoria & Albert's ADR, I think @ 8p

Friday, May 20th
Spirit of Aloha Dinner show @ 8p

Saturday, May 21st
Coral Reef @ 8:30p

We may be able to get to MK after Fulton's depending on how long dinner takes, it looks like Wishes is at 10p that day. We will be able to take the bus right from our resort since we are close by.

Also wondering if there will be a day to get to see Fantasmic! I think Sunday may be the only day that would fit, timewise, we really weren't planning a park on arrival day but we may have to change that plan, We didn't catch it last time so I really would like to see it this time.

We haven't picked our Morning parks yet but we plan either AM EMH or at least Rope Drop at whichever park then go for a break to swim, nap, etc and then to wherever our Dinner ADR is (mostly Epcot according to the schedule)

If anyone has any suggestions feel free to post them! :)
:) Talked to MIL today and we tried to hash out some plans, we will most likely be adding 1-2 days to our tickets. We may try to see if we can get in earlier than 7:35 at the Turf Club on arrival day and try to get to HS and see Fantasmic then on Wednesday (which was supposed to be an "off" day) go to MK after our ADR at Kouzzina to try to see at least Wishes. I mentioned trying this on Thursday (this is also a MSEP day) but she thought we should see it on a day that BIL/SIL can see it too and they are at V&A that night. So we may miss MSEP this trip :(
Going through the list of attractions, I was thinking about what MIL told me she did (and did NOT do) on her last trip, we want to make sure she sees everything she missed on that trip (that's important) (she was there March 13th to 20th) and I was kind of surprised at how little they actually saw. She said there really wasn't any plan to each day and they did a lot of wandering aimlessly (which shocks me because SIL's sister who they were there with is a DVC owner! You'd think they would be better at touring.) Oh well, we'll take care of her this time :thumbsup2

Magic Kingdom

Hall of Presidents

Haunted Mansion (ok, they did this but the new special effects weren't there yet)

Swiss Family Treehouse
(she shows interest in seeing this, not sure if her knees can handle the steps or not, we'll see how she feels when she sees it)

Country Bears (we sometimes skip this but I think she would like it, and everyone should see it at least once IMO)

Jungle cruise and POTC she saw but will definitely be done, we won't get her on Splash or BTMR but the rest of us will go.

All of Fantasyland (granted SIL/BIL and her sister's family took the kids on arirval/EMH night and most likely saw those rides, so it's not like they didn't do them)
--she doesn't really need to see Dumbo or the Teacups

Carousel of Progress

Monster's Inc show

People Mover

--we won't get her on Space Mountain, and we have no desire to see Stitch

she did go on Buzz(a couple times) and really liked it!

--actually going through the list again she only saw 6 things at the MK!! and she says the lines weren't too bad so that's not why.

--I really would like to have my Dad do the Flag Retreat, I plan to try to make this happen, I really think he would like that. He is retired Army (20 years) and a Vietnam vet. If he can't do it, I would like to at least see it. I talked to MIL about it and she thinks it would be a great idea, too.


They actually did well in Future World, the only things they didn't do are Ellen and Imagination! (She didn't do MS or TT -I think everyone else did TT, she sat out with the little ones- but I doubt we will get her on those this time either. Maybe we can talk her into TT when my dad goes on it too (he is 70--his B-day today actually:) and he loves that ride)

She loved The Land Boat ride and wants to go on that again, she loves gardening/plants, etc. We are also planning on doing the Behind the Seeds tour, DH and I did it last year and it was really interesting.

We will also be repeating everything else at Epcot of course, it wouldn't be a Disney trip without Spaceship Earth!!

They did very little in World Showcase as well, they did the boat ride in Mexico and she has a bracelet she bought in Morocco so we know they went there, she has pics from the promenade of China and Canada and they went to the bakery in France for chocolate croissants but SIL's BIL didn't want to wait in the line (it was his idea to go there in the first place...)

So we have a lot of ground to cover there. We will be eating in Germany at the Biergarten too so that will be different for her. She did see Illuminations and we do plan to see that again. Also remember that BIL's dad has never been there so this will all be new to him, too.

Next up Hollywood Studios (I have such a hard time not calling it MGM!!)

Hollywood Studios

They did very few things here, too.

They did get on TSM a couple times, they saw the Little Mermaid show, Indiana Jones, and Fantasmic and that's it.

Things we definitely need/want her to see:

-The Great Movie Ride-I know it gets a bum rap sometimes but I love it, it does need an update but I hope it stays around for a long time.

-Muppetvision 3D--LOVE this one:love:

-I really would like to see Lights, Motors, Action, we missed this one last year and I really wanted to see it, I think everyone else will like it too. I never asked my dad if he ever saw it (hmmm, note to self...ask Dad about LMA show)

-One Man's dream, I liked this the first time I saw it, I know they refurbed it so I was curious if they added anything new.

-Magic of Animation--I really would like to try the Animation Academy

-Beauty and the Beast Show, I know she would love this (the rest of us do to)

- We do have plans to try to see Fantasmic, she really wants to see it again and thiniks Raymond will like it too. (I should add that he is a newbie too so these all apply too him too)

-We may try the new Star tours if it is open when we are there (supposed to be the 20th but you never know, I don't think MIL (Rose Anne) will like this.

-I'm pretty sure Dave will probably want to do ToT and/or RnR. I, for one, have no desire to go on ToT (did once, never again). There is a Very small possibility I may consider RnR but that decision will be made at the last minute. I know DH (Tim) and Rose, and most likely Amy and Raymond won't go. I know my Dad won't go on ToT (same as me did once, and that was enough) but not sure about RnR.

-I would like to see the new Pixar parade if we have the time, but it's not a must-do.

Next up: Animal Kingdom

Animal Kingdom

Must see list:

According to MIL's list, it seems like they did do fairly well here. They saw It's Tough to be a Bug, the Safari (and actually had good luck, my SIL has pics of the Lion Up and Walking around!! I have never seen that, only lying down, sometimes with his head up but never moving, hope we have that luck when we go), Kali River Rapids, she actually said this was one of her faves! I think BIL/SIL, etc went on EE and Dinosaur but I know she sat those out with the little ones, probably this is when they saw the Boneyard. She also went on Triceratop Spin with my nephew, and they saw Nemo.

We will, of course, repeat these, but it looks like the only things they didn't see that are must see are:

-Festival of the Lion King--:love:
-My Dad for some reason doesn't care for this but I will get him to see it with us anyway.

-the Maharajah Trek and Pangani Trail- I really hope to see these, especially for the Tigers and Gorillas (I really want to see that baby)

-Flights of Wonder show-- saw this a few years ago, usually skip it but I have heard they changed it some and I think MIL (and everyone else) would like it.

-Rafiki's Planet watch/Wildlife Express- I have always found this interesting, we don't spend a lot of time here but it's nice to see.

-I really want to go on EE this time. DH would have nothing to do with this ride last year and I didn't want to go by myself. They were building it when I was there in 2004, so this is my chance! I will have at least one person to go on it with me

You are on an updating roll!! Its great that you are makign sure that MIL gets to do all her "missed last time" rides and shows.

Did you see the new hours for the parks? Here are lots of new late nights, so definitely should be more time for you to catch some of your must haves. I think I saw a few later schedules for Wishes and Fantasmic, too.

Did you look at the weather? :sad2: saw a lot of rainy days in the forecast so I am hoping they are the sporadic rains and not the all day rains.

Are you packed yet? or started??
You are on an updating roll!! Its great that you are makign sure that MIL gets to do all her "missed last time" rides and shows.

Did you see the new hours for the parks? Here are lots of new late nights, so definitely should be more time for you to catch some of your must haves. I think I saw a few later schedules for Wishes and Fantasmic, too.

Did you look at the weather? :sad2: saw a lot of rainy days in the forecast so I am hoping they are the sporadic rains and not the all day rains.

Are you packed yet? or started??

:) Yeah i have been working on it a lot these couple days. I am organizing things and we are doing all the laundry but not actually packed yet.

I did see the extended park hours and noticed some days of 2 Fantasmic shows and 2 MSEP's too so it is looking a lot better for those thankfully. :cool1:

I hope the rain isn't too bad, I have been there with rain before but it isn't fun. Your trip is coming up quick too! Hope it is a good one.


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