Issue with wearing masks...

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I'll wait. While I'm also anxious to plan another vacation, and having only worn the mask for short periods at work and grocery shopping, I would not look forward to a Florida vacation while wearing a mask all day. I feel for the people who must wear them all day for their jobs. I'll wait, but I won't be selling my contracts any time soon.
I'm not too worried about wearing masks when we are there. November will be a least a bit more tolerable with heat and we'll do whatever Disney requests (as they are their parks). I did notice a number of streamers mentioning today at the Disney Springs opening that there were numerous people around without masks so it will be hard for Disney to really police this fully it seems (though the parks may be different).
There was even an idiot who went in the wrong way entering Walmart without a mask and then just cut under the dividers just zero respect for their fellow humans.

Well, I certainly hope the police were called and he was tackled by at least six officers, and pinned to floor, handcuffed, and frog marched off the property!

Going the wrong way into a store!?? What's next! Going against the taped direction lines on grocery store aisles!?? It's like no one has been listening to the news for months! I mean it's right there at the top of the list of 'ways COVID is transmitted' -- passing someone going the other way in a grocery store aisle or store entrance.

May God have mercy on that Walmart shopper's soul....
Well, I certainly hope the police were called and he was tackled by at least six officers, and pinned to floor, handcuffed, and frog marched off the property!

Going the wrong way into a store!?? What's next! Going against the taped direction lines on grocery store aisles!?? It's like no one has been listening to the news for months! I mean it's right there at the top of the list of 'ways COVID is transmitted' -- passing someone going the other way in a grocery store aisle or store entrance.

May God have mercy on that Walmart shopper's soul....

I feel sorry that you have to act like an idiot on purpose.

Its called being part of society, don't want to follow very easy to follow rules? Then don't interact with the public your problem is solved.

Yes though let's try and attack me for sounding off frustration. Can you let me know all the other laws and rules I don't need to follow moving forward?
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