Isn't it a little early to start a PTR?..Why yes, yes it is.(we are back!12/13)

HOW COOL!!! We have to make sure and get a pic of all of us at Tusker house--it will be fun to see a DIS'er in real life:cool1: I'm glad you got online early and it went thru! I was totally shocked when it worked before 6am, but hey all good for us:santa: Big River is a Tenn Company, but that's all I know about it...

Glad Amelia liked Disney On Ice, my SIL wanted to take GC to see Nemo on Ice with my nephew, but when I showed GC the video on the website, she said no, no, no. So she won't be going, lol.

A picture would be great! Thanks for the tip about getting ADRs earlier.

Amelia didn't really "get" some parts of Disney on Ice. She loved watching it and I don't think she associated the princesses with the movies we watch.
I promised a long time ago to get pics up of Amelia's Nemo Dress that my mom made.




The last one is her getting into the cake Dave and I had for our Anniversary.

I hope to have some Disney on Ice pics up today. I am off the rest of the week so I am going to have lots of time to Dis!
I'ts almost 11pm here....I should be sleeping but thanks to work issues I have a case of insomnia (WHY?.....REMEMBER I AM ON VACATION!) Anyway I won't go into detail about that I will just say everyone here is lucky because this gives me time to do my Disney on Ice updates!

I had to work that day until 3pm. It was Dave's job to make sure Amelia had a decent nap and was bathed and ready to be dressed when I got home. I arrived to a crabby child......I thought to myself great here goes our night and our $$$ for front row tickets!

We met my co-worker (Kristen) and her son(Brayden) (and co-workers "friend") at Hooters....yes hooters. I had never been to Hooters and Kristen's friend wanted to go. People usually go to Hooters for 2 reasons....1) for the wings......B) for the other part of the chicken....that is not on the chicken. I do not like wings....I hate eating something off of a bone and because I am a married female the other reason obviously doesn't apply!

This choice in restraunts should have tipped me off about Kristen's "friend" later we learned what a jerk he was. (Kristen is currently going through a divorce and she reassured Dave that her and her "friend" were just friends!) I won't go into details about him being a jerk he just came across as VERY cocky and he was all into diciplining Brayden which #1 was not really his place and #2 he was talking about giving the kid a spanking. Brayden is 6 weeks older than Amelia and I at least know at this age that spanking is not that of an effective form of dicipline. He obviously did not.

Amelia did not want to eat at Hooters (she must of felt the tension about the "friend"). We left and I don't think she even ate a french fry!

We left Hooters to get to the Family Arena where Disney on Ice was held. Dave and I were arguring in the car because I wasn't exactly sure where to turn off....he wanted to stop and look it up in our GPS...I said it wasn't necessary. We finally found the turn and Dave ended up being in a bad mood.

So after all of this drama I was thinking in my head with a crabby kid and ticked off husband I was in for a WONDERFUL evening.

We had joked before the day of whose kid would try to get on the ice first.....we did not know how true this would end up being.

We found our seats and Dave was still complaining about "friend" and we bought Amelia a light up toy (one that she will take with us to Disney!). Dave wanted to keep her away from the ice because he was afraid she would throw it out on the ice.

Kristen, Brayden and "friend" found their seats next to us. Brayden had a light up toy too. Kristen went to get some drinks and as she came back I saw Brayden out of the corner of my eye reach his arm with the light up toy was too late. Poor Mr Incredible was out on the ice batteryless.


They had to call someone to come and get it. That was it for the light up toys. They were both put away!

Kristen and Brayden before the show!

Dave and Amelia


We still had lots of empty front row seats!

Brayden and Amelia before the show!

Continued in next post

The show starts with a guy driving a Zambownie (sp?) out onto the ice. It seems to get stuck in the middle and he has to call for backup to move it!

Who do you think that backup is?

Mickey, Minnie, Donald, Goofy, Chip, and Dale!

So my night that started off bad suddenly went good as I saw this smiling face!


She was so excited smiling and waving to the characters. And shouting out their names! My heart melted! (It made me very excited for our trip!)




So Goofy drives the Zambownie and has no success. Then Aladdin comes out with Abu and The Zambownie opens up and out comes the Genie!

A little later multiple genies come out from the back. This part was pretty cool!


Amelia pretty much looked like this when anyone except the Mickey and pals characters were on the ice. She enjoyed it....just a little perplexed!


Next up was Nemo which I thought she would love...I don't think she quite got it or she was jus mesmorized!


The sharks Bruce, Anchor and Chum come out and then Nemo is reunited with his dad!




Mickey and Minnie are back. Stitch comes out with a rose......



This leads into the story of Beauty and the Beast!

Dave took quite a few good pics here. Amelia hasn't watched this movie enough to "get it" but she still enjoyed seeing the skating.







Amelia still intently watching.


The Beast as human! I wish we would have gotten a pic of Gaston. As soon as he came out I exclaimed how puny he looked. I would have thought they could have stuffed the costume with some sort of muscles. I apoligize for my lack of pics. Some didn't turn out good because of the fast movement on the ice.



Next up was the rest of the princesses. We got pics of most of them but some were not too good. They were moving too fast or we got back shots. We saw Cinderella and Prince Charming, Ariel and Eric, Pocohontas and John Smith, Snow White and her Prince, There might have been more but I don't have pics. Their part was not too big.

Here are pics of Amelia's favorite "Mermaid" as she calls her.




I will leave you with that tonight! I am starting to get tired and I am sure I am not making much sense now and probably making a lot of typos! Hopefully I can get more pics up tomorrow!

It's official.....As of last night I booked flights on Airtran. We are flying in on December 1st leaving StL at noon! Our return flight is December 10th at 2:50.

I got to book 2 extra nights! :dance3:I booked us at All-Star Movies December 1st and 2nd! I couldn't be more excited!

I also booked a ADR at BOMA at 9 am on the 2nd. We will be attending MVMCP that night. We have not bought any extra park tickets. I think exploring AKL Wednesday am and then doing MVMCP in the evening we will be all set. I plan on cancelling the ADR for Boma for the 10th so we have time to hit DTD before our flight leaves.

I have also looked into staying at a hotel close to our airport (even though we only live ~20 minutes away) and one said they would do a room/park package for $79. I am sure that will be cheeper than parking alone plus we would get a free shuttle to the airport and free breakfast!


I plan on cancelling the ADR for Boma for the 10th so we have time to hit DTD before our flight leaves.

I have also looked into staying at a hotel close to our airport (even though we only live ~20 minutes away) and one said they would do a room/park package for $79. I am sure that will be cheeper than parking alone plus we would get a free shuttle to the airport and free breakfast!
i say the hotel deal sounds good, cant get airport parking much cheaper than that.

for your ME pick up time, it will prob be between 3 and 3 1/2 hours before your flight leaves so it might not leave a ton of time to go to DTD...
i say the hotel deal sounds good, cant get airport parking much cheaper than that.

for your ME pick up time, it will prob be between 3 and 3 1/2 hours before your flight leaves so it might not leave a ton of time to go to DTD...

I know...I think for our honeymoon we didn't prepay for parking through expedia and it was over $150:scared1:. Kinda shocking when you are getting home from an overnight flight VERY early in the morning.

I also think leaving in a hotel shuttle we will be a little less stressed. I can't imagine getting all of our baggage and Amelia and not loosing/leaving something. Those shuttle drivers at the parking lots are usually in quite a hurry!

We should have just enought time to do DTD....I figuered we would just pick up last minute items that we saw earlier in the week! And maybe eat a very early lunch.....I might change it though....I am thinking a character breakfast at Chef Mickey's might be just the way to send us off.
:cool1:As of yesterday Dave and I are official I phone owners!

We went yesterday....the 1st day we could upgrade with our phone plan and got our phones. We spent FOREVER in there because we also signed up for ATT cable and internet service. (The service we have now is pretty crappy! I keep loosing my connection on the internet. That makes it hard dising!) I think the person helping us was VERY glad he got us....lots'o commision!

At first I was skeptical. (I am not tech advanced AT ALL). I am not used to the touchpad and it has been hard for me to click on the right letter/ fingers are not that big at all!
I went to set up my voicemail yesterday and it asked me for a pin password. I put my numbers in and then when I went to access it later my numbers wouldn't work!!!!! I was very frustrated. Luckily Dave fixed it.

:woohoo::woohoo:Last night I found some apps that made me VERY excited. I got a WDW times app that will show you times for opening/closing/parade/shows each day. This will be very helpful for our trip. I also got a WDW dining app that goes through each park and lists dining even has menus and pricing! My last app is park maps. I haven't gotten to play with it much but it looks pretty cool! It has a GPS that will show you where you are on the map!

Since we are flying our next decision is do we take the carseat for Amelia or not? I know she would be safer from turbulence in the carseat (she has her own seat) but I am thinking logistically here and getting us and all of our stuff through security and on the plane does not sound like much fun including a carseat. Then we have to decide where to put it in the room....also since we will be switching rooms. I don't know if it will just be more of a hassle. I don't even know if our carseat will fit the airplane. I guess that is the first thing I need to check. If it doesn't we won't be buying another.

So it's an official thumbs down for the WDW park map app that I downloaded. For some reason the Epcot and AK maps don't show up. I wish they would work because there is a cool thing that you can mark just your top priority attractions and check them off as you do them!

I have been looking at our schedule for the next two months and I am starting to get very stressed out. I don't know how I am going to get everything done in time. We only have 1 weekend between now and our vacation without something to do.

I work every other weekend which kinda stinks......

This weekend I work

Next weekend we go to the Lake with my husband's Dad and Stepmom.


Our only weekend free


Baby shower Saturday/Engagement Party Sunday


I go to IL for my Nephews' birthdays and Dave stays in STL to work

I work....Dave goes Deer Hunting and my parents come to StL to watch Amelia

Amelia's birthday party weekend


Work 4 days (Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday) and then leave for DISNEY!

Phew! It all should go by pretty fast! Especially once November gets here.

Sorry for my rant....I just needed to vent....Thanks for listening.....Now I have to get ready for work (I work one Friday night a month).

Hopefully I will have some time to get more Disney on Ice pics up this weekend!
Isn't it great:cool1::cool1::cool1: Hope you're having a great week-- our week has absolutely been horrible GenevaClaire was diagnosed with H1N1 yesterday, she's soooooo sick. She started Tamiflu yesterday (24 hrs since 1st symptom) It's horrible seeing her so sick:sad1:
Isn't it great:cool1::cool1::cool1: Hope you're having a great week-- our week has absolutely been horrible GenevaClaire was diagnosed with H1N1 yesterday, she's soooooo sick. She started Tamiflu yesterday (24 hrs since 1st symptom) It's horrible seeing her so sick:sad1:

Everyone send pixie dust and prayers Veronica's way.....she has a VERY sick little girl on her hands. Get well soon GenevaClaire!
I have been practicing my posting on my I phone and I think I will be able to do some updates on it while we are in Disney! It is kinda hard to add the Smilies in but that is ok.

In other news I bought our tickets for MVMCP. We will be attending December 3rd. I had originally thought I saw a party on the 2nd but I must have been dreaming! I hope the party is not too crowded.....the automated person on the phone said that night was almost sold out.

I am currently planning for Amelia's 2nd birthday party. We are planning on having it either November 22 or 21. I can't decide if a Saturday or Sunday party would be better......Sunday and I have Saturday to do last minute things....Saturday and we have Sunday to recover. It will just be immediate family again this year.....being so close to Thanksgiving makes it hard to do more than one party and a large party too. I guess she will get one big week long party 2 days after her real birthday (November 29th). I have stuff for her invites, I got a was actually a wedding kit for 50% off at michaels Plus I had a 50% coupon so that was a score. I am thinking cupcakes with chocolate shaped mickey heads on top....some with red bows and some without! I found some cool stuff at the party store for decorations! Oh yeah did I mention it would be a Mickey Mouse theme this year? Most of the stuff I found was Mickey Mouse Clubhouse stuff but I guess it will work! I promise to have pics up of whatever I do.
Hi! I found your report so now I know that you are flying. Good for you! I think in the long run it will be much easier. Rather than dragging my little guy's carseat along I have rented a CARES off ebay. You might want to consider that...
Oh, and Amelia is adorable!!! Love her Minnie outfit!

And we're not too far from you -- we live near 40 and 141.
Hi! I found your report so now I know that you are flying. Good for you! I think in the long run it will be much easier. Rather than dragging my little guy's carseat along I have rented a CARES off ebay. You might want to consider that...

Oh, and Amelia is adorable!!! Love her Minnie outfit!

And we're not too far from you -- we live near 40 and 141.

I just hope Amelia doesn't scream during the 2 hour flight! I told Dave he would need to do laps with her around the airport terminal so she would be nice and tired for the flight (we leave at her normal naptime). I need to look into this CARES thing...I have heard many mention it.

Thanks! We think she is quite cute ourselves....but we are biased! We live right off 44 and 141 so yup super close!
In other news I bought our tickets for MVMCP. We will be attending December 3rd. I had originally thought I saw a party on the 2nd but I must have been dreaming! I hope the party is not too crowded.....the automated person on the phone said that night was almost sold out.

We still haven't bought our tickets for the MVMCP. We are planning to go on my birthday the 29th :woohoo: I hope it works out, but if it happens to be bad weather I DO NOT want to be there, and if it's a sold out party not sure if we want to go either. Mel and I have discussed it and decided that we were going to wait until closer to time. Just hope we don't end up disappointed! But with our schedule we do have the option to go Sunday, Tues. or Thurs which is good :thumbsup2

And BTW your list of 'things to do' on the weekends makes our trip seem VERY close!! I'm so EXCITED and can't wait!!!

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