Is Universal Worth It

Wish Upon A Star

DIS Veteran
Aug 10, 2000
We haven't been to Universal Studios since 1991 mainly because it was a big dissapointment to us. Most of the attractions we wanted to see we closed . .ET, King Kong Just wondering if it is worth another look, DD 12 and DS 8 would love to see Nickelodeon . . .any thoughts?? <IMG SRC="/infopop/emoticons/icon_confused.gif" alt="confused">


"Can't Wait Till Dec 1st!!"

88/Hyatt Orlando
91/Sheraton Lakeside
99/Grand Floridian
01/Contemporary Tower
We went to Universal Studios and Islands of Adventure last June and we are planning to go again in March. Both parks were excellent but Islands of Adventure was the better of the two. You will notice a big change. Your kids will love the rides that they have there especially Spiderman, Duelling Dragons and the Hulk. The two water rides that they have there are also excellent and much better than any water rides at Disney. It hasn't the magic of Disney but some of the rides were much better.

Give it a go, I don't think you will be disappointed.
I would say it is worth it. As is Isles of Adventure. I was skeptical as well, being a huge DW fan and not wanted to take time away from being there. But I really enjoyed Men in Black, Back to the Future, Twister, and Terminator at Universal. It's definitely worth another try for you. And Isles of Adventure is a super park with great theming. If you have time, I would reccomend both parks. If you're really motivated you could do the best of both of them in one day... have fun!

"The magic is as wide
as a smile and as
narrow as a wink, loud
as laughter and quiet
as a tear, tall as a tale
and deep as emotion.
So strong, it can lift the
spirit. So gentle, it can
touch the heart. It is the
magic that begins the
happily ever after."
THAT is Disney! ;-)
I don't think you're going to get anyone on these boards that will say USF and IOA are not worth the time!! Every year we stay at Disney and shuttle back and forth to USF and IOA. This year, we've decided to stay at Disney for 8 days and then stay at Portofino for 4 days because we love Universal parks so much, but don't want to entirely give up Disney!
It was our first time to Disney and to Universal last year. I would say that we loved them all for different reasons. I think that IOA can't be beaten for rides. I'm sure the children will love it. My DS did. This year we will be splitting our time between Disney and Universal.

Disneyland Paris Halloween 1999 & Christmas 2000
Off site Easter 2000 & Easter 2001
Your kids are at a great age for Universal. My kids ages 11 & 14 preferred USF & IOA to Disney this year, better rides.



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