Is this a Bad thing??

Mackey Mouse

Me read the Navigator? I don't
May 21, 2000
OK, I admit it, I am rushing the seasons.. I say c'mon Spring, we can whip through Summer, and then it will be Fall, my favorite time of year, Thanksgiving, and drum roll please, Dis Convention 2001.

<font color=purple>Mac-key Mouse</font>

Coordinator of the First Annual Official Dis Convention
Co-Moderator Theme Parks Attractions & Strategies
Co-Moderator Trip Reports
Co-Host Wednesday Night Chat


I love the Sring though. It's baseball season, and my 12 year old plays baseball. I live for Baseball season and watching him play! I love baseball almost as much as I do Disney, and believe me, that's saying a lot! So I realisticly would have a hard time skipping till Thanksgiving, BUT I know there'd be a GREAT consolation then :) Gerri

Marsha -

Are you REALLLLLLLY ready for it to be time for DIS Con?

1. Do you have your canned corn packed?
2. Have you practiced for IASW karioake?
3. Did you get the Nyquil in the industrial econo-size for the shots you'll have to drink before participating in #2?
4. Do you have your inflatable head-bopping hammer for pool-side chats?
5. Did you practice for the emu-eating contest?
6. Have you recorded your "yes, I'm glad it's finally here!" sound byte, to be played over and over again when each attendee asks?
7. Have you practiced eating from the dessert cart and then bungee jumping to simulate the Fantasmic Viewing/Tower of Terror event?
8. Did you prepare the cardboard Dan & Pete stand-ups, so everyone can get their picture taken with them without wearing out the original models?
9. Is your "moof speak" up-to-date?
10. Have you cleaned the fabric store out of lime green ribbon?

If you answered no to any one of these questions, you'll need all the time you can get! ;) Savor the relative sanity while you can...only 8 more months to go! :D :D :D



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Gail a/k/a CookieGVB

"All you need is mugs..."

Oh Gail...I am LOL...that is hysterical! :D :)

I better add those to my 'to do lists' ;)

I'm going to take in Spring nice and slow....but Summer can whiz by and I won't cry....because bring on Fall and DIS-Con 2001!!!!! :D :D :D

Yahoo! :)

<font color=green size=3>Boise DIS Meet,
March 17th 2:00pm
Red Robin, on Parkcenter Blvd.</font>

<font color=red size=4>HAVE A DISNEY DAY</font>

<font color=navy size=3>M-I-C...see you at The DIS Convention, K-E-Y...why? Because we LOVE Disney, M-O-U-S-Eeee...</font>
I'm anxious for Easter to roll around, because I have a brief trip planned the week after. Then I'll be anxious for late July to get here, because I'll be at the Swan/Dolphin for part of the Cheerleader "thingie." Then and only then will I be in a hurry for Thanksgiving weekend and our trip to FL to see relatives before DIS-CON!! :D
Cookie, that was one of the funniest things I have read in a while.. Gee, I answered no to just about all of them...I am stating this right now to all of you.. NO WAY, NO HOW, NO TOWER OF TERROR, it would not matter if I drank two bottles of king size Nyquil.... But I am ready for karaoke, a couple of schnapps, and I am sure I will singing my heart out.. I hope they have Linda Ronstadt's "A Different Drum" when she was in the Stone Ponies, that is my song or so my daughters tell me all the time..

I was just sort of teasing about the rushing the seasons, just having fun...

<font color=purple>Mac-key Mouse</font>

Coordinator of the First Annual Official Dis Convention
Co-Moderator Theme Parks Attractions & Strategies
Co-Moderator Trip Reports
Co-Host Wednesday Night Chat


Tower of Terror ?????? :eek: ???????

No way! I'm with you Marsha. Thunder Mountain Railroad is my limit....if I do Splash Mountain it will be a miracle! We've been to Disneyland or WDW 5 times in the last 9 years and no one has been able to talk me into yet...I doubt November will be any different! :rolleyes: :)

<font color=green size=3>Boise DIS Meet,
March 17th 2:00pm
Red Robin, on Parkcenter Blvd.</font>

<font color=red size=4>HAVE A DISNEY DAY</font>

<font color=navy size=3>M-I-C...see you at The DIS Convention, K-E-Y...why? Because we LOVE Disney, M-O-U-S-Eeee...</font>
Yikes! I am in trouble. :eek: I answered no to all of the above!!!!! Well, I can probably do the IASW karoake with little or no prep. Yes, that's pretty sad, I know. What can I say? :rolleyes: I'm looking forward to the convention a lot, but I LOVE summer and don't want to rush through that at all. Once summer's through, it's a go to DIS-CON ASAP!!!!!! :D8

Barb-for Real!
Been there, done that, GOING BACK!

Cookie, you are too funny!

I can't wait for summer to get here! I am so sick of the snow!!

After that, I will be bummed that winter is on it's way, but I have the Convention to look forward to!!

<font color=#FF0066 size=4 face="Comic Sans MS">Kim</font>

Visit my Webpage!
<font color=#FF0066> <font size=4> <font face=comic sans ms> <marquee direction="right" align="middle" behavior="alternate">257 days until the Convention!</marquee></font></font></font>



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