Is one day enough?


Gosh, it sure is swell in here.
Jan 27, 2001
Going to Disney in May for 7 days. Plan on doing one day at US/IOA. We're 4 adults, no kids. Is that enough time or do we need two days?
No, one day is not enough. We went one day to each park, but needed more time. US and IOA are great. Just as much fun as Disney. Even the adults loved eating green eggs and ham at IOA. Really brings the old story to life.
We are doing IOA with our three kids ages 11, 8, and 6 during the week of March 11th.
Planning on visiting it on a Thursday (maybe Monday). We are only spending one day and I'm wondering if it will be enough time.
Ruby, you should be able to see most of IOA. We spent a lot of time in Suessville and rode Ripsaw Falls (you WILL get WET) and Barge Rats a few times. Also had to run back to get X-Men autographs. Only line we had to wait long in is Pterradon flyer(?). The kids said that ride was not worth it and it was boring. Parents could not go on the ride unless they were taking a young(not sure of age) ride. We went clockwise around from Suessville and completely missed the last land area. We will allow more time next year. One thing, get the IOA passports. Your kids will love them. They get stamps at different shops in each land. When they are filled, you take it to the exit and get a special collectors pin for each passport. If I would have known that, I would have bought one for myself also. I think your kids are at the perfect age for this park as mine are right in there also. Try to get eat at Confiscos, great character interaction. If you would have an extra day, Universal Studios is also GREAT! Kids could not leave there. Besides us, only the workers and security were anywhere around after closing. I was worried we would get escorted out.
We have 4 boys ages 10, 9, 8 and 5 (at the time)...which park would you suggest for us?? We have only 1 day. TIA!

<font face="Comic Sans MS">

<font color="blue">first family vacation--WDW--July 2001</font>
Plan on at least 2 days. I spent 2 days in the parks and felt rushed. I seriously could have spent at least 4 days in both parks and not have felt satisfied. LOL :D

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<font size=4 color=blue>Kevin</font>
<font size=2 color=navy>Mariah: The Collection - 73 CDs and Counting.</font>
<font size=2 color=dark red>Newest CD: Against Alls Odds UK Limited Edition</font>
<font color=purple> <font size=2>A Strength to Survive, A Desire to Dream - All That
Glitters September 2001
Be fair and allot A day for each theme park if you have never visited either of them previously. You wouldn't try to do any one of the Disney Parks in less than a day, so allow the same philosophy for enjoyment to any non-Disney park.
Look at the website info, find what type of info appeals to your family profile and choose only one park if you only have one day. Don't force tour them both together. No matter which park you choose, you will HAVE FUN. Just do yourself a favor and do not try to cram too much into one day off-site.
It's a tough decision to limit yourself to just one, but if you have chosen just one day off-site, choose just one park. Seeing the other park in the nearby proximity is a big tease to do both, but don't give into temptation if you can not allot time to properly do both.
Choose One and
Thanks for all of your replies. We've decided to do 2 days, one at each park. We're doing 5 nights at the Animal Kingdom Lodge, and now we'll do one night at Hard Rock Cafe. After reading this board, I'm already planning a future weekend for more time at US/IOA!
Will definetely buy PASSPORTS for the kiddos (how much are they?)

Will look into Confisco's also for eats. Is it a busy place? how reasonable in pricing? (which is EXTREMELY important to us on this trip)

we SO look forward to going.

WHY do you have to have a child ride with you on the Pteradacton thingy ride? just curious.
Passports cost (I think) $5 or so.

Meals at Confscio's run from $10-$15 per person.

As for Pterandon Flyers limitation, way back when the park first opened, queues were at least 45 minutes long. The ride was intended for kids, but a lot of adults rode it too, making the wait time long. So now, you must have a kid with you to ride it. Waits have gone down to around 15-30 minutes.


Barry Hom
The moderator formerly known as Barry aka usagi
Moderator, Universal and Sea World Boards

"If you were me, you'd be good looking."
Ruby, sorry it took so long to post a reply. Passports were between 5 and 8 dollars. I remember it being very reasonable. Confiscos didn't cost that much. If I remember, they had kids meals. The pizza was the best. I think they said it was cooked in a special oven? Two of us shared a hamburger meal. It was definitely enough to eat. The bill came to around $27 dollars for 4 of us and that included sodas. Considering what we pay for a character meal at WDW, I felt this was great. The meal wouldn't have taken much time out of our day except we had to wait around to see all the characters. They do not all come out at once. Except for Spiderman, we saw all the rest of the characters (from the meal) elsewhere along the path around the park.


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