Is it a pain?....


Bad to the Bone
Apr 29, 2001
We will be staying at HRH, but intend to spend 3 days in US parks and 2 in DIS, but we're not moving. We will continue to stay at HRH...Is this a pain or is it fairly easy to go to Epcot and B.Beach while at the US resort? Park hopping so to speak... Has anyone visited both US and DIS without moving from hotel to hotel?
I think there are coaches between the two but we just hopped in a taxi. It cost about $25 - $30 dollars one way last year. Expensive but easy and comfortable!
We did this last month with a rental car. Split our stay between CBR and HRH. DD said we should have stayed at HRH for the whole week. Takes about 20 min drive from Epcot parking lot or HRH parking lot. Easy drive too.
Our last stay in Orlando was at the Grand Cypress Hyatt and they had car rental onsite at the hotel. Do they have this service available for guests at HRH?...If not, will car rental services drop off and pick up cars at the hotel. If so, it may be easier and cheaper to just rent a car to get to epcot and bb.


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