Is anybody else not impressed with the new discounts?


Enjoys an early hour of peace. Is a smart cookie.
Jan 8, 2000
Value resorts for $84? This is suppose to be a bargain? Anybody else disappointed?

It is peak season... the rack rate is $109 for Value Resorts, Standard View (roughly ~23% off). The moderate discount is roughly 30% (169 vs. 119), and the Animal Kingdom Lodge discount is roughly 35% (289 v 189). I would assume the reason is that the Value resorts would still fill up with less of a discount, and the Deluxe resorts are having a tough time filling rooms... Just a guess.
Last year there were no discounts at all in March. As it is peak season I wasn't expecting anything. I found $121/night at a moderate with AmEx last year and had to apply for the card at the last minute to get it! Rack rate is tough to pay so I think the discounts are a nice suprise:) . Just MHO
I don't remember ever seeing discounts in March.:D
I was surprised to see any discounts at all because it is peak season. My cousin just booked her stay beginning on the 9th & got a Savannah View at AKL. :bounce:

She will be staying until the 16th & was able to get the rate for the entire stay, so I think that's pretty good.
We did the same as onceuponadream last year, ended up applying for the AMEX card at the last minute to get the best discount, otherwise all that was offered was AAA & DC and they weren't that great. I envy all of you who can go during value season but unfortunately our schedule won't allow us to do that. I was really surprised (and happy :p ) to see code rates come out for this time of year!! ~:D~
It's peak season. Unusual to see any discounts for that time period. That Disney even offered them for Peak season must have something to do with the economy the way it is.
You guys are right! I guess I shouldn't be complaining. It just won't help me for our Spring Break trip even though our Spring Break will be within the time limits of the new discounts. I just hope there are really good ones for the end of July-August.

It was soooo busy everywhere at Disney I am honestly surprised they discount at all! I was told they are extremely heavily booked right through summer with the exception of mid January to the end of February. Then it's crazy busy!

If you look around at what some 'dumpy' hotels charge per'd be surprised what a bang you get for your buck at Disney!!:(
:Pinkbounc We were sooooooo happy to see the discounts. Especially after chatting on thr boards and finding out they rarely have such deals during March. This, plus an awesome find on a non-stop flight after weeks of playing the up and down airfare game, allowed us to make this unplanned trip a reality. We didn't anticipate a trip until possibly next Dec. when everything is cheaper, but now my DH can do the inline marathon on 3/30!

So happy with discount code!!!!!:bounce:
I'm always impressed when I can get any type of discount off rack rates. It is not that long ago there was no such thing at Disney!
I'm always impressed when I can get any type of discount off rack rates. It is not that long ago there was no such thing at Disney!

Amen, Trekker!

I've paid rack rates and discount...
Discount is better! ;)
I know that when we went to WDW in March of 2001, we got a very good discount at PO-R. It was under $100 inc tax. We haven't been since, but I booked a room at ASMo for February using the BRH code and I wasn't impressed with the rate - $84 before tax. I inquired about an AP rate, but there are none right now and don't know if there will be any for that time period. I thought of buying an AP just to get a better discount if the math worked out.

It seems very easy right now to book a room for next month and to get PS's. So I think attendance must be down at WDW. I don't know if they're charging more because less people are coming, or if more people would come if they charged less. I'm sure Disney spends millions of dollars on research about this type of thing.


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