Is $100 a day enough?


Jan 27, 2001
Can anyone offer any advice on how much to budget for food each day at WDW? We are a family of 3 (myself, DH, and DS who will be 6 yo at the time). I hope to go to at least 2 character meals, a breakfast and a dinner. Other than that maybe eat at the ASMo food court and fast food places.
$100 a day should be fine. We were a family of 4 at All Star Movies, and we set aside $100 for food each day, and some days we had money left over. We ate breakfast in our room, (cereal, poptarts, ect brought from home) lunch and a couple dinners at the parks, and dinner a few nights back at the food court (excellent food by the way) You'll be able to do it, enjoy yourself!
$100 per day should be enough for you... We did it last year and we were just fine.. We ate 2 character meals and then a majority of the time we just went back to allstar movies and ate in the food court..

I would suggest for you to purchase a refillable mug.. They are definitely worth the money in just a few sittings.. I used to wash one out each morning before we left to go to the parks and then just stuck it in the backpack and that way in the evening on the way back to the room, I would fill it up and always had a drink readily available..

Another suggestion is to bring envelopes for each day and put the $100 in them beforehand.. That way you have the money already divided up and you don't have to keep track of it.. If you have extra money one day, at the end of the night just stick it in the next days envelope and that way you have a little extra to spend the next day.. We did this and came home with money last year.....

This year I am allowing a little bit more per day , but I am doing the envelope thing to keep things more organized...


as a family of 3 on a visit in 1999 we only did 2 character meals and ate dinner at Rainforest Cafe over our 7 night stay. Most else was counter service. I pulled $200 from the ATM each morning for food and any souvenirs we might pick up, and used my debit card for purchases over $30 (usually for souvenirs and dinner) and what cash I didn't spend I kept for the next day. Worked out well for us, came home with $150 in my pocket after stopping 3 times for gas and breakfast on the long drive home.

All-Star Movies 11/1999
______________ 6/2002
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I think it is possible to do the 100 dollar thing However, Disney is for a vacation and if it arises that your child or even you wants a 6 dollar ice cream cone go on and splurge. You deserve it!!!! Remember the real world when you leave. The little extra you spend whether it be 10$ a day will be worth it in the eyes of your child and who knows when you will be back again. Good Luck and have a great time!!!! <IMG WIDTH="15" HEIGHT="15" SRC="/infopop/emoticons/icon_razz.gif" alt="razz">
I think that is more than enough. I was in Orlando early January, we had breakfast in the hotel room. Lunch is usually in the parks, and typically run about 30 to 40 dollars. At night we would go to a fancy restaurant and use the entertainment coupon book, which entitles you to one more entree when a second of greater or equal value is purchased. On average I spend about 90 dollars per day on food.


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