Info on getting into Nick Shows ???


Earning My Ears
Mar 20, 2001
I will be in Universal 3/31 to 4/7 and my sons are most excited about seeing Slime Time Live. Does anyone have any hints or tips about getting in and where can I find info on show times ect..
This will be our first trip to Universal and we are all very excited. THanks for any help you might have


Barry Hom
The moderator formerly known as Barry aka usagi
Moderator, Universal and Sea World Boards

"If you were me, you'd be good looking."
Is there a web site that you can go to that shows the days/time of the scheduled shows (in hopes you might can get on them?). Thanks

Sharon in Florida
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I had the same question, and basically if you have a whole day to devote to going and no children under age 5 or 6 (not sure on the age), it is possible!
We are going to be at HRH for 2 days and I told my 9yo DD we cannot take an entire day for Slime Time. She was not pleased with me, but I am sure she will be grateful since we only have 2 days and going on rides etc. will be much more important in the long run.
hi i think i got the answer to your problem slime time live tapes inside and outside from 4-5 every day. i forget how your get the tickets to be on the show and stuff though
P.S. get there a little early if you dont bye tickets or you wont see a thing
have fun there
from Suz <IMG WIDTH="15" HEIGHT="15" SRC="/infopop/emoticons/icon_razz.gif" alt="razz">
I would also like to inform that "Slime Time Live" was also doing a Saturday night taping this past week. I don't know if this is continuous or one time only, but they tape from 8-10p (during SNICK). I believe that tickets are distributed in front of Nick Studios at 5:30p. Obviously, tix are very scarce so line up early. If you can't get tickets, you can always watch them from the back, though you won't be on TV.

It was a rather interesting thing (and all during Mardi Gras!). They had Hulk Hogan out that night (3/17), so I was certainly a suprsise to see a superstar at USF!



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While we were there the line outside for tickets started forming right around 11:30am My neighbor stood in line with her daughter for 4 hours for them to pass out tickets to the show. you must be at least 9 to participate in the show, but at any age you can get tickets, you just have to be standing in line to get them. My neighbors daughter enjoyed the show, but in my opinion, my kids enjoyed the nick studio tour where they get to do a non-taped show at the end called game time, just as much if not more. They really could not tell that this was not a real show. But if you have all that time to waste for tickets, then enjoy!
we were at US one day last week and people were lined up for tickets at noon, and we were told they gave out tix at 2, so we came back at 1:30, and the tix were already passed out, and we couldnt get in...the next day we did the tour (with front of the line passes), and it was fun...


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