In Search of My Body....Not the One I ATE! Vol. 5: Goddesses are Always on Top!


I've been wanting to write this to you all day. But guys it's my weekend. I adore NBA All Star Weekend and especially All Star Saturday Night. Just adore it.

Liz! Listen. Here's the thing. You know how we have our gym in our condo. Jean and I both are treadmill users. Me - mostly as part of my intervals. Jean is an athlete. You know athlete all her life. Bball, soccer anything. But she carries any bulk/size in her upper legs. I have thick legs as well. Me all over.

Well, here's the thing. You have said many times comments about your lower half.

So we have been forced to do some of our cardio on our old Gazelle here. Suddenly. I have to use it for some of my three minute intervals in my interval program. And I use it for long, slow off days. It's the highest end model. The most expensive. Has three levels of resistance - fourth being no resistance. And it's heavy heavy unlike the cheaper models so you're already moving more. So I haven't used it in a long long time because the tension levels does funny things to my a$$ and it's hard to keep my HR up enough without the tension. And I like the treadmill and my gym.

But Liz - both our bodies have changed. This quickly - since we've been back and forth to both places. The gazelle, which people put down because of being hard to keep HR up (not with the tension model), really changes body shape.

Jean's is huge. Jean is in shock with her legs. Her weight has not changed. But it has stretched out her quads big time. Me too. And we know it is it because it is our only change. And she does it on heavy tension and is not building.

Also, my classical stretch tape (like ballet - Miranda Esmonde Whilte) is doing some things to my legs as well.

Don't be scared about the crazy things it does to my a$$. It makes Jean's nicer. :sad2: Yes, I'm envious and pissed. :lmao:

I hope I haven't offended. It's just that you mention legs regularly. And Jean is in shock and is an athlete so that's saying a lot. A lot.

It kills me when some think one's body can't change from certain exercises. You just have to look at athletes. Soccer players, sycronized swimmers, tight ends, runners, hockey players, gymnasts - all different. Anyway, it really stretches you out.
Amy - I should be talking about the race since I'm raced obsessed and you did so well. But forget it ........

You look flippin' fantastic!!! Holy crapola!
Just registered.

NOW. My 76 year old AUNT just sent me a friend request :eek: How come SHE can do this and I'm completely paralyzed :confused3 I made DD13 promise not to mock, belittle or otherwise taunt me - and set me up.

:rotfl: :lmao: :rotfl: Okay, made my night. So made my night. :rotfl: :lmao: :rotfl:

There's hope for us Nancy. An outer of region of Toronto has an 88 year old mayor. No typo. It's her 88th birthday today. She doesn't use a computer. :lmao: Has a blackberry but doesn't touch it. :laughing:

And she's fierce. Gosh, facebook in my face. After I said none of my friends are on it - one of mine tells me last night "Lisa, are you on facebook? I put the kids pics on there". :rolleyes:
Good middle-of-the-night everyone! Insomnia here. Not fun. I get bouts from time to time.

Roddy--I can't believe that Kat didn't tell you what happens to the thread after 200 pages! :rotfl2: You sir, are a blast and a great addition to our group!

Paula--again, I am so amazed by you! You are away and the only thing you are focused on is getting your workout in! :worship: AWESOME. Seeing this transformation in you is such a joy. Sounds like you did great on your food! Good for you!

On working out when away--I was going to mention exercise on demand, but it sounds like you figured that out already. :goodvibes Love LisaV's idea of a portable DVD player and bringing your own workout dvds. Excellent idea! And in a pinch, I do the hotel stairs. Hotels almost always have several floors, right? So I just go up and down in the stairwell for as long as I need to. And there is NO NEED to go fast. Just walk up several flights of stairs and a normal pace is an awesome work-out. You will definitely get your heart rate up. (And as soon as Kat and Liz read this, they will be full of all sorts of comments about me and hotel stairs. :rolleyes1 :rotfl2: And full of comments about doing core while in a hotel room...)

And yes! You win the champagne quiz! Perfectly described. And in fact, here we are, just as you described--tiaras on, castle in background, champagne in hand (Newbs, this is Kat, me in the middle, Paula -- Liz was taking the picture):


The champagne!!:


And here is Liz and Kat (LOVE this pic of you two!):


And P.S. I just looked at these pics once posted, and I am definitely smaller now than I was in Dec. My face! Wow, I didn't realize till just this minute but I have lost more in my face. It may be time for me to post new pics of me. I will take a bunch for the tri, I am sure.

And Lisa! You are SO RIGHT about Paula being a cutie! Totally cute!

Funny story--

So while in Epcot on Day 1, we get a call from Paula on my cell. We were scheduled to meet up with her for the first time that night. I asked, "Where in the park are you right now?" She said she was in the cue at Mission: Space. I told her that we were walking by MS at that exact moment. So we hung up and Kat, Liz and I bolt into MS. There is Paula...we all hug and say our hellos, etc. Chat for a couple of minutes and then make our plans for getting together later that night.

Anyway, the very first thing I said to her was, "OMG, look how cute you are!" And Liz, Kat and I all agreed that her pics on the thread have not done her justice! A friend of hers had taken several of the pics she had posted of herself. Liz banned him from ever taking her pic again! :rotfl2: We all were like, "No...he cannot take your picture anymore! He doesn't do you justice!"

We then went our separate ways and I swear the 3 of us talked about how we couldn't believe how cute Paula is for like 20 minutes!

So yes, Lisa, she is definitely a cutie for sure!

Yes, I am still awake. Never was able to fall back asleep last night. Today is going to be miserable. Off to church...
So we have been forced to do some of our cardio on our old Gazelle here. Suddenly. I have to use it for some of my three minute intervals in my interval program. And I use it for long, slow off days. It's the highest end model. The most expensive. Has three levels of resistance - fourth being no resistance. And it's heavy heavy unlike the cheaper models so you're already moving more. So I haven't used it in a long long time because the tension levels does funny things to my a$$ and it's hard to keep my HR up enough without the tension. And I like the treadmill and my gym.

But Liz - both our bodies have changed. This quickly - since we've been back and forth to both places. The gazelle, which people put down because of being hard to keep HR up (not with the tension model), really changes body shape.

That is exciting news. Love it! But now I'll have to buy it and let it sit. cause that's what I do.


Yes, I am still awake. Never was able to fall back asleep last night. Today is going to be miserable. Off to church...

Goodness. Maybe it was the alcohol.

I didn't go to church. I am so in love with sleep this winter. It seems to win more than anything else. I slept till 9:30. MMMMM.

Amy - love the pictures. You look so awesome. And little D - such a happy little life she leads.

Roddy - do you live close to family or all alone in your own city? I wonder. I'm impressed at how much prep you do for eating. I struggle with that. When I'm hungry I need to eat right now. Period. I can't be making things from scratch.

Kat - she should be playing right now, right?

Paula - I'm impressed too!

Liz - that was one week for tile. Whoo hoo.

Ok, off to the office. Oh and I dreamed about taxes and easter candy.

"HI" to everyone. I should be on and off all day.
Good morning everyone - i hope everyone is doing well (Erika-hope you make it through the day without falling over and can get some sleep tonight!)

Ack, so i went to the gym (at 7:30 again) and again, was there for 2 hours, what the hell! I burn from head to toe (ok, maybe shoulder to toe) and it feels, awesome. lol

I can see how this can get addicting...

Off to shower..... Hope everyone is having a great weekend!

I didn't go to church. I am so in love with sleep this winter. It seems to win more than anything else. I slept till 9:30. MMMMM.

Roddy - do you live close to family or all alone in your own city? I wonder. I'm impressed at how much prep you do for eating. I struggle with that. When I'm hungry I need to eat right now. Period. I can't be making things from scratch.

Kat - she should be playing right now, right?

I overslept and didn't make it to church either. So, don't feel bad, Ladies. Speaking of the HockeyKat (who forgot to tell me a new thread starts after 200 pages), I'm in so much trouble when she gets finished and reads what I posted yesterday. :rotfl2:

I would like to sit here and say that I eat hummus, guacamole and salsa regularly or that there's always some in fridge. However, that isn't the case. I love those things and other gourmet and homemade things but I don't make them as often as I like because I don't have a lot of time for prep. Especially not Monday through Thursday. I have a weird living situation. I took this house over from my parents, they have a house in the NC Mountains. But, they stay here when they decide they want to be here. So some months I have housemates and some months I'm all alone (which is lovely). Really though, It's no big deal and it works. When they're here they aren't much help with a diet. As for the rest of my family, they all live around here and I'm in touch with them regularly. I have a sister and two brothers. All of which have or have had their battles with weight, parents too. With my sister and I, it's more apparent that we have weight problems. She's very heavy and I've tried to get her to go on my diet thing with me and she says she will but doesn't. I worry about her because she's 37 years old and is already on bp meds and cholesterol meds. My two younger brothers, on the other hand, to look at them you would never imagine they've had past weight issues because they're both tall (6') and skinny looking now. Their jobs seem to help them, the older one works for the state road crew and has a very physical job. The youngest, he's a cop and his crazy schedule and physical training does it for him. Geez, this turned into a family history :lmao: . Oh, and there's my sisters husband. He was tall and skinny until he married my sister, now he's tall and looks pregnant.
What is this step workout that you speak of? I'll be needing some details...

I did find an exercise on demand station on the TV so I did get a good thigh and butt workout in. Not really cardio, but at least I moved right?

I use the landing and first step to get some extra cardio in and add some arm movements. Nothing too specific, just movement and I walk the steps too.
Good Morning Everybody!

Ah sleep! I got 10 hours of it last night and I am bouncing off the walls now.

E - you have my sympathy. I get alot of sleepless nights too and it sucks.

Lisa - are you on Facebook yet? ;)

Stacey - so awesome. Great motivation.

Lyz - have fun with the taxes:scared:

Liz - Bruce? Didn't you say somebody saw him???

Everybody else - :wave2:
NOW. My 76 year old AUNT just sent me a friend request :eek: How come SHE can do this and I'm completely paralyzed :confused3 I made DD13 promise not to mock, belittle or otherwise taunt me - and set me up.

:rotfl: Sorry to laugh! I took ages to set up a Facebook account - I still don't know how people find the application thingys that they send you :confused3 Oh well, im on there and thats enough! :rotfl:

Just a quick checkin before I go down for a nap.

Game last night was AWESOME!!! Our goalie really came through for us (which is the main thing I was worried about), and though the other team totally outmatched us, we held our own. Only losing 2-0 is a big deal for us, as the other team is the one that most of us would play on if we were any better.

This morning was fargin EARLY! Even the cats were like blink, nah, I'm not getting up. I left the house at 6:30. Bleah. The game went okay, that team is a lot more aggressive so there was more bumping and such, and two girls got hurt (mostly from bumping leading to running into the boards) but luckily not too badly. We lost 3-1 but again, not too bad.

Okay, game at 7 tonight and then again (likely) at 9:30AM tomorrow. I may not have time to check in again until tomorrow afternoon as I am staying after tonight to scorekeep for the game after me, and may stay to help out at the game after that.

Amy, thanks for starting the new thread! Love the short sweet intro, it is so much more "me" than the long sappy stuff. Did I mention I am so not-sappy that we don't even celebrate v-day in this house (at my request)? :laughing:

Stacey, SOOO SOOO SOOO proud of you. I know you were worried about joining a gym and I am so excited that you got past that and found one that you are going to love!!! Such a big step!! :yay:

Hope everyone else is having a great weekend and thanks for all the well-wishes. :goodvibes

:banana: Awesome Kat, Have a great rest of the tournament!

Okay, off to do errands with Nick. Aren't we romantic?

Last year on Valentines Day me and DH went and did the grocery shopping, then when we got back we ate a pizza and listened to my favourite football (soccer) teams game on the radio, while watching the rest of the football scores on the tv with the sound down! Hows that for romance :lmao:

SO, I totally kicked the 10k's A$$ this morning

:cool1: You rock! And your pictures are fabulous - you look good!

Oh, did I mention that the HockeyKat (who forgot to tell me a new thread starts after 200 pages) forgot to tell me a new thread starts after 200 pages? :confused3 -- AY QUE MUY BONITA!! :rotfl2:

Ok you are too funny! You made me snort laugh - and that is not attractive, but very funny! :lmao:

Hi Everyone!

So last night me and DH had an Indian Takeaway. It was so good! However, it did put me around 10000 points over my daily allowance. Not really, it was 30 points over :scared1:
So, to try and undo some of the damage I have done the Disco Dance DVD this morning, then I took my niece for a walk for an hour earlier. Will it undo the damage - who knows :confused3

Does anyone else find it difficult to exist on the same planet as Billy Maize?

I mean, he's a nightmare, he comes on my television and is all in my grill like an Army drill sergeant. It's like "IF YOU DON'T BUY OXYCLEAN YOUR GONNA DROP AND GIVE ME 50 BOY!!!! :scared1: "

Now he's selling this re-engineered George Foreman thing.

Oh and I wanted to let everyone know that being on this board has inspired me to write Disney-theme Goth poetry.

Osmosis just revealed to me that the MK is the Magic Kingdom, so no more explanation needed on that one.

I think my boredom is beginning to show. :surfweb:

Does anyone else find it difficult to exist on the same planet as Billy Maize?

I mean, he's a nightmare, he comes on my television and is all in my grill like an Army drill sergeant. It's like "IF YOU DON'T BUY OXYCLEAN YOUR GONNA DROP AND GIVE ME 50 BOY!!!! :scared1: "

Now he's selling this re-engineered George Foreman thing.

I have no clue who he is, but in support of you I dislike him as well! Im nothing if not supportive! :lmao:

Oh and I wanted to let everyone know that being on this board has inspired me to write Disney-theme Goth poetry.

:rotfl: I cannot wait to hear it!

Osmosis just revealed to me that the MK is the Magic Kingdom, so no more explanation needed on that one.

I think my boredom is beginning to show. :surfweb:

:rotfl: Im flipping between the football (soccer) and the cricket. Too much sport on at the same time, and I can't decide which I want to watch. So im watching both whilst making sugar free jelly and surfing the internet. Multi-tasking! :rotfl:
:rotfl: Im flipping between the football (soccer) and the cricket. Too much sport on at the same time, and I can't decide which I want to watch. So im watching both whilst making sugar free jelly and surfing the internet. Multi-tasking! :rotfl:

Multi-tasking is great. I do that a lot, not because I'm efficient but because I'm impatient and it seems that if I multi-task I don't have to wait around as much.

Billy Maize is this guy that does infomercials on tv and he yells while he's doing his dialog, it awful. I feel about him like you seem to feel about Rutger Hauer :rotfl2:

ugh.. -

Oh, a snort laugh! :lmao: Gotta love those.

I need Kat to make me a list with everyone's handle then their name so I can learn everyone.
Multi-tasking is great. I do that a lot, not because I'm efficient but because I'm impatient and it seems that if I multi-task I don't have to wait around as much.

Billy Maize is this guy that does infomercials on tv and he yells while he's doing his dialog, it awful. I feel about him like you seem to feel about Rutger Hauer :rotfl2:

Rutger Hauer :scared1: I have nightmares about him, I really do. Its the eyes. Scary eyes.

ugh.. -

Well Billy Maize is just a big old pile of Shouty isn't he. Why the shouting? I don't need to hear anything that loud! :rotfl:

Oh, a snort laugh! :lmao: Gotta love those.

I need Kat to make me a list with everyone's handle then their name so I can learn everyone.

Ive got a cheat sheet too. Too many names to remember!
Im Kelly, but I answer to Kelly (obviously :lmao: ), Bella (too clumsy for words), Fergie - anything really!
:rotfl: Im flipping between the football (soccer) and the cricket. Too much sport on at the same time, and I can't decide which I want to watch. So im watching both whilst making sugar free jelly and surfing the internet. Multi-tasking! :rotfl:

Ive got a cheat sheet too. Too many names to remember!
Im Kelly, but I answer to Kelly (obviously :lmao: ), Bella (too clumsy for words), Fergie - anything really!

I agree, Rutger does have cold soul-less eyes. I watched something with him in it as a child and it scarred my psyche. Maybe it was Blade runner. :confused3

With Billy Maize or Maise or Mays, whatever, it's the shouting that does it but it's deeper than just the shouting. I mean, I like Gordon Ramsay and he's a shouter. I'm thinking it's a combo. Like, the shouting, plus the scary over-zealous excitement about cleaning products and non-stick hamburger things. Not to mention the beard. The beard is not of human origin. It isn't natural. It's either alien technology or of demonic influence. :lmao:
I agree, Rutger does have cold soul-less eyes. I watched something with him in it as a child and it scarred my psyche. Maybe it was Blade runner. :confused3

Blade Runner and the one where he was a blind man did me. Hes dead behind the eyes. :rotfl:

With Billy Maize or Maise or Mays, whatever, it's the shouting that does it but it's deeper than just the shouting. I mean, I like Gordon Ramsay and he's a shouter. I'm thinking it's a combo. Like, the shouting, plus the scary over-zealous excitement about cleaning products and non-stick hamburger things. Not to mention the beard. The beard is not of human origin. It isn't natural. It's either alien technology or of demonic influence. :lmao:

His over-use of the words "flippin' and floppin'" did it for me. The hamburger thingies did not look nice. I would rather eat the raw meat.
He does have the beard of a demon, thats for sure :lmao:

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