I was in a similar situation & e-mailed my coordinator who is WONDERFUL! Our wedding is planned for Sept 2007 and we recently received an e-mail from her containing information pertaining to the contract -- stuff for us to fill out & e-mail back, as well as other helpful information in it such as the hotel rates.
You should be receiving an e-mail from your consultant containing:
1. Room block information -- an Excel file to fill out (what hotel(s) you have selected and the number of nights you want at each hotel, by day)
2. Contract information -- how do you want your name & your fiance's name listed, contact information, etc.
3. Complimentary website provided Disney -- your color choice, additional event information, bridal registry, etc.
4. Guest list for save the date announcements (Excel file to fill out). My understanding is this is not needed prior to having the contract being prepared.
Hope this helps --