I'm going to Universal and IOA this summer!!...Lot's of questions..


Apr 28, 2001
Hello all,
Well, I have decided that when I drive down to Florida this summer to visit relatives in Daytona that I'm going to take the kids over to Universal and IOA. I had ordered the video some time ago (kind of just-for-fun), and after watching it I decided that we just have to check it out! (never been) Boy, I bet that makes the marketing department smile!!!

Anyway...it's still a hard decision because I really Love Disney...and it'll be hard to be so close. But from what I've read, I think that we'll have a great time! 2 years ago I planned a trip to WDW and used Pete's Disney boards and they were INVALUABLE!! I recieved SO many hints and tips...and even got the mostest fantastic rate for the Yacht Club! (I never would have dreamed that I would get to stay there!) So when we decided to go to these parks...I just knew I'd find lot's of info and great tips back here on Pete's site....and I did!

OK...I have 3 boys ages 13,11,5. I had not planned on staying on site due to the cost..but from this board I have learned about the entertainment rate...which has made the FOTL access possibly possible...but I have a few questions..
1. Will I be able to go to HRH early, and get my room key before they let me check in so that I can have the FOTL priviledge the entire first day?
2. On the day of check out, will I still have the priviledge for the whole day even though I'd have checked out of the hotel at 11am?
3. Has anyone really figured out if it's still an ALL DAY priviledge?...because the language on the site, and in the brochure I got does say something like...FOTL ACCESS DURING SPECIFIC PARK HOURS. I'd be very upset if I blew my budget just to get the FOTL access, and then could only have it for a very limited time...
4. Would the system of reserving rides (can't remember the official name right now) with the multi-day passes (3 or so at a time) and some very good planning be good enough...or is the FOTL heads and tails above any other system?
5. Do you pro's out there think that it would be better (given my budget constraints) to stay in an off-site hotel and get the 3-day passes and use the ride reservation system to the best of our abilities OR...would it be better to get the 2-day passes and stay at HRH and use FOTL access?
Which choice would you make?

Well, I think that's enough for now. I aprreciate all the posts I've read so far, and look forward to the many posts to come.


CindyZ in CT, and Mom of 3!
Welcome Cindy!

Don't worry, sometimes I do the double post thing, too... <IMG WIDTH="15" HEIGHT="15" SRC="/infopop/emoticons/icon_razz.gif" alt="razz">

For info on Front of the Line access Click Here


Mother of Michael
Proverbs 3:5-6


<font color=purple>Co-Moderator of the Community and Universal/IOA Boards</font color=purple>

1. Yes you can go to HRH early and drop off your luggage and get your keys for FOTL access. Then after your day at the park you go back and they assign a room # to your key. Make sure you ask for a key with each of your kids names on them...it makes a neat little keepsake for the kids!

2. You also get to use the key for FOTL the day you check out too, as well as use of the pool and parking at the hotel!

3. We just got back and it really is ALL DAY! Your key is yours to keep and is good for hotel gate (pool area) and FOTL access for 24 hours after checking out.

4. I don't think the express pass system is nearly as good as FOTL since you are limited to when you ride the rides. And when we were there the express ticket machines started running out of tickets for the day around 2:00.

5. We were also on a budget and believe me I feel the money to stay at the HRH was WELL spent! Because we had FOTL access...the kids didn't get cranky (10 & 17) ,we didn't have to fight any traffic to get to the park, and we were able to ride EVERY ride we wanted to...most we rode several times. As far as 2 or 3 days...we had three day passes and the third day the kids preferred staying at the pool to swim (they have a water slide), since they had ridden everything in the two days we went to the parks. (We stayed at the HRH 2 days...the kids stayed in the pool all day the day we checked out)
My choice would definitely be HRH!

Well I guess you can tell we just got back and I REALLY enjoyed it! :D

If you have any other questions, I would love to help out
I totally agree...you can't beat the convenience of staying on property...having the fotl access. It is still all day, you can stary as early as you want in the morning the day you arrive...if your room isn't ready..they keep your luggage and bring it up later...you have the full last day. Enjoy your trip! I know you will have a blast! :)
Thank you so much for your answer to my post. So now I'm thinking that with ONE night at HRH I can get 2 days FOTL access, and still afford a 3 day pass and stay off site the other night...although we may decide that we just want to enjoy the time at the HRH...2 years ago, my starting out WDW budget more than doubled when it was all said and done....but I did get some awesome deals!! And created memories that'll last forever!

Keep the tips a-comin'.

CindyZ in CT, and Mom of 3!
The entertaiment rate is exellent.We have it for 117 a night in sept.Its worth it just for fotl.
Cindy - Keep in mind that if you only stay at HRH 1 night, that you are only entitled to FOTL access on your check-in day and check-out day (2 days). That means that on your 3rd day at an off-site hotel, you will not have FOTL access and will need to use Universal Express resevation system. The entitlments of an on-site resort guest expire at midnight on your check-out day.

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