I'm a code idiot


<font color=green>Used to get drinking glasses @ t
Dec 28, 2001
Bear with me, I'm sure we've covered this subject, but how do all of you get your "codes"?? Do you need to belong to something? Do you call and ask? What is an AP discount?? Come on, now, I know there of many of you who don't this either...
Hi jmarie! I get my codes here: http://www.mousesavers.com/disneyresorts.html
AP discount means that you have an Annual Pass or Florida Residents (only) Seasonal Pass. Good luck to you on getting a code for your dates. I refuse to visit the World without a code, after discovering The Dis! This is the absolute greatest website that I have come across. :)
Hello jmarie- If you look on these boards long enough, you'll get the codes down pat. Sometimes you need to join a group. The Disney Club will get you Disney Club ( DC )codes to use, Buying an Annual Pass will get you (AP) codes to use. Other codes are free and are posted in a lot of places on these boards as well as www.mousesavers.com . Some codes can be used with others to get better discounts. If you join the Disney Club (DC) you'll get a discount on your purchase of an Annual Pass(AP). Your AP will get you discounts on your room costs and free parking at the parks and additional discounts at shops in Downtown Disney. Learning about the codes and how to combine them for great savings is a good enough reason to frequent these boards, the great thing is that you get the personal experiences from the people who use them, both the good and the bad.
Thank you, dandave, and Mark and Sandra. It certainly does feel that NO ONE goes to Disney without a code. I wonder how many people pay the regular rate? I know I did when we went to CBR in Feb/01. However, looking to upgrade this Feb/03, and not looking forward to paying $400/ night for what I want.
You're very welcome! I paid regular rate till I discovered The Dis. I love saving money, and I'm so happy to have learned about these codes and AP rates. Who knew!? :cool:
Since you mentioned Feb, I wanted to remind you to be "mindful" of the season.

In mid-Feb it jumps from value to peak (in one day!).

We saved a TON last year:

joined DC with a discount (we got $10 off the membership) from DH's work (find out from your employers)

used DC discount to buy Fl resident season passes. At the same time the Disney Store was running a promo- a $50 gift card with adult AP or season pass purchase and a free t-shirt with each pass purchase. So, on top of the DC discount we got $100 gc at the Disneyy store (which we used for sale and clearance merchandise) and three t-shirts . We learned about that promo the day before I was going to buy the passes-right here on the DIS budget board! With DC you get 10% a $25 purchase at Disney store and World of Disney in DTD, discounts at most DTD restaurants, and coupons in the mail for different things. I don't book rooms witht the DC discoutn becasue the cancel policies are much more strict. With DC you get an 800 number to call WDW and that probably saved us more than all other things combined!

I try to go in value season or at least in regular season. If you check in on a day that falls in value season ,but the rest of the trip does not- you get the value rate for the whole time. It also works in reverse, though. I check mousesavers.com almost daily to keep up with what's going on with codes. It just takes a minute. I usually book with an AP rate and wait for FL resident rates to come out , which is typically $10 cheaper. I have booked with "codes for anyone" also. You just call up and tell them that you have a code and give them the code. That easy!

I also booked the Courtyard last year for $25 through DU and it was the BEST deal!!!!! Great resort, but I wouldn't stay off property, unless you have a car.

Hope I was helpful!
Susy--I know what you mean about the value season. We went a few days prior to the Friday of that weekend, but I think that for some reason, the value season ends on Weds of that week in 2003, or something like that. It is a great time to go, however, because in 2001 when we were there, it was in the mid-80's and we did not wait more than 10 minutes for rides.

Whew, I read the rest of your post, and I realize that I must do my homework. There really is no excuse since Feb is still a few months away. I did click on the "mousesavers" link that the previous posters were so kind to give me...but it seems like it's a hit or miss?? And only a few resorts with the discount?

Dandave-I wonder how many thousands of people yearly visit Disney like we did and blindly pay the going rate? And then of course after, you read these boards?

Again-thanks to all!
jmarie- We too are guilty of over paying on our first visit (fri.-mon. @ Contemporary, passes for 2 days, and flights almost 3000.00) This year 10 days @ Allstars (annual pass rate of 54.00) annual passes still good for park entry (got 24 days out of them), and using points from credit card usage (4 free tickets on southwest) total costs 540.00. Learned it all here.

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