
We always sit on the bridge in between France and England. There are no obstructions, beautiful view, and a great angle to view the show. The only thing I don't like is, if you are leaving Epcot to go to the buses you have a long walk because your all the way in the back. <IMG WIDTH="15" HEIGHT="15" SRC="/infopop/emoticons/icon_razz.gif" alt="razz">
We made 7:30 PS for Rose and Crown. Once we got there we asked to be seated outside on the terrace. We had spectacular seats. Our meal and Illuminations viewing was definitely one of the high points of our visit. It was great to be seated after a long hot day. You do need to make PS early. When I made ours a couple months ahead I was told we had the last table. Although we met a couple who had PS and they had made theirs the day before.
We were fortunate enough to get an Illuminations Cruise. That is the ultimate way to view this show! I called a week before we left and got a cruise for our first night because of a last minute cancellation. Keep calling right up until you leave.




'70-'92 - Disneyland
Nov '96 - WL
Dec '98 - Poly
Dec '99 - Poly
Apr '01 - CS
Nov '01 - ASMo


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