I want to do Disney in 2002! Need ideas to save $$


Earning My Ears
Oct 7, 2000
Okay I want to do Disney in 2002. I really want to do a 4 day cruise but don't know how I can save enough, I can settle for 3 or 4 days at the park. Which is cheaper?

How do I start to save for this and when should I think of looking at prices? I do have a request for a quote on the cruise from Dreams. The only thing I have started to do is Milesource and saving all my dimes in a large wine bottle. Starting this coming payday I will get 10.00 in dimes and put in the jar.


well how about all the money that you save at the grocery store by using all those coupons and stuff put that away, and utilize every single rebate that you possibly can. I do this and get anywhere from 200-400 a year in rebates. pack a lunch for work instead of buying it. eat out less. but store brand instead of name brand(on some items) when you go to buy something that you really don't need think do I want this or would I rather put the $ towards disney????anytime you come up with extra money immediately sock it away for disney.

<img height="200" src="http://www.wdwinfo.com/sites/techca/bed.jpg">
<font size="4"><font color="purple"><font face="Book Antiqua">
<marquee> Be vewy vewy quiet! I'm hunting wabbits!!! </marquee><font></font></font>

I have been earning webcertifcates that can be used anywhere that accepts mastercard at the following websites hope this helps.web page
One of the things that seem to kill me is when I have to buy all of the passes to get into the parks! BIG BILL! So what we do since they are good for life, when we have extra money and know a trip is in the future I will buy a pass and put it away. So I don't really save a ton of money but it isn't as painful! I also have the DC card which has saved me money on the tickets and occassionally at the camp ground. We always stay at FW which is a savings too.
Have a garage sale, pack your lunch, start a vacation account either formally or informal, My DH and I have a small account which we put in any "found money" Which means rebate checks, cashing in coins, gift money....Plus if I am good I try to pay that account first not much but a little and it adds up.
Good luck!

In addition to all the previous ideas..(which are great)..try to pay yourself FIRST each and every payday...whether it be ten, twenty, fifty dollars...whatever...and set this aside in your Disney account!!!
Good Luck and Have Fun!! :)
This has worked for me..my pay is directly deposited into my checking account and part of it into a vacation club account. It doesn't take alot if you do it consistently like this-it adds up fast! And you never miss it!Many credit unions offer this also Regions Bank in my area. ;)
I joined a group online called Epinions. It is a site where members (costs nothing to join) write reviews about all kinds of things. From travel, to appliances, movies, Cd's and restauruants (SP). The first year I raised about $200 for our local foster kids Christmas fund. Now I am saving for my WDW trip. Here is a link. but warning, it can be addictive, but then, the more you write, the more $$ you can earn. If you do sign up, let me know your name for the site so I can read your reviews. The more members that read and rate your Epinion, the more $$ you can earn. Here is the main site link


I ahve a way you may be interested in, but not sure if i can post it here, I am doign this for my disney fund too!!

Look forward to hearing from you!!




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