i want adventure in the great wide somewhere - running journal! (comments welcome)

Spoiler alert: I did not even come CLOSE to my goal today. Heat was brutal, I swear it was like a switch was flipped and summer came to New England overnight. I'll type up a true race report sometime this week or next weekend as I spend the next few days recovering/resting/walking.
Providence Half Marathon Race Recap

Expo & Pre-Race

After my shake out run, I got showered and dressed, did some tidying around the house, packed my car, and headed out to my friend Michelle's house for her daughter (my niece) Isla's first birthday. It was Bluey themed and we had a great time. I had a few slices of pizza for lunch, but had to pop out early to make the drive to Providence (about 50 minutes from where my friend lives). I grabbed a cookie for the drive and made my way to the Expo!


Expo is a strong word, actually. It was a packet pick up with a few items for sale. @NYC_MW did a nice job sharing what exactly was there. Parking in the area was a pain in the butt, so I found a lot for $20 flat rate and decided to just leave my car there while I went to Bib Pick Up and dinner. I did zero research about the hotel I was staying at, the expo, the start line... all of it. So I had no idea it was all within walking distance and I could have gone straight to the hotel and parked there before the expo. Oh well.

I grabbed my bib and my sweatshirt which was really good quality! A great bright blue and very soft. The only problem is that the logo is for the Providence Marathon - doesn't say half marathon. The little bit of merch they had all was for the marathon, which was a good for my wallet. I purchased nothing!

A bunch of the ladies from my club were there, so we walked to an Italian restaurant on Federal Hill. It was delicious. I got 5 cheese ravioli with a pesto sauce and sun dried tomatoes. This only had four ravioli's but each one was as big as my fist. I ate 2 and then was so full I wanted to be rolled down Federal Hill to our hotel.

After dinner, the girls went back to the hotel and I walked to my car and drove it the half a mile back up to the hotel and parked. Then we settled in for the night! I laid out my clothes and shoes and fuel and read for about a half hour before lights out at 9 pm. I slept pretty well - it was fairly loud and bright outside of our window but I was able to fall asleep. I woke up a few times during the night, at one point I realized how quiet it had gotten, but overall I got enough sleep. I had set an alarm for 6 am because we were meeting the other girls in the lobby at 7 am so we could go to the start to see our marathoners off at 7:30.


I woke up about 30 minutes before the alarm but stayed in bed as long as I could. I got dressed, ate a pop tart, drank some water, peed 100 times, and then we went down to the lobby and headed out. I was soooo nervous! My stomach was in knots. Stepping out of the hotel it was comfortable, I wasn't cold at all in my shorts and tank top.

The walk to the start/finish area was up a hill, not more than a 5 minute walk. When we got there it was busy! I checked some gear since I didn't know what it would be like post race and because I had some friends coming in to see me finish and to get some breakfast after, so I wanted my essentials.

Then we went to the start to try to see our marathoners kick off the day. Then a portapotty stop 🤢 because of nerves that was useless. Then group photos. I ate my PB&J. Tried to meet up with @NYC_MW, but as she said, it was a BUSY morning. Lots of running around before the start.

Before starting, I checked in with my coach (she had come down to watch us race) and told her my plan was to go with the 2:20 pace group. The goal for this race was 2:19:59. And my training was indicating that I could do it. So she gave me a good luck hug and pre-race pep talk and I made my way into the start corral with Kathy. She and I pushed our way to the 2:20 pace group and finally found it (he wasn't holding his stick up so we couldn't find him at first - annoying).

This was when we realized just how warm it had gotten since we stepped out of our hotel that morning. We were facing a full sun, it was already high 60s, and I was not ready. I took a salt tab because I know how the heat affects me and I did not want to wilt. And then...

The Race

We started! I kept my eye on the 2:20 pacer but realized that he was going out FAST. This course did start with a bit of a decline so I can understand picking up some speed, but I looked at my watch and it was 10:00. I knew that my goal pace was around 10:45, so I slowed myself down and decided the day was on me now.

Oh, real quick FYI: I do not have the memory for a race the way some of you all do. For course details, @NYC_MW really hit the nail on the head with where the hills and downhills were and what part of Providence we were in. I knew nothing about the course going in and remembered very little after. I just remember the houses were beautiful and there were some VERY steep down hills and the area on the water was beautiful.

Okay, back to your regularly scheduled race report. Like I said, I quickly realized that going out with the pacer was not going to be it for me. So I pulled back and started managing my own watch. Unfortunately my race didn't sync from V.O2 so it wasn't pinging me if I went too fast or too slow. Now I know next time I should make sure it syncs with the rest of my workouts or I need to create a workout. I also realized that my watch was still set for 1:1 ratios from Disney! I hadn't realized because all of my runs lately have been a workout over riding that.

Anyway, NOW back to the race report. My first mile was great and felt easy at a 10:41. I wasn't too over heated yet. My second mile was a hair slower, but still very much on pace at 10:46. It was here that I saw my first cheer squad: Lisa and Meghan! They had driven down that morning and made their home in the perfect spot at mile 2 and what would be mile 11 on the way back.

Mile 3 was the first uphill and where I began to slow down. I was taking my fuel every 30 minutes, both maple syrup and a salt tab. From a fuel stand point, I'm very happy with this race. The only thing I wish I had done was drink more water. It was hot enough that I'd be sweating it out, not running for a bathroom to pee. I drank at (almost) every water stop and finished my water bottle twice, but I should have had even MORE.

Oh! Water stops (this is the most chaotic race report - it's ADHD in writing form) were terrible. The volunteers were doing their best but they were not ready for the number of people who needed water and there weren't enough volunteers. The first one I came to - around mile 2 - was so chaotic I skipped it.

Back to mile 3. Like I said, we were going up hill and I was already fading. I walked the hill and knew I was going to need to start managing my expectations for the race. I was still going to give it my all, but my goals were now to 1. finish and 2. take in enough salt that I didn't start to feel sick like I have in other hot races (see: losing feeling in my arms at my first half marathon in Disney 2018).


At the top of mile 3 I saw my coach and waved and thanked them again for being out there. Then I kept moving, one foot in front of the other. I remember there being good course support - lots of spectators out. And we were running in and out of shade the whole time, which was a slight reprieve.

Mile 3 and 4 were both 12:09. Hey, at least I'm consistent. Mile 5 was where the fade really began. That mile was 13:07. I think this is where I thought to myself "use your watch" and started doing a 1:1 run/walk to get moving and trying to build in some consistency with that I was doing. Luckily, this is also where some of the girls caught up to me. They checked in on if I was okay and I explained that my goals had changed and that I was doing 1:1 but that I would join them for as long as I could.

We made it to mile 6, which we were calling the half way point (12:56) and then I did some more run/walk for a while. Mile 7 and 8 were both 13:12.

I think Mile 8 the girls passed me as I was really struggling with the heat. I was pouring water over my head to cool down and I gotta be honest, I was really thinking about quitting. But I've never DNFed a race and I didn't plan on starting that day. So I did a lot of walking in mile 9 and maybe all of mile 10 (13:45 and 15:00, respectively). Also whoever put the 10 mile marker up a half mile early, you're gonna catch these hands.

The cheer squad had grown since that morning, and I wanted to give the illusion of not suffering, so I got back to my 1:1 ratio for mile 11, 12, and 13 (13:59, 13:45, 13:30). Running by the group was amazing! It was so good to have people cheer so loudly for you (I also got to see the TrailBlazHers and Pioneers - two Boston based running clubs that specifically focus on uplifting BIPOC runners and shouted them out - I'm trying to make it to a TrailBlazeHers run at some point this summer). Next time this group goes to a race, I'm spectating. That's the fun part! Lawn chairs, cold drinks, and FUN!


I was texting my friends Todd and Katie, also. They were toward the end of mile 12 so I then spent time looking for them and made sure I was smiling for the photos. As much as I tried to do my 1:1 here, it started becoming a "run when you can, walk when you must." As I was nearing the finish, a girl I had been leap frogging with for the past 3 miles or so lightly rested her hand against my back and said "You've got this" and I wanted to cry at the kindness of strangers and the undeniably unique support from other runners. I ran the rest of the way.

The final push was up a steep hill that we allegedly ran down at the start, and I gave it what I could. And can we talk about these finish line photos?


She flewed! She flewed! I crossed the finish, grabbed my medal and some Powerade, and my girls were there with gross, sweaty hugs. Todd and Katie had also taken the much shorter and straightforward route from their cheering area to the finish line and beat me there, so I introduced them to the squad.

Post Race

From there it was time to party! It was wild, with loud music, and good drinks. I got my gear back and went to ID check so I could get a post-race beer. My friend Kayla had left her ID in the hotel, so we asked the attendant if I could vouch for her, and she just said, "Your girl gotchu" a.k.a. I could get two beers and hand one to Kayla. We did Narragansett Shandy (when in RI....). These were tall boys, too! And so refreshing. Actually, Michelle's bachelorette party back in 2019 was Narragansett Shandy themed.


We went back to the finish line so I could see Christina finish her marathon. She and Cathy both fell short of their goals as well (as did Andrea) but the fact that we had a 100% start and finish rate is pretty great!

While I was there, someone walked by with a really great sign that I will have to replicate sometime. There was also a sign on the course, toward the end, that I don't have a picture of, but it said "Finish Lines not Finish Times" and listen, I needed that.


After seeing Christina finish and giving her a big hug, I walked to a cute little cafe called Ellie's for ice coffee and breakfast with Katie and Todd. I went to get my wallet out of my bag... it was gone! I must have dropped it when I went to go put it back in my gear check bag after my ID check and didn't realize it. I emptied my bag to be sure, but it was gone. Todd and Katie kindly picked up my tab and I texted Kayla since she was still at the finish line and asked her to go find out about a lost and found. Someone had found it and turned it in, so I was good. What a relief.

Breakfast... it was SO delicious and so cute. The iced latte was perfect - I like my lattes extra sweet after a race and I also got a cinnamon roll that was out of this world.


Todd and Katie had also parked right by this place, so they could drive me back to the hotel before heading home. I got back to the hotel and showered, then packed and checked out. I walked to the restaurant where the rest of the girls went for lunch and had a drink with them (and got my wallet from Kayla). Coach was there, and she went right into coach mode, assuring me that everyone had a tough day out there and fell short of goals and that it's okay and it's not an indication of my fitness. The other girls she's coaching must have been very upset, because she was surprised when I told her that I was really okay mentally. I told her that I had to manage expectations and that if was at 40% of what I usually have, and I give that entire 40%, then I gave my 100% and that I was proud of what I did because I had moments where I wanted to quit. Carmela wanted me to give a speech to everyone else. 🤣

To make a long story longer, the marathoners originally had a plan for dinner with everyone, but they decided they wanted to rest and stay in and the half marathoners and spectators were ready to start heading back toward Boston. So we all walked to the hotel to get our cars and headed home.

Before sharing my final time, this actually isn't a personal worst! I have been a minute slower (Newburyport Half Marathon in 2018) and, if we count Disney races for run, I've had much slower official times. I've taken this week off (walking to keep my muscles alive) and soon I'll get back to running easy to get back into it and get used to the heat. Then Chicago training will start - or as Carmela calls it - the "revenge tour."

FINAL TIME: 2:50:33

As I was nearing the finish, a girl I had been leap frogging with for the past 3 miles or so lightly rested her hand against my back and said "You've got this" and I wanted to cry at the kindness of strangers and the undeniably unique support from other runners.
I found this story so touching, love it.

Congrats again on finishing. And we don't say it enough, but it's not just the result that counts. It's all the effort you put in to get ready for it too.
What @azrivest said! You did a great job finishing the race despite unfavorable conditions, and with such a great attitude. Congrats, and good luck with your next phase of training!

Also, that Bluey cake is so cute.
I told her that I had to manage expectations and that if was at 40% of what I usually have, and I give that entire 40%, then I gave my 100% and that I was proud of what I did because I had moments where I wanted to quit. Carmela wanted me to give a speech to everyone else. 🤣
Totally agree with your coach that you should give this speech to everyone :)
Congrats on finishing (and to the rest of your group as well) and adjusting well to the conditions! Love the pictures and looking forward to reading about Chicago training.
What's up, RD fam? Full disclosure - I haven't run since my race. I was totally burnt out my running and life and needed an extended break. Gonna get back to it this month so I can gear up for Chicago training! Have to think seriously about my goals and getting some nutrition figured out. It's going to be tough - summer is hard with my job - but trying to think positively!

Great job in brutal conditions!
Thank you!
Great job! And that cinnamon roll has SO MUCH ICING! 😋
SO MUCH ICING! It was phenomenal - so tasty! I highly recommend this little cafe if you ever make it to Providence!
I found this story so touching, love it.

Congrats again on finishing. And we don't say it enough, but it's not just the result that counts. It's all the effort you put in to get ready for it too.
It was just what I needed! And agreed - I worked really hard all those weeks leading up to the race and a less-than-ideal race day doesn't negate the effort.
What @azrivest said! You did a great job finishing the race despite unfavorable conditions, and with such a great attitude. Congrats, and good luck with your next phase of training!

Also, that Bluey cake is so cute.
The cutest cake! I got her a Bluey t-shirt (+ some swimsuits) as a gift.
Great job and awesome recap. 💜
Thank you!
Totally agree with your coach that you should give this speech to everyone :)
Congrats on finishing (and to the rest of your group as well) and adjusting well to the conditions! Love the pictures and looking forward to reading about Chicago training.
Thank you! I'm excited to start Chicago training (... or am I?)
Great writeup and great effort under tough conditions.
Thank you!
Chicago Marathon Pre-Training Journal

So I did do SOME running since Providence. Maybe like, twice? After my extended break I extended it more. And more. And more. Then ran twice, then had a lot of stuff happening so went back on break. So let's talk about those runs before the Chicago Training Journal starts because I messaged my coach today and asked if we can get started so we'll see! My friend Andrea is also going to start with her and when she reached out she had a workout on her calendar for the next day so hopefully Coach C. can get me started pretty soon, too! I'm hoping to start on Tuesday... anyway, recap time.

May 30: 3.01 miles • 32:43 • 10:52 avg pace
A Tuesday night run. Meant to take it easier than this, but I felt good and just went with it. First mile was 11:05, then 10:46 and 10:46. Steady at the end there. It felt really nice.

June 3: 26x2 Relay

I ran a mile warm up. I could't find my watch so just used my phone for this and it says I ran 1 mile in 11:42. The race was 1 mile around the track and that was 8:59. I was't sure if I was gonna race it or not, so I decided to just go out for the first lap and see what happened. I started strong, felt like I was moving at a good clip, but got tired and slowed down toward the end. I did pass someone so that was nice. This isn't my best mile race, but I was very happy with my time considering I haven't been training or running at all.

So I did do SOME running since Providence. Maybe like, twice? After my extended break I extended it more. And more. And more. Then ran twice, then had a lot of stuff happening so went back on break.
I feel this a lot. Just a reminder (I know that you know this) that it's OK to take a break, and that juggling a few less things is sometimes necessary.
Chicago Marathon Journal Day 1

Today was officially day 1! I also ran Tuesday even without anything on my calendar since today was a quality session. Intended to run on Thursday but it was margaritas on the patio weather. Lord, give me the strength this summer to say no to margaritas after work so I can get my runs in.

June 13: 4.00 miles • 44:29 • 11:07 avg pace

Back to Tuesday nights. This felt really hard. It was warm and muggy and this spring weather has been all over the place. After my disastrously hot race, it cooled off BIG time in the following weeks, and is just getting back to summer weather.

June 17: 6.00 miles • 1:09:40 • 11:37 avg pave
This is my official first day! There's 3 other girls running with my coach. Two of them started at 8 miles today since they've been running, while I started at 6 since I have decidedly not been running. One of them is battling some hip and hamstring pain, so she ran 3 with me easy and then I kept going. My workout was 2 miles warm up, 1 mile easy, 2 miles at marathon pace, and 1 mile cool down. I was swimming in the humidity for the first 3 miles. Kept it nice and easy with paces at 11:53, 11:27, and 11:41. Then my fast miles were 11:06 and 11:19. I could feel that 11:19, slowed down a lot right toward the end of the second fast mile because I was tired. The cool down was 12:13 with a little bit of walking to get my heart rate down.

Overall a great start to this training cycle. From here on out I need to bring water on every run, regardless of how far it is. I also need to have a little something in the morning, again, regardless of distance. Most of my runs will be after work because of how my life is, but hoping for all good things over the next few months.
Chicago is such a great marathon!! Good luck with your training and I can't wait to hear about your race day. I hope you love it as much as I do.
Thank you! My singlet arrived today so I got a little excited and remembered I owe this board some updates.
Chicago Marathon Journal Weeks 1-3

You all know that summer is my busy season, so it's no surprise I've been MIA here. Been getting my runs in, though! I'm three weeks into training for Chicago and my singlet came today! I'm going to customize it a bit with the Cricut with my name and my grandma's name.

Anyway, let's talk about the past 3 weeks and how all of a sudden it's summer and I have no idea how to train for a marathon in this sort of heat.

June 20: 5.20 miles • 59:28 • 11:26 avg pace
My first Tuesday night workout. A 2 mile warm up followed by 6 x 2 minute repeats at 9:55 pace with 2 minute jog recovery in between and a mile cool down. I gotta be honest, don't remember this one at this point. It was my birthday so I followed it up with dinner and drinks with the girls, as usual, and then they very quickly bullied me into a skillet brownie. Oh wait! Vague memories of jogging in between for a bit, then taking a few walk breaks as my recovery, and my friends ran with nee until the cool down when they kept pace and I slowed down.

June 22: 4.00 miles • 49:00 • 12:15 avg pace

A few coworkers wanted to go out for drinks after work as a celebration of my birthday and promotion (yay?) so I ran in the morning, a quick out and back from my condo for four easy miles.

June 25: 7.00 miles • 1:37:10 • 13:53 avg pace
I woke up with tummy troubles on Saturday so ran this on Sunday. Plus it was very humid. But honestly, Sunday was just plain HOT so I'm not sure it made much of a difference running Sunday over Saturday. This workout was a 2 mile warm up, then 2x1 mile at marathon pace and a 2 mile cool down. I was about a minute slow the first rep and then two minutes slow the second rep. Probably walked the jog recovery in between to survive. This was the moment that I remembered that I used to freeze half my water the night before a long run in the summer so that I got more as it melted and it kept it cold. Wish I had done it for this run.

June 27: 5.00 miles • 59:52 • 11:57 avg pace
Five easy miles with the girls. Nothing much to report. It's just hot out. Summer is bogus.

June 29: 6.33 miles • 1:18:22 • 12:22 avg pace
A workout after work consisting of a 2 mile warm up, then 3 x 1-mile repeats at threshold (9:55) with 2 minute jog recoveries. I'm 99% sure I walked those. And I was about 45-90 seconds slower than usual. Then a 1 mile cool down. Blah blah blah. Summer. Whine whine whine.

July 1: 7.88 miles • 1:37:40 • 12:24 avg pace
I met up with some of the girls on a rail trail I don't usually hit up, but is nice and shady and flatter than my usual rail trail. My workout was 2 mile warm up, then 1 mile at marathon pace, then right into 8 x 2 minute repeats at 10:15 (with 2 minute jog recovery which I walked) and I mostly crushed it. Within 10 seconds of target pace for all of them except for the one where I was 20 seconds fast. Then a mile jog and a 1.5 mile cool down. It was warm but not crazy humid, and no sun, and even a little drizzly here and there. Sun came out for brunch (mimosas!) though.

July 4: 5.00 miles • 1:00:02 • 12:00 avg pace
This was another speed workout. Since it was the holiday with no work and no evening group run, I slept in and went out in the afternoon solo. 2 mile warm up followed by 8 x 1 minute repeats at critical velocity (9:15) and a minute recovery in between (we all know I walked the recovery). I hit these paces, too, all within 5 seconds except for like, 3 of them when I was 15-30 seconds faster than goal pace. The cool down was 1.6 miles except somehow I accidentally ended my workout during it so I might have cooled down a little bit longer than the 1.6 to hit the 5 miles.

July 6: 5.00 miles • 1:03:43 • 12:44 avg pace
I wasn't sure if I would do this run because it was the longest week of work ever. But I got out there and did it after a good cry. Then I met my mom for ice cream. Worth it.

July 8: 10.00 miles • 2:13:56 • 13:23 avg pace
It was warm out there this morning. Slept in a little bit and didn't get started until shortly after 8:00 am. I ran into my friend Adele on the rail trail and she told me it was 80% humidity. I believe it. Sun wasn't really out much, but when I did hit the sun it was brutal. My workout was 2 mile warm up, then 2 x 2 miles at marathon pace with a mile jog in between, then a mile at threshold (9:55) and a mile cool down. Considering the heat, my marathon paced miles were only 15-40 seconds slower than goal. I walked about half to three quarters of the recovery miles, then walked the whole cool down. The threshold mile was on pace for about 2 minutes before fatigue set in and I ended up being about a minute off pace. But all 10 miles got done. Back to double digit runs!
Happy belated birthday and congrats on your promotion! I'm up way too early to get my long run in today, and was very psyched to find you writing about Chicago training too. Thanks I needed this.


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