I need help with something


Oct 1, 2001
I know a castmember who has helped me a lot and I would like to send a letter to the company to let them know how much they helped me. Could you tell me where I would direct such a letter.

Thank you very much.
You can E-mail to WDW.GUEST.COMMUNICATIONS@DISNEY.COM. Please include your name, address, e-mail and address so they can respond. They do forward the letter to the cast members manager and sometimes it is printed up in one of the week newletters that are put out.
i had the same problem.. i call up wdw info and i gave them all the infomation that i knew on the person and they gave me there phoen # and the address at work!! but is it is someone at ioventions east i could get you what ever you wanted!! i know them all its really sad!


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