I need a new board game


Castle Decorator
Nov 14, 2002
Our group is ready to play something new so I'm looking for suggestions.

Here are some of the games we have played and liked:

Eldritch Horror
Random Encounters
Terraforming Mars
Killer Bunnies
Race/Roll for the Galaxy

What are some of your favorites?
Knowing ages might help for suggestions.

I like Mancala. Easy to learn and games can be played in a few minutes. Good for any age. My 6 year old plays with me.

And not for a group - but I found a great "Chess" starter game called "No Stress Chess" which is super fun for kids just learning, or anyone who does not want a stressful long Chess game ;) You can just take the cards with you (for example on a cruise) and use any Chess set. I suppose 4 could play if you wanted a team of 2 on each side ...
I’m a fan of the classics: go, chess, checkers, backgammon, Uno.

I think it’s called 3D Stratego if you can find it its fun. Boggle is great for word lovers. Have a love hate relationship with Monopoly. Great mentally but doesn’t bring out the best in many people.
If you want a step up from Terraforming Mars, try Ark Nova. On the same level as what some of what you listed, I'd go with Gizmos, Wingspan, Everdell, or Fantastic Factories. Slightly easier: Flamecraft is huge in this house right now, or Dog Park (we're all about the cuteness these days) or anything from the Welcome To line.
We really like pandemic. It's a cooperative game where goal is to stop a pandemic. Each game is different and it's exciting.
Project L was the best game that I have played in years. It can take up to four people and is the game I would rescue from a burning building or take to a deserted island as long as I had someone to play with. Highly recommend!

We also enjoy Splendor and have the Cities of Splendor expansion.

We are a gaming family that has hundreds of games spread between our households. I don't game as much anymore, but my son has picked up my enthusiasm and buys a lot and is willing to share. I ordered The Animals of Baker Street on Amazon's Black Friday sale and I am looking forward to playing it over the holidays.
Hogwarts Battle
Telestrations - if a big enough group

Various Jackbox games are fun too...
Brought back some great memories and a now funny memory of my brother hitting me with the board after I broke a verbal treaty to not attack him. I grew up in a neighborhood where our porches served as gatherings for board games. Since it was all males who played them, we were into war games.

Risk - often made "fruit loops" of the plastic pieces when someone lost badly.
Axis & Allies - My all-time favorite.
Stratego - one of our neighbors, would purposely drop his own piece so I could see it only to have me close my eyes so he could replace it after looking where my flag was.
Diplomacy - this one induced face slapping's.
Luftwaffe - too complex to play but loved the board layout and pieces.


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