I love credit cards so much! v5.0 - 2022 (see first page for add'l details)

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I'll drop the first question. I'm looking to get into the Biz card game. Ideally looking at a BBP but curious as to what the personal FICO needs to be to qualify? Also open to other suggestions that don't report to personal reports. I've got a real side gig that results in 1099s from multiple states, annual income of about 5k and been doing it for 10 years.

I don't know what Amex's FICO requirement is for the BBP but since it's a no AF card, suspect not as stringent as for some other cards. I do recommend strongly this card-$0 AF, 2x MR for every purchase up to $50K spend and it's a $0 MR holder/consolidator if you decide to cancel other fee based MR cards (which would be almost all of them except the everyday I think). Since it's a business card, it doesn't add to your 5/24, either. Good luck!
Reposting since I had no replies on old thread.

Applied for SW Biz 11/5, previous cards were CIC 9/23/21 and CSP 8/22/20.

Is it too risky to go for SW personal before February? I'd like to get the points and CP by March as I've already booked cash flights.
I know we usually recommend 3 months between Chase applications…but Since it’s been almost 2 months and the increased 20k support expires on 1/4…I’d give it a try
Reposting since I had no replies on old thread.

Applied for SW Biz 11/5, previous cards were CIC 9/23/21 and CSP 8/22/20.

Is it too risky to go for SW personal before February? I'd like to get the points and CP by March as I've already booked cash flights.
I would think it would be okay to apply after the 5th, that’s 2 months since your last application. The SUBs are the standard $1k MSR so that should be easy to meet in the first statement.
I know we usually recommend 3 months between Chase applications…but Since it’s been almost 2 months and the increased 20k support expires on 1/4…I’d give it a try
The increased support bonus was extended until 6/30!!
Hopefully they increase the SUBs again, we are going to need more points, DH and I might be going to Hawaii twice this year.
Good morning everyone. Since it's a new year I looked into using some of my airline credits but FT is reporting that United TB has been suspended. :sad2: Anyone have any more info or thoughts on this one?

Does anyone have a password manager recommendation? And I am totally ignorant on how they work, are they "family" friendly? As in, can I have mine and Dh's accounts on one manager.

1Password. DH is a stickler for online security stuff and he recommends this one. It's a pain sometimes, but Amex told us that there were attempts to break into both of our accounts a few months ago and they were unsuccessful (and they also said it looked like it wasn't just a random Amex hacker thing).
Happy New Year everyone! Here's hoping 2022 can be more normal. Wishing everyone health, happiness, and lots of points!

My churning goals this year are to earn 2 CPs, requalify DH for Hyatt Globalist (might take some luck with promos), and to acquire more URs!

Have lots of travel plans this year. Hope they can all happen! 🤞
Good morning everyone. Since it's a new year I looked into using some of my airline credits but FT is reporting that United TB has been suspended. :sad2: Anyone have any more info or thoughts on this one?

Can only wait and see I think. Last January was when it stopped working for some time. I got caught in that and had one that didn't credit. Seems January is the most unstable for whatever reason.
Does anyone have a password manager recommendation? And I am totally ignorant on how they work, are they "family" friendly? As in, can I have mine and Dh's accounts on one manager.
I use 1password for personal and bitwarden for work related passwords. I prefer 1password over bitwarden, but since bitwarden has a free version, it's hard to go wrong with it.
Reposting since I had no replies on old thread.

Applied for SW Biz 11/5, previous cards were CIC 9/23/21 and CSP 8/22/20.

Is it too risky to go for SW personal before February? I'd like to get the points and CP by March as I've already booked cash flights.

The 2-3 month "rule" for Chase applications is more like a guideline for sustainable pacing. As long as your overall risk profile is good, you can accelerate that on occasion.

If it were me and knowing what my CR looks like, I'd do it. Especially if I could cool off for a bit after.
I posted this on the old thread yesterday and got some great advice but thought that I would pop in here and repost it since the last thread is closed.

Hi all, you were so helpful lastyear that I wanted to run by some thoughts on a new card/cards we were thinking of getting to offset some travel cost.

1) First off, we are going to want you to list ALL credit cards you were approved for in the last 24 months.

07/20 - CHASE Sapphire Preferred


2) Secondly we'll want to know a little bit about you. Specifically - what you spend, and what you want to earn!
  • What amount of spend would you put on a card monthly (i.e. groceries, gas, insurance, cable, cell phone, other expenses)?
~$1500- this varies widely
  • Do you currently payoff your CCs in full every month or do you carry any balances/pay any interest?
In full, never a balance
  • What airport(s) do you typically fly out of?
Mco, TPA, Jax
  • Do you have a preference of Frequent Flyer program?
  • Does SOUTHWEST Airline service your airport?
  • Do you have a Hotel Rewards program preference?
  • Do you currently have travel points or miles in any program? Skymiles, not very many maybe 10000
  • What at your specific goals for churning credit cards?
Big trip to Canada
  • When do you plan to take these trips?
June 2022
  • Who does your travel party consist of? (Spouse, Kids (& ages), other relatives/friends)
2 Adults, 2 kids

So this all started by looking at flights. I've read good things about air canada and even better things about their business class. I saw that Air canada just launched a new Chase card, Aeroplan. Intro offer is 2, 50,000 mile tickets ($4000 spent in 3 months) ; that would cover 2 business class tickets. In addition, there's 3x points on groceries and restaurants. Is there a different card/Airline you all would recommend instead?

Next, looking at possibly getting a hotel card. Looking at the Chase Marriott brilliance card? The 3 free nights seem good but it doesn't look like there are many 50000/night rooms to max out the reward. I'm finding 60000 and 35000.
Open to any other ideas. I will say, we normally get pretty good hotel rates since my DH is gov't so I dont know that a hotel card is the best option for us.
We honestly don't do a lot of traveling to far destinations since we live in FL, we drive most places. We usually rent a beach house for a vacation, use our DVC points or stay at UO hotels with an AP discount. That may change as the kids get older and we do different things besides amusement parks. Okay, hopefully that's enough, probably too much info. Thank you and happy new year!
Does anyone have a password manager recommendation? And I am totally ignorant on how they work, are they "family" friendly? As in, can I have mine and Dh's accounts on one manager.
I use last pass. My BIL who works in internet security recommended it. They did change something last year as far as families but I don’t remember what changed.
Happy 2022 all! I reflected on FB at all my travels in 2021, and all things considered, I did pretty good, LOL. I'm excited for my flight benefits to start this month. Since I passed on jumping on the Amex Delta Plat biz, I guess all my spend focus right now will be with my Hilton Surpass trying to earn that FNC.

The BF has MLK weekend off like me! So trying to think of a getaway for us. We have Cancun in Feb. I guess I could look at what Spirit flights there are and start there, LOL. Though we really haven't had "winter" here in MI yet....a storm is on it's way today. And I'm ready for warm....AND Zaxbys, LOL.

Chiming in on things I saw in the old thread...IHG card all the way! I'm on my second premier version of the card, and I got the free version last year too. I LOVE my IHG points! I use them in the summers w/ my kids. The 4th night free is worth the $89 alone. I used my FNC for the Kimpton in NOLA this past year. I originally was going to use them at the Palazzo in Vegas. Love that card!

Here's to a great 2022 for all of us!
@Judique I missed replying on the old thread. We are opposite side of that area so ok, with how windy it was Thursday it was incredibly smoky even by us because it was blowing straight across. I feel terrible for those affected :sad1:
We have some friends and coworkers who lost everything. They had to haul out of there so fast, some of them only had the clothes they were wearing and the pets they could grab. Some people were at work and couldn't make it home in time. It's going to be a tough time ahead for our community.
Does anyone have a password manager recommendation? And I am totally ignorant on how they work, are they "family" friendly? As in, can I have mine and Dh's accounts on one manager.
I use LastPass and have for a couple years now. I have all of my logins and all of my wife's in my "vault" just in case. It sits right in my browser as well as on my phone.
I use last pass. My BIL who works in internet security recommended it. They did change something last year as far as families but I don’t remember what changed.
They took a lot of functionality out of the free version and required a paid version to have access on both browsers and mobile devices. I pay $36/year, worth it to me. The family version is $48/year and includes six accounts that can all share some or all passwords across them. When my kids start having their own logins for things I will probably upgrade, or if my wife demands it.
Does anyone have a password manager recommendation? And I am totally ignorant on how they work, are they "family" friendly? As in, can I have mine and Dh's accounts on one manager.
We also use LastPass. My hubs is an IT guy and has pretty much used the main ones for work and that’s his fave. We pay for the family plan and have our girls using it too.
Happy New Year, everyone!! We’re heading to wdw on Monday morning for a week. I’m not looking forward to the crowds but super excited to have my whole fam going. It’s been difficult to coordinate fam travel with two girls in college and working. But this trip will be all 4 of my kiddos and my oldest dd’s fiancé :lovestruc They met during the dcp and are getting married in July.
I hope 2022 finds us all enjoying travel again and returning to normalcy. So nice to see so many old friends here :wave:
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