I love credit cards so much! v5.0 - 2022 (see first page for add'l details)

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Saving Money on Disney Vacations since 2006
Sep 6, 2014
IMPORTANT NOTE: If you are new, It is highly recommended that you read the first 5 "stickied comments" before jumping in here!

:welcome:Welcome to the "I Love Credit Cards" Thread!! :welcome:

This is a continuation from our Original Thread which was followed up by our v2.0 Thread, v3.0 Thread, and v4.0 Thread. Combined, these threads have generated 7 million+ views and 190k+ comments!!

If you are NEW to this thread, please read the first few comments on this page to find out a little bit about us. However, after that don't try to read through every page. If you want to get a feel for us maybe peruse the last 25-50 pages. This thread moves very fast and information may become outdated :)
What is this thread?
  • A positive and drama free place to discuss credit card rewards with fellow DISers
  • A community of contributors who want to help others travel for free (or at very discounted rates)
  • A group of people who are unified in our goal to maximize returns on our purchases but diverse in our goals on what to do with those points
  • We have experts in numerous rewards programs frequenting the thread each day including: Chase Ultimate Rewards, American Express Membership Rewards, Citi Thank You Points and virtually every major frequent flyer and hotel rewards program.
  • See comment 2 for how to properly ask for advice. Depending on what your travel goals (or financial goals) are, we can assist in creating a customized strategy to generate THOUSANDS of dollars in free travel or cash on your everyday purchases!
  • See comment 3 for a caution on why you should ask first and apply later! Don't make an important mistake right out of the gate!!
What isn't this thread?
  • This is NOT A place to discuss strategies to pay-down credit card debt, take advantage of balance transfer or 0% interest offers, or anything else related to credit card debt.
  • It is HIGHLY recommended to avoid the "churning" game if you currently have or are susceptible to credit card debt. The cards we will advocate for may have exorbitant interest rates and fees. This does not bother us because we DON'T pay interest EVER and the benefits of the cards outweigh any fees.
  • There are numerous places on the DIS where qualified and helpful people will give you advice on CC debt, this just isn't one of them :)
  • Even if you are a "credit card debt avoider" please be aware of your spending habits. Some of the cards we will advocate will require spending a large amount in the first 90 days, do not allow this to affect your spending patterns. Free travel is only truly free if you earn it from your regular everyday spend!
Also - a huge shout-out to @FairestOfThemAll37 for creating the original thread. I'm sure she never envisioned in July of 2016 that this simply titled thread would become one of the most prolific in DISboards history!

Additional Note: We are like a family here. Some of us have been on the original thread since the beginning and many have been around for well over a year. We know each other's families, travel styles and preferences. The discussion will move fast and furious at times and you may be lost at first. If you ask for advice, don't worry, we will eventually see it and help you! If you don't get a response ask again. And if you see us having fun with each other or making jokes, know that it is ALL out of love!!
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🤔 🤔 🤔 How do I ask for Advice? 🤔 🤔 🤔
Well...you go to the comment box and ask...:rotfl2:

Ok - so seriously, there are numerous things that the experts here would need to know to provide qualified and helpful advice.

1) First off, we are going to want you to list ALL credit cards you were approved for in the last 24 months. This would include all personal credit cards, store credit cards, business credit cards (but not things such as auto loans, mortgages or debit cards). If you have a spouse (aka Player 2) please also list their cards separately if they are participating in this as well.

The format you should use to do that is as follows:
MM/YY - ISSUER Card Name
  • MM = Month (add a 0 before single digit months to make it look even more uniform)
  • YY = Year
  • Card Name = The Full Card Name (including business or personal if applicable)
11/18 - AMEX Business Gold Rewards
01/19 - CHASE Marriott Personal
04/19 - CHASE Ink Preferred
09/19 - CITI AAdvantage Business
11/19 - CHASE Southwest Business
01/20 - CHASE Southwest Plus

2) Secondly we'll want to know a little bit about you. Specifically - what you spend, and what you want to earn!
  • What amount of spend would you put on a card monthly (i.e. groceries, gas, insurance, cable, cell phone, other expenses)?
  • Do you currently payoff your CCs in full every month or do you carry any balances/pay any interest?
  • What airport(s) do you typically fly out of?
  • Do you have a preference of Frequent Flyer program?
  • Does SOUTHWEST Airline service your airport?
  • Do you have a Hotel Rewards program preference?
  • Do you currently have travel points or miles in any program? (if so, which programs and how much)
  • What at your specific goals for churning credit cards? (i.e. Disney World Trip, Cruise, European Trip, Cash Back to pay-off a mortgage or student loans, etc. - you can have multiple goals too!)
  • When do you plan to take these trips? (Keep in mind that it can be difficult to earn points/miles to cover imminent travel...it's best to plan far in advance, especially with regards to international travel)
  • Who does your travel party consist of? (Spouse, Kids (& ages), other relatives/friends)
You DO NOT need to list all of this (or really any of this) info above to ask for advice...just know that the MORE you share, the BETTER the advice we'll be able to provide. If we feel that you have not provided us enough info, you'll often be directed back here or met with lots of questions before getting any answers.
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🛑 🛑 🛑 So you want to apply for a card... STOP. WAIT. PAUSE!!! 🛑 🛑 🛑

Please, Please, Please take a moment and introduce yourself on the thread here. Simply say "hi, I'm new here and thinking about getting the XYZ card."

In this game, there are numerous rules, guidelines and loopholes that you want to be aware of BEFORE pulling the trigger on an application. We CANNOT undo your mistakes. And mistakes can cost you THOUSANDS of dollars in points opportunities. (Not points...we're talking actually $1,000's of real money!!)

So take a breath, say hi, and let us help you avoid making any fatal errors with your first application.

TRUST ME... Waiting an extra day to apply will not kill you... But applying for the wrong card today could hurt you for 2 years or more depending on your situation!!
🎆 🎆 🎆 Care to see our top Secrets??? 🎆 🎆 🎆
Did you seriously think it would be that easy???...you gotta read the thread to learn about those!!!

Some other related threads that may be of interest:
  • HOTEL Reviews thread - reviews completed by our very own folks right here! This thread has not been getting as much activity as it used to, and some info might be outdated.
  • DISNEY Gift Cards Discussion - Churning credit cards and purchasing Disney Gift Cards at times can go hand in hand. Also there is a lot of overlap posters there and here.
You might also consider jumping into our reddit group called DISchurners which contains helpful information such as Trip tips, Advanced strategies, etc. If you wish to join, just ask how, it's open to ALL who happen upon our happy little thread here!

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GLOSSARY - we will use many terms, abbreviations and acronyms. Refer to this list to help understand the most common ones. IF you have any questions though, just ask! We are all super nice (we also will typically try to spell these out in our initial comments to a newer person)
  • 0/30 = To apply for a Chase Business card you want to have no applications in the last 30 days
  • x/24 = The number of cards opened within the last 24 months - A common measurement for churning activity
  • A+ = Barclays Arrival Plus Card
  • AA = American Airlines or the American Airlines AAdvantage program
  • AF = Annual Fee The yearly fee associated with premium credit cards.
  • AMEX = American Express (aka Amex or AmEx)
  • AO = Amex Offer - special offers/discounts you can add to your Amex card for extra points, cash back, savings, etc.
  • AU = Authorized User - A secondary user of a credit card account.
  • BBP = AMEX Blue Business Plus Card (aka BB+)
  • BoA = Bank of America (aka BOA or BofA)
  • Bonvoy = Marriott's rewards points program
  • BGR = AMEX Business Gold Rewards Card (aka BRG)
  • Cap1 = Capital One - a card issuer (aka C1 or CO)
  • CF = Chase Freedom Card (the Visa version which you can’t apply for anymore)
  • CFF = Chase Freedom Flex Card
  • CFU = Chase Freedom Unlimited Card
  • CIC = Chase Ink Cash Card
  • CIP = Chase Ink Preferred Card
  • CIU = Chase Ink Unlimited Card
  • CK = Credit Karma - one of the tools you can use to track your credit and recent cards
  • CL = Credit Limit - the credit limit assigned to your card
  • CP = Companion Pass - almost always used in conjunction with the Southwest CP program
  • CPP = Cents Per Point - the monetary value of a reward redemption
  • CSP = Chase Sapphire Preferred Card
  • CSR = Chase Sapphire Reserve Card
  • DD = Double Dip - can be used in many different ways, most notably a strategy that no longer works (applying for 2 Chase cards on the same day)
  • DC = Citi Double Cash card
  • DISchurners = A reddit group where we discuss advanced strategies and loopholes
  • DoC = Doctor of Credit blog - a very reputable blog we often quote (aka DOC)
  • DP = Data Point - A piece of information that proves that a strategy is working (or not) or a rule is being applied in a certain way
  • EIN = Employer Identification Number which is sometimes referenced in discussions of biz cards
  • FT = Flyer Talk - another discussion board where we sometimes find info to share here
  • GC = Gift Card - Any gift card. Usually used in conjunction with a store name or issuer (i.e. Visa, MasterCard, American Express)
  • HH = Hilton Honors Reward Program
  • HUCA = Hang Up and Call Again - A tactic advocated when you encounter an unfriendly/unhelpful/uninformed phone agent.
  • MCGC = MasterCard Gift Card
  • MDD = Modified Double Dip - a rarely used strategy that can be lucrative in very specific situations
  • MO = Money Order - sometimes used with certain strategies
  • MPE = Chase MileagePlus Explorer Card
  • MPX = United MileagePlus App where you can purchase GCs to other stores and earn UA miles and CC points
  • MR = American Express Membership Rewards Program
  • MS = Manufactured Spending (a next level strategy)
  • MSR = Minimum Spending Requirement - The minimum required amount that must be spent on a credit card in order to qualify for the sign up bonus
  • NLL = No Lifetime Language - related to the ability to earn an Amex bonus on a card a 2nd time
  • P1 & P2 = Player 1, Player 2 - Referring to spouses and other family members that are also participating in the churning game. Some will also reference P3, P4 etc regarding additional family members.
  • PC = Product Change - converting your card to a different product as allowed by the bank (many times to avoid an annual fee or access different benefits)
  • PP = Priority Pass Lounge - airport lounge that certain cards provide access into
  • PYB = Pay Yourself Back - Chase program introduced in 2020 that is often discussed as a way to "cash out" your UR points.
  • r/churning = Reddit's churning group where a lot of our info comes from. (Not necessarily a friendly place like here)
  • RAT = American Express Rewards Abuse Team who reviews AMEX signup bonuses and may deny your points at their discretion
  • RR = Rapid Rewards - Southwest Airline's points program
  • SM = A Secure Message sent through a bank's secure portal
  • SUB = SignUp Bonus
  • SW = Southwest Airlines
  • T&C = Terms and Conditions - often relevant to us in checking eligibility or how to qualify for a bonus
  • TPG = The Points Guy blog - NOT a favorite around these parts but sometimes quoted
  • TYP = Citi Thank You Points Rewards Program (aka TY)
  • UA = United Airlines
  • UR = Chase Ultimate Rewards Program (plural = URs)
  • VGC = Visa Gift Card(s)
  • YMMV = Your Mileage (Miles) May Vary - i.e. results may vary
Can't believe we're at #5 already. :eek: Feels like just yesterday I grabbed my SPG Biz at the all time high thanks to the advice here and then DD'd the Sapphires after. Ah, memories... Although that must mean it's time for a MDD this year... ooo new excitement, yay thread #5!

Happy and Healthy New Year to all 🎉
Happy New Year all! Glad 2021 is over though it did bring us a beautiful blessing of our first GS, born in Germany to our DD who is nurse stationed there in the Air Force. Today is our travel day back to the US and it’s bittersweet leaving after 2 months. DS was here for 12 days and DH 9 days. We ended the trip spending 4 nights at Edelweiss Lodge in Garmisch which is a military resort in Bavaria. DH, myself and DD have all served and are eligible to stay there with family and friends. DS and DH went skiing one day, and DS and I visited Zugspitze, the highest point in Germany. We also had a chance to visit the Ettal monastery where Schnapps and cheese is made. And did a horse drawn carriage ride thru town with the rest of the family. Last night for us ended with a modified NY celebration. Unfortunately no fireworks due to Covid. DD, DSIL and DGS are staying a few more nights and friends are joining them. So a 4:45 am taxi to Munich train station followed by a 3 1/2 hour train ride to Frankfurt airport. Then our 11 hour NS flight into Houston. We could have flown from Munich but the train was less even with 1st class train seats and the train terminal is at the airport. And the Bavaria trip was only added 4 weeks ago because we did not know what restrictions would remain in place in Bavaria. All of the Christmas markets were closed in that state in late November. Still everything was so beautiful and decorated and made for a relaxing vacation at the end of the trip. DS, DH, and I got Covid tested for free in Garmissch. Line was short with a 15 minute turnaround. No appointment needed. Covid testing is very organized here and masks are required everywhere. The FFP2 mask was required in Bavaria but regular medical grade masks were ok everywhere else. I actually preferred the FFP2.
Lastly, travel to Europe right now is not for the faint of heart. Covid restrictions changing all the time and I would recommend having your booster if you do decide to travel across the pond. Although I didn’t have a ton of expenses, I managed to do almost $2000 in spend on my new SW priority card. And applied for and used several benefits on my new Venture x. I’m hoping to get DD to apply for the Venture x before the 100,000 points offer goes away. She hasn’t quite grasped this whole points thing and thinks it’s too much work! She and DH do have CSP’s but that’s as far as they have taken it. Hope everyone earns lots of free travel this year! 🥰


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There was definitely a lower number of comments and views this year. The churning game is cyclical, people come and go... I love that we have some "new blood" so to speak on the thread though - and maybe 2022 will see a resurgence of activity here as more people return to Disney parks and consequently stumble onto the DISboards looking for info on how to save money for Disney trips!

Some people have gotten busier in their lives. New houses, new jobs, new babies accounted for, and some people are out there reading and not posting as much because some of it is work! I have to stop and remember to try to reply when someone asks a question I can answer. Usually I will look below to see if it's already attended to first.

So here's a shout out to some of our former heavy duty posters and Happy New Year to them! Drop by and say hi!

@wendow came by yesterday, but haven't seen @Lain in a while. Others I've kept in touch with through pm's. (I like to know people are doing well.)

Enjoy the new year and all life has to offer. You will find it's flying by!

edit3 - found @Lain had beat me to posting on this thread!
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I'll drop the first question. I'm looking to get into the Biz card game. Ideally looking at a BBP but curious as to what the personal FICO needs to be to qualify? Also open to other suggestions that don't report to personal reports. I've got a real side gig that results in 1099s from multiple states, annual income of about 5k and been doing it for 10 years.
Oh, and I'm ready to apply for a 2022 credit card. Not sure what one yet.

edit: Maybe that Cap Venture whatever it is? I want to cash out and use it for my DVC dues. My way of getting free Disney.

edit again: I could never cash out my UR's so not a UR card., lol
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