I Like Warm Hugs! - Mommy/Toddler Trip ~ Updated 6/20: New Trip Report Link!


Completely forgot about getting one checked bag with delta for having their Amex card! We're flying Delta to MCO and coming back on SWA, so thanks for including that tip in your report :worship:

Aweseome that you were able to get that extra seat on the plane for her :thumbsup2

:lmao: broken food! That's so funny to me because DS likes his food dismantled! Like with PB&J sandwiches, i'll make him one and he'll pull it apart and eat each piece of bread spereately. These kids and their preferences :rotfl2:

Izzy does fantastic on flights! Still a bit nervous about how he'll do in the carseat. Then I think, if you can do it all by yourself, I can surely do it with two other adults right? More concerned about him being loud on the plane for other people.

So you recommend using the car seat on the ME?

I'd think with all the stuff you had with you, you'd want a bottom floor request.

Glad you made it in time for your FP+ reservation! Still haven't watched a video of the Mine Train as i'm waiting to ride it first and be surprised :)

Poor Izzy just fighting that nap. Glad she gave in eventually!
We were surprised to see seatbelts on the ME on our most recent trip, as well! I was curious why they made that change. I don't think anyone actually wore theirs.

It's fun seeing Izzy at this age - we just decided to do a quick WDW trip right before Rory turns two. We'll take advantage of the free plane ride one last time!

I'm glad you were able to make it to the MK in time to meet up with Lauren and use your Mine Train FPs.

I'm looking forward to hearing about the FoF parade. :thumbsup2
Glad you're here! :goodvibes

Completely forgot about getting one checked bag with delta for having their Amex card! We're flying Delta to MCO and coming back on SWA, so thanks for including that tip in your report :worship:
Oh, cool, take advantage of that benefit! And remember that it's one bag for each member of your travel party (assuming you all booked together).

Aweseome that you were able to get that extra seat on the plane for her :thumbsup2
It's so much better having her in her own seat! Though I don't like having to buy a ticket for her now that she's two, I do like knowing that she will always have her own seat (and, therefore, I will have my own space).

:lmao: broken food! That's so funny to me because DS likes his food dismantled! Like with PB&J sandwiches, i'll make him one and he'll pull it apart and eat each piece of bread spereately. These kids and their preferences :rotfl2:
Ha, between the two of them, they could handle anything! :rotfl: Yeah, she gets really upset if you break her food...as will surface at the end of this TR. :rolleyes1 Though, I will say that Izzy tends to do the same thing with sandwiches...maybe it's okay if she's the one doing the breaking? :confused3

Izzy does fantastic on flights! Still a bit nervous about how he'll do in the carseat. Then I think, if you can do it all by yourself, I can surely do it with two other adults right? More concerned about him being loud on the plane for other people.
Hmmm, concerned about making noise? Try flying overnight in the the middle of a bunch of First Class sleeping people... :rotfl2: :eek: It wasn't too bad, but still...:rolleyes1 How does he do in the car? Izzy tends to be a good car rider, so that translates well to the plane. I try to be over prepared to prevent meltdowns: all comfort items needed to nap, plenty of snacks/milk, tons of toys - some old favorites/some brand new, etc. However, for Hawaii, she wanted to watch movies (either airplane screen or iPad), almost the entire way. So, have lots of options and just go with what he wants/needs. You can do it! :goodvibes

So you recommend using the car seat on the ME?
You know, I'm just not sure. I don't think their buses ALL consistently have seat belts. So, if it does, might not be a bad idea. If not, then put it down below. :confused3 I will say that I forgot all about this by the time we went home and didn't bring on the seat and didn't check if there were seat belts (I'm thinking not?).

I'd think with all the stuff you had with you, you'd want a bottom floor request.
Well, Pop has elevators, so I wasn't too concerned. And, once off the plane, everything hooks together enough to be easy to transport. I was going for the coveted fireworks view from Pop, but it was not to be.

Glad you made it in time for your FP+ reservation! Still haven't watched a video of the Mine Train as i'm waiting to ride it first and be surprised :)
Yeah, I couldn't help myself and watched beforehand. Though, I will say that I was still surprised on the ride and didn't fully know what to expect. Have fun!

Poor Izzy just fighting that nap. Glad she gave in eventually!
Me too, even if it was like 90 minutes late (therefore, short nap due to the parade coming up).

We were surprised to see seatbelts on the ME on our most recent trip, as well! I was curious why they made that change. I don't think anyone actually wore theirs.
Yeah, it really took me by surprise when the driver made an announcement about buckling kids into seat belts! As I wrote the last update, I tried to find info and it looks like Florida is requiring newly manufactured coach buses to have them, so I'm guessing that we got some of the newer vehicles in the DME fleet?

It's fun seeing Izzy at this age - we just decided to do a quick WDW trip right before Rory turns two. We'll take advantage of the free plane ride one last time!
Yay!!! :cool1: That was certainly part of my logic on this trip - much cheaper with a free flight and free admission for her! When is your trip? (sorry, I forget when his birthday is). I really thought it was a great age too - I hope you have a blast!

I'm glad you were able to make it to the MK in time to meet up with Lauren and use your Mine Train FPs.
Me too! We really were scrambling, but it all worked out. Would have been nice if I'd been able to catch a FP+ for Mine Train slightly later, but at least it was something and I made it.

I'm looking forward to hearing about the FoF parade. :thumbsup2
Coming up next!
Sleeping Izzy and I made our way through the castle to get to our parade viewing area:

I scanned my band with the FP+ and entered the roped-off viewing area. Since I was on the later end of the return window, many others were already there and taking up all the space along the rope:

I walked all the way down to the opposite end looking for a spot big enough to squeeze in the stroller, but there was nothing. There were a lot of oblivious people just not really aware they were taking up two spots while waiting – I tried to pull in next to one where there was clearly enough room and they just weren’t paying attention, but they didn’t even notice and I didn’t really want to get his attention and ask for room, so I just walked all the way back near the entrance, since I had noticed a small space right there. I squeezed in and the people next to it made plenty of room for me and the stroller, so no problem. :thumbsup2

I let Izzy continue to sleep until the parade was approaching, since she wasn’t getting nearly enough naptime with the late sleep onset. I hated to wake her, given the long struggle to get her down, but I knew she’d enjoy the parade. I just hoped she wouldn’t be too grumpy upon waking. I gently woke her and asked if she wanted to see a parade. The answer was a resounding, “Yes!” I held her and we waited for it to make it’s way to us:

While we were waiting, I noticed that some people had gathered at the rope behind the FP+ area – probably not a bad vantage point, as we were only one deep in our area:

Hey, there it comes:

It was nice that we could see the castle in the background while the parade approached:

Hi, Belle and Beast:

I really tried to get Cinderella to notice Izzy’s “bippity boppity boo” shirt, but she didn’t see it :sad2: :

Anna and Elsa came by:

Much easier to see them in this parade than the special Frozen one we’d be seeing the next day at the Studios. No dealing with the Frozen Frenzy over here.

The Tangled float was super cool:

All the swinging and there was Flynn Rider!

Hey, Ariel:

Unfortunately, Ariel didn’t notice Izzy at all, despite Izzy loving her. :confused3

Hey, Ariel’s friend:

Peter Pan’s float was really neat too:

And, of course, Tink was there:

And this guy:

Continued in next post...
Continued from previous post...

Hi, Merida:

Izzy enjoyed watching all the floats and characters go by, but wanted me to hold her (guess my arm wasn’t getting tired just yet):

Everything in this parade was just such eye candy:

Izzy waved to Pluto, so happy to see a doggy pluto: :

She loved seeing the fur characters come by:

And, best of all, these two mice made an appearance:

Izzy was so happy to see her favorite mouse (“Mimmie”) go by:

This was a truly fantastic parade! I am not much of a parade person, in general, but I was just mesmerized by this. pixiedust: So fascinating and we both got a kick out of it. Highly recommend seeing it! :thumbsup2

Up next: Disney with a toddler…you know what that means…time to ride Dumbo! ::yes::
:lmao: broken food! That's so funny to me because DS likes his food dismantled! Like with PB&J sandwiches, i'll make him one and he'll pull it apart and eat each piece of bread spereately. These kids and their preferences :rotfl2:

Oh my gosh!! My 2.5 yr old son does this too!! Drives me up a wall. It's SOOO messy!!

Actually he currently refuses to eat PBJ now because about 2 weeks ago I got mad at him for refusing to wear a bib while eating his "open face" PBJ and now he's acting all paranoid about getting messy while eating PBJ *facepalm* ruined THAT easy meal. Total mom fail! We now eat PBJ on crackers :confused3

Hey! and we arrive at Disney 1 day after you in Jan!
Awww! She looks so happy at the end of the parade! I think you made a good choice waking her up!

Caden LOVES parades. He stood and waved for the whole 1.5 hr 4th of july parade this year. Completely mesmerized. I'm super excited for him to see the one at Disney!
Hey! and we arrive at Disney 1 day after you in Jan!
Hey, how did I miss putting two and two together on this one?! :teacher:

If you haven't found it yet, she just started a PTR for her trip. You two should totally try to meet up so the boys can share an open faced PB&J!! :rotfl2: :goodvibes
Festival of Fantasy is such a great parade. Disney really did do a good job when they came up with it. I'm glad you were able to see it.

I was worried there for a second when you said you had to wake Izzy up before the parade started. That can be dicey with toddlers. Sometimes, they're cool. Other times, it's meltdown city. Relieved Izzy cooperated. I'm sure seeing some of her favorite characters helped a lot!:goodvibes
I am here! Sorry for my absence. SO excited to read along!! Your morning Airport routine sounds familiar! Unless it is def nap time, despite the early hour there is no napping for miss Aria either. Glad the flight was fine, and so glad you made it just in time for the Mine Train! BTW that bed does look super close to the doorway! annoying!

It was so nice to meet up for the ride and I really enjoyed relaxing & chatting at Gaston's. I can't wait to meet up again in May, and hopefully we can figure out another cheapie quick trip as well while we have AP's.

Ah those shoes. I think I took them away from izzy on the next day at DHS? She had taken them off and really needed to nap but instead was playing with her shoes LOL so I put them in your stroller hehehe. It was fun looking at the videos with her, especially since it let her warm up to me when you went to ride at first!

Great parade photos - I especially loved the one of her waving, so cute!
glad you were able to get a spot despite being near the end of the FP+ window. I am sure most of the people would have moved a little if you asked, but definitely easier not needing to have to.

Good point about the spot right behind the roped area - especially if you don't have any small children with you who might struggle to see that seems like a good spot

Did you think at times the floats were almost too tall? Like, I could see it being a bit challenging for Ariel, Merida, etc. to really connect with the kids with how high up they are - though might be the angle of your pictures exagerating that.

Great we-sies of you and Izzy with the Castle behind you :goodvibes
Love the pics of Izzy watching the parade! She really looks happy. It's always a tough call weather to wake them or not, but you made the right choice.

I am really excited to see this parade it looks great. I am not much of a parade person either,but Charlotte really loves them, so I kind of have a new appreciation for them.
That was my favourite part of being in the FP area for a parade. I loved having the castle in the background. Perfection.

Such a great idea to take the seflie pics. Honestly those are the ones you'll cherish the most I'm sure. :goodvibes

And obviously so glad you got to see this and not the Cavalcade, but I eventually did get to see FoF, so it's all good.
Awww! She looks so happy at the end of the parade! I think you made a good choice waking her up!
I think so too. She was a bit unsure at first, but got excited quickly and was just beaming by the time the fur characters came around.

Caden LOVES parades. He stood and waved for the whole 1.5 hr 4th of july parade this year. Completely mesmerized. I'm super excited for him to see the one at Disney!
Wow, impressive! I'm sure he will love the WDW ones! I probably should post this in your PTR, but I'll throw it here (since I'm lazy): if you end up getting an Electrical Parade FP+ and watching from that viewing area, you can move back into Main Street a bit right afterwards and watch Wishes from there - that's what we did in June and it worked well. However, Dug did the Wishes FP+ back in December and liked that too - it is more secluded, but it's also off to the side in the rose garden area, so depends what kind of view/experience you want. We ended up in the "front row" in June, since they ran the crosswalk rope right in front of where we stopped to watch from. :thumbsup2

Festival of Fantasy is such a great parade. Disney really did do a good job when they came up with it. I'm glad you were able to see it.
I'm glad too. I really like it and that is saying something since I'm normally fairly "meh" about parades. I mean, with Izzy, they are more fun than they used to be, but I think the pre-mommy-me would have liked this one too!

I was worried there for a second when you said you had to wake Izzy up before the parade started. That can be dicey with toddlers. Sometimes, they're cool. Other times, it's meltdown city. Relieved Izzy cooperated. I'm sure seeing some of her favorite characters helped a lot!:goodvibes
Yes, I was a little worried that she'd be a cranky mess, which is why I waited until the parade was almost to us (distraction, a mommy's best friend!) I really wanted her to see the parade, though, and I knew this was her only chance, so it really was never a question if I'd wake her up. I'm glad it went well. She's a good kid.

I am here! Sorry for my absence. SO excited to read along!! Your morning Airport routine sounds familiar! Unless it is def nap time, despite the early hour there is no napping for miss Aria either. Glad the flight was fine, and so glad you made it just in time for the Mine Train! BTW that bed does look super close to the doorway! annoying!
Yay, you're here! :yay: :wave2:

Ha, yes, I guess I've now learned that about morning flights. Who knew? :confused3 :rotfl2: Silly me, thinking it would be like how I get up in the morning, then go to the park-and-ride, then nap on the bus for the next 30+ minutes to work to make up for my lack of sleep. :sad2:

That bed may or may not have been run into by the stroller many times during our stay! :rolleyes1 It is so hard to maneuver a stroller with one hand while holding the door open with the other hand through a space just barely wide enough for the stroller. :headache:

It was so nice to meet up for the ride and I really enjoyed relaxing & chatting at Gaston's. I can't wait to meet up again in May, and hopefully we can figure out another cheapie quick trip as well while we have AP's.
So glad to get that extra couple spins on the Mine Train! And that break at Gaston's was just what I needed after a long travel morning of running around. I was a bit frazzled by then and it was nice to just relax for a bit.

Getting excited for May! :cool1: Not sure how likely any other trips are, though, as May is taking basically all of our vacation fund and then some... :sad1: But, then again, I am pretty easy to convince, as my record shows...:rotfl:

Ah those shoes. I think I took them away from izzy on the next day at DHS? She had taken them off and really needed to nap but instead was playing with her shoes LOL so I put them in your stroller hehehe. It was fun looking at the videos with her, especially since it let her warm up to me when you went to ride at first!
Yes, you took them away from her at DHS - I remember that. Good thinking! It finally got her to settle down and nap. She still loves playing with her shoes (and socks). Glad she enjoyed watching videos with you - I hated having to leave a cranky toddler with you like that. Thank you! :goodvibes

Great parade photos - I especially loved the one of her waving, so cute!
Thanks, I loved watching her watch the parade.

glad you were able to get a spot despite being near the end of the FP+ window. I am sure most of the people would have moved a little if you asked, but definitely easier not needing to have to.
I'm sure they would have, I just didn't really want to barge in and ask when I knew there was an option open. I'm quite non-confrontational.

Good point about the spot right behind the roped area - especially if you don't have any small children with you who might struggle to see that seems like a good spot
Very true! And, given what you mention next about the tall floats, you can probably see quite a lot.

Did you think at times the floats were almost too tall? Like, I could see it being a bit challenging for Ariel, Merida, etc. to really connect with the kids with how high up they are - though might be the angle of your pictures exagerating that.
I hadn't really thought about it, but I would agree. The lower characters, like Tinker Bell, seemed to have an easier time connecting with the kids. The higher characters had to play more to the crowd in general. They were way up there.

Great we-sies of you and Izzy with the Castle behind you :goodvibes
Thanks! I don't even think I was purposely trying to get the castle - it just worked out that way! :thumbsup2

Love the pics of Izzy watching the parade! She really looks happy. It's always a tough call weather to wake them or not, but you made the right choice.
Thanks. Yeah, I normally live by the "don't wake a sleeping baby" thing, but this was a rare exception. I'm glad she loved it!

I am really excited to see this parade it looks great. I am not much of a parade person either,but Charlotte really loves them, so I kind of have a new appreciation for them.
True, having a child that enjoys parades makes them so much more enjoyable. And it is a really neat parade. They were thinking outside the box on some of those floats and things.

That was my favourite part of being in the FP area for a parade. I loved having the castle in the background. Perfection.
I agree - such a nice vantage point!

Such a great idea to take the seflie pics. Honestly those are the ones you'll cherish the most I'm sure. :goodvibes
I really am glad that I ended up doing those selfies (and I did a lot, as you'll see in the Dumbo update...). Capturing her reaction to things was important, as I knew nobody else was going to do it. I do love those - and I did some videos that way too, which I love.

And obviously so glad you got to see this and not the Cavalcade, but I eventually did get to see FoF, so it's all good.
Yay, glad you got to see it. I felt so bad for Phil missing out on it. I don't think it ever occurred to me that it could be rained out (until your TRs) - I was lucky that it was a beautiful day, as that was our only chance to see it on this short trip.
After the parade, we went straight for Dumbo. Here’s the best of my failed attempts at a selfie (we-sie) in front of the ride:

Ah, there it is :dumbo: :

Not a lot of people inside:

There was no real wait, so it was optional, but we chose to make a right and play in the tent for a bit before going on the ride. Izzy did the slide:

Funny to think that was like her first slide back on our Dec. 2013 trip and now it was just some dinky little slide to her! :sad2:

She explored a bit more, but you can see the area was fairly crowded:

She made her way to the car, but does not look terribly pleased to be driving :confused3 :

We ended up cutting the playtime pretty short, as she just didn’t really seem into it. I think all the other kids competing for the stuff deterred her. So, we went back to the entrance and handed in our buzzer and headed out to the ride:

I did a lot of explaining things to Izzy on this trip. Like explaining that another group would ride and we would get on when they got off, taking turns, etc. I was amazed at how much she seemed to understand and that she seemed to take comfort in knowing our plans and what to expect. I tried to talk to her like a little person, rather than a baby, on this trip and I think it really helped her to understand what was happening and feel at ease. Soon enough, it was our turn! :cool1:

My notes say we were in Dumbo #34 and I noticed that I had broken my 4th fingernail of the day! :eek: Here is our Dumbo before I got in:

Smart girl – picked the best color! :thumbsup2

We had a fun spin and she really enjoyed herself:

We went up and down and up and down. If you’re so inclined, there’s a video of me saying as much (I'm a total dork in the video - and Izzy doesn't seem entirely sure what to make of it, but I'm posting it anyway :rotfl2:):

(click to watch)

After our flight on Dumbo, we had to go use the first FP+ that I’d added to Izzy’s band at the kiosk: Buzz Lightyear’s Space Ranger Spin!

Up next: Who will be the Galactic Hero?! :cool2:
Oh my gosh!! I love the video!! She seemed like she was loving it! :D
I was nervous that ride would freak caden out so I had pushed it later on my list after we rode a few "safe" rides...but that looks very calm and enjoyable...maybe I'll move it up a few spots on the list.

I do that explaining thing with Caden too!! I think I figured it out about the same point in Caden's life. We now talk about "The Plan" before we do just about everything and on every car ride (we talk about where we're going, what we'll do there, the order things will happen, and what behavior I'm expecting from him). I noticed a HUGE difference in his behavior when I started that. It also helped with times when he was about to throw a fit, I'd get down on his level and be like "caden remember The Plan? While we do XYZ you will be quiet and play" or whatever and it's like he goes "oh yeah, we DID talk about this...ok...I'll chill"
I also will often take a time out when he seems to be about to melt down, pull him on my lap, and discuss The Plan. It really helps him a lot. I think it gives him a feeling of control knowing what's going to happen.

It's really fun to talk to them like people now isn't it!? I love that he's become my little buddy now and not just my baby.
funny how in about 6 months the slide went from something brand new to try to something that she is too big for - goes to show how quickly time goes and appreciate those first slide, um, slides when they happen :goodvibes

Gotta love Dumbo and while I miss it not being in the heart of Fantasy land, the new set up with the water is great!
I love the playground part of Dumbo, but it can get a little crazy in there if there's a bunch of older kids running around. At least Izzy got to stretch her legs for a bit.

Talking and explaining things to toddlers can go a long way, surprisingly. They are smart little cookies....

Heading over to your Aulani TR as soon as Landon falls asleep!
Oh my gosh!! I love the video!! She seemed like she was loving it! :D
I was nervous that ride would freak caden out so I had pushed it later on my list after we rode a few "safe" rides...but that looks very calm and enjoyable...maybe I'll move it up a few spots on the list.
Aw, thanks, glad it wasn't too annoying. :rotfl: Dumbo's not too wild - and you can at least control if you go up or down (except the up at the end). Izzy was fine with it - goes back to the explaining thing while we were in line, in part. The other thing that helped was a mock Dumbo ride at the State Fair shortly before our trip. I knew she'd still like it, since she'd enjoyed that one too.

I do that explaining thing with Caden too!! I think I figured it out about the same point in Caden's life. We now talk about "The Plan" before we do just about everything and on every car ride (we talk about where we're going, what we'll do there, the order things will happen, and what behavior I'm expecting from him). I noticed a HUGE difference in his behavior when I started that. It also helped with times when he was about to throw a fit, I'd get down on his level and be like "caden remember The Plan? While we do XYZ you will be quiet and play" or whatever and it's like he goes "oh yeah, we DID talk about this...ok...I'll chill"
I also will often take a time out when he seems to be about to melt down, pull him on my lap, and discuss The Plan. It really helps him a lot. I think it gives him a feeling of control knowing what's going to happen.
Totally agree with all of that. So glad it works for us. I think I was doing it somewhat prior to the trip, but really made sure to talk to her that way consistently throughout the trip. Still do it all the time.

It's really fun to talk to them like people now isn't it!? I love that he's become my little buddy now and not just my baby.
Totally agree again! :thumbsup2 She is very much my little buddy. :goodvibes

funny how in about 6 months the slide went from something brand new to try to something that she is too big for - goes to show how quickly time goes and appreciate those first slide, um, slides when they happen :goodvibes
I know, things change SO fast!

Gotta love Dumbo and while I miss it not being in the heart of Fantasy land, the new set up with the water is great!
Agreed - I liked the views before, but I really like the water feature, especially lit up at night. So pretty!

I love the playground part of Dumbo, but it can get a little crazy in there if there's a bunch of older kids running around. At least Izzy got to stretch her legs for a bit.
Yeah, it had been much quieter on previous visits, but this one was just a bit too hectic for Izzy, especially in her sleep-deprived state.

Talking and explaining things to toddlers can go a long way, surprisingly. They are smart little cookies....
They sure are!

Heading over to your Aulani TR as soon as Landon falls asleep!
See you there! :wave:

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