I hope...


<font color=green>Emerald Angel<br><font color=mag
May 12, 2001
everybody's having a good Sunday....:D

It's a beautiful day here in Atlanta....:D
Hi Heather.:wave: I hope you are having a great Sunday as well.:)

My part of Georgia is cloudy. Other than that, it's been an ok day.:sunny:
:wave: Hello Heather! I hope you are having a great Sunday as well :) It is warm and sunny here so a beautiful day here as well :sunny:
Good morning everyone (well its still morning for me 10:32am) I got my bathing suit on and everything ready to go swimming when ever my parent get gome from church!!

No clouds in the sky, another lovely day in San Diego!!
It's hot here in Mass. I have the day off and I am staying in changing sheets, cleaning the tub and doing laundry, oh and stufing my face, and I wonder why I am not losing these 10 pounds I have packed on. :D
Had a great day even though it is pouring down out-side!!
Thanks! I had an ok day. Nothing great happened, but nothing bad here did either!
my day was okie...watched movies and just hung out!!
this is my last few days before school start! :( :(

hearing Atlanta makes me think of Gone with the Wind...I LOVE that movie! :)
hearing Atlanta makes me think of Gone with the Wind...I LOVE that movie!

You're not gonna believe this, but we went to see Austin Powers a couple of Sundays ago. We were at our seats awaiting the trailers. The Pre-movie slide show was in full swing. A trivia question popped up about Gone With the Wind. I think it asked what city it's based in. Well, DUH! When the answer came up, I heard someone in the back say that they didn't know it was based in Atlanta and sounded shocked! Most of the theater turned to see who this person was, gasping as they did so.


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