I havent recieved my loews card yet. what to do ?


Earning My Ears
Jan 18, 2001
I signed up for a loews card 1 month ago online.
we still havent recieved anything and we are going to stay at HRH with 5 persons next week. really need upgrade. how can I reach them to find out what happened to my card
There's a phone number at the loewsfirst site that will sign you up immediately. They will give you a number and you just tell them at HRH that number and that you have not recieved your card yet. I'm doing the same thing and I'm leaving today. HRH is booked up on many days,(including the days I'm there Feb26&27), so your chance at an upgrade may not happen anyway. :(


I'm just a Little Boy trapped in an Old Man's body.
I signed up for the Loews First card online about 2 months ago! Last week I called Loews directly concerning the fact I had not received my card in the mail. They stated my online app. needed some more info. They already had my membership number and promised me they would mail out the card ASAP.
They stated I only really need the member # at checkin.

Good luck.


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