I am tired of complaining now i will do something about it

Was I wrong to get mad enough to report? I just don't like liars and cheaters and I felt that this one crossed the line. The prize doesn't have anything to do with this...it's the principle of being honost.

Do what you say, say what you mean. Simple enough for me.

Your thoughts?

I can understand why you would want to report. Honesty goes a long way but unfortunately with my time in VMK I have learned to trust less and question more.
I have rarely heard of player actually winning at these rare prize games. Most of the time ppl end up paying and then getting the boot before the game is over or prize is given to them. My suggestion? Stay away from these games like the plague.
Should you have reported? Probably yes, scams are against VMK values. I would hate to have a little kid think they might have gotten rare only to be scammed an item for a chance to play a dishonest game. You might also concider reporting it to the conact us page if you still have that players name. You would be able to explain what exactly went on a bit more clearly then is allowed in the report feature in game. That would give staff a better idea of why you reported them in the first place.
All I Have to say is Thank you! And i will be praying for that you dont get band and that this will help VMK because i am a teenager (spelled that wrong)
and i see this all the time.... i report most but i hate to report them all because i am scared that i to might get bannded for not doing any thing wrong at all. so any ways just thank you very much for doing things you should me that i should report all i see even if it means getting banned for 2 or 3 weeks any way just once again i would like to say Thank You!!!! Your Firend In VMK Queen_Rabbitt

I am tired of complaining how rotten VMK has been getting. The stuff I have seen is horrible. Little kids see the things ppl say and do in VMK everyday. Well I for one am really tired of it. I have decided to get up off my rear end and do something about it.

To my friends and people who know me. I have not fallen off my rocker. I have not lost my mind. Yes you have seen me in countless doctor offices, taken rooms, and bay be rooms. I am still against taken and bay be for my own reasons and those wont be discussed here.

From now on I will be doing my part to make VMK safer for the little kids. I have been really busy the last couple days going in and out of rooms reporting people for major rule breaking. In the last two days I have reported:

2 doctor office rooms - for allowing girls do break rules about babies
4 girls - for the baby rule (only storks bring babies)
1 girl for making out
1 girl for talking about beer
1 girl for revealing personal information

I have politely asked 4 people to change their signature and one doctor office to change room i and surprizingly they all changed it to something more kid friendly.

I am being very carefull about how I report to make sure that the staff who sees the report understands that this is what I have viewed that person saying and that this is not ok for younger kids to see at all. I have also talked to Host Lily about this problem of rule breaking and about the fear of risking getting banned for reporting bc some staff may read the report wrong.

I am hoping that instead of just complaining maybe doing something will start to change VMK for the better... one report at a time. Staff can't be everywhere at all times .. I am going to help where I can.

Wish me luck :D
sweet! I was in Pirate Treehouse just getting my usual credits when I see two or three people huddled around talking down to one person and taunting them to try to get into a fight. Knowing you can't physically fight in VMK I still called for help and about a minute later VMK_Lion showed up!

He gave them a lecture about ignoring people or leaving the room and also mentioned how bad behavior can get you banned from VMK. then of course he fielded bunches of questions from other people about booting from a public room and new changes for Monday, etc.

(and a few DISers just showed up, too)

so the call for help button does work! all I mentioned was that there was a fight about to start in Pirate Treehouse north-east. I also got a pop up message thanking me for the message and they will look into it.

go VMK_Lion!! :goodvibes
OK im sorry if someone else posted this already but im way too lazy to read all of this so...umm i thought baby was aloud... i mean they dont care about taken why care about baby.
OK im sorry if someone else posted this already but im way too lazy to read all of this so...umm i thought baby was aloud... i mean they dont care about taken why care about baby.

Idol, they don't mean pretending to "be" a baby.
Originally Posted by ForeverWDW
2 doctor office rooms - for allowing girls do break rules about babies
4 girls - for the baby rule (only storks bring babies)
1 girl for making out
1 girl for talking about beer
1 girl for revealing personal information
I would like to warn parents out their please do not let your kids go into the locker rooms. My poor eyes.. and fingers from writing up reports so fast. In a matter of 15 minutes I reported 7 people for really bad behavior. One girl started talking about making out and I just didn't have the time to report her and the other things being said and done were far worse.

Just so you have a clear idea. I had entered a girls locker room. I am standing in the doorway and in my signature it says "Making VMK a safer place on report at a time Little kids play VMK too!" In the room are numerous chairs and a shower. At first it was just girls and one boy then within 5 minutes it was a complete mix of half boys and girls. The talk.. oh my ears and the actions they were doing.. all I can say is omg. I wont even attempt to tell you what I reported bc no one here should see it.
Today I saw VMK_Song :)
I reported a room owner for serving her guests bear. VMK_Song came into the room to talk to her. He told her that it was not allowed and she can be banned for it. During his visit many questions were asked by players. One girl asked if he liked her signature "future community leader" He told her she needed to change it bc it was not allowed. He warned her that she could get in trouble for it.

Song if your reading this thanks for going to the room. The owner did a complete 360 and was only serving soda and water. Thanks for taking the time between responding to the reports to answer some of their questions. Also it was nice seeing you in storybookland. About those locker rooms?.. I'll give you a hand in cleaning them up :)

It was nice to see staff come into a room and warn someone for breaking the rules. Sometimes all someone needs is to be reminded that staff are watching and that they will enforce the rules if that player can not behave themselves.
Keep up the nice work, Forever (and Staff as well). :thumbsup2

And you know it's been a long day when I read "I reported a room owner for serving her guests bear" and thought to myself... "Bear? Why would anyone want to eat a bear in the first place?" Then I thought it had something to do with the bear rugs, and then... then I realized I need some sleep. BADLY. :rotfl2:
LOL Donald.. hope you got some sleep

Well it's been busy and quiet. It seems certain room just attract trouble like a magnet. Some times nothing to report at all :D and then theres other times... I am sure glad my kids are not in the room for those times.

Here is an interesting report answer I got from staff

There was a boy in town square describing acts of violence towards himself. Something that could require stitches. At first me and another girl told him he had to stop. He repeatedly said it and said he knew it hurt and did not care. Okey Dokey reported him real quick. I got the general response for staff Thanks for doing you part will will look into this right away. Ok so I sit back and keep an eye on him. 5 minutes goes by .. 10 min.. He is now talking and laughing with his friend... 15 minutes. Ok enough is enough he said these things I reported him got back a response and they do nothing?!? Oh no thats not working for me. So I report again .. He said.. (and I listed it again) I reported it to you and got back a responce that you would take care of it but he is still here laughing with a friend. Those things should never be said on VMK. I don't ever want my kids to see something like that. Why is he still here??

I almost fell off my seat an actual hand typed responce (went something like)

We did look into it and have warned him that type of behavior is not allowed in VMK. If he does it again severe/better measures will be taken. Please have faith.

"Have faith"?? You mean someone on the other side took me serious and is working to correct bad behavior? OMG knock me down with a feather. I almost fell out of my seat. Yay for which ever staff chose to hand write me a responce (I know it was not Phinny bc I asked her lol)

Someone has got to teach me how to take photos without VMK Pal

I would also like to thank everyone for your help lately. Seems more people have been stepping up and deciding to watch these problem rooms like me. It is not uncommon for me to be the only one keeping an eye out and room surfing any more. Thanks everyone for your support :thumbsup2
Forever, as for taking pictures without Pal (I've never had Pal, so I literally had to figure this out on my own, LOL), just hit the print screen button on your keyboard. Assuming you have paint, open up that program and then click "paste." Then just save it as whatever format you wish (JPEG, BMP, etc.). I have to use another photo editing program to make it smaller, but that's what I do every time I take pictures in VMK.

Keep up the nice work, btw. When I get a chance, I'll make kind of a survey of the rooms, just to see what's going on. Just yesterday in fireworks, this girl was running around hitting people and being mean. Slink was in there and asked her to stop; I had been afk and saw it all when I came back, so I echoed "Yes, please, be nice." She shot back "Oh, a good he to shoes!" I was dumbfounded (although I don't know why anything surprises me in this game anymore...), but Slink said right back something like "Thanks. I'd rather be nice than mean." Minute later she went bye bye. Not a report-able issue, but it is lovely to see these people either run and hide or be plucked by the big white glove. :yay:
i want to try and help kids have a safer internet, too

gl, too and to all those who want to make vmk a safe and happy place like disneyland :) .

reporting doesn't help for me, either, especially when someone scams or asks for personal informtion. just "ignore" (i only used it once last year).

i also only use the term in vmk "bear" for "woot bear", or in real life "root beer".
I was standing with friends in Blackhearts Tree House today and a girl came in and said, "I Hat Myself! - I hat myself!" Someone asked why, she said, " I just do" then she said, "shoots herself" and then she left. I reported her right away. What I said in the report was that I really thought she needed real help. I told them what she said, and I got a very nice thank you from staff. I am hoping that they are moving away from some of the ridiculous rude responses that we have received in the past when we are just trying to help.
Thanks for the info. I think I have it figured out. I will be testing it tomorrow. As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words.

If you need any help with those rooms let me know. Also would be glad to talk to you about what staff concider important reports and annoying ones. I love the thought of the "being plucked by the big white glove" :D

I can ussure you staff take the sharing of personal information very seriously. Most of the time we get an automated response. Why? Because for every serious complaint there are hundreds of stupid complaints about someone cutting someone else in line, someone said I was ugly, false reports, etc... If everyone of us got a hand written response then many real problems would be unlooked at. Add to that the fact that staff has to look on the chat log and try to determine within a couple of seconds or less wether or not the report warrents a ban, warning, or not a real problem. I know it can get flustrating that staff does not always act quickly to stop the right kind of problems. Sometimes it gets put on a report to be looked at later. I personally thanks god that staff take the time to look at chat logs first. I cant count how many times I get told I have been reported (and then there are ppl who haven't told me).
I would be very carefull about using the word bear (Beer for those of you who need sleep ..lol) It is a growing problem word for VMK and I would not want staff or a player see something you said and take it the wrong way.

Yes some of the reports have been more friendly but they do have the old automated generic responses of click the ignore button. Glad to see you got the other kind :D It makes you feel like someone actually was listening and read what you had to say.
I love the thought of the "being plucked by the big white glove" :D

Plucked, tearing out what feathers I have left... everything with me deals with ducks, apparently! :lmao: I was also watching my DuckTales Season 2 DVD during dinner tonight. :dance3: "DuckTales... woo-ooo!" :rotfl2:

Forever, if we can meet up maybe tomorrow, it'd be great to get on each other's friends list. I'd like to know you're on my list so I can call you for help if I need it, LOL, and vice versa. Sometimes there are more troublemakers in one room than I can deal with (before Christmas was the last time I made a report; reported one girl, but it was really about 4 of them saying really vile curse words to no end :sad2: ). When more than 1 in a room are acting up very horribly with language and innuendo, is it best just to report 1 and assume staff will get the other offenders when they read the chat logs? Or should we report all of them?

I would be very carefull about using the word bear (Beer for those of you who need sleep ..lol)

Never gonna live that one down, am I? :rotfl2:
I have received messages after reporting inappropriate things that have basically said that I was wrong for reporting and that I should read the values again. This letter was much more pleasant - even if it was automated.:) The other thing is that they can be very inconsistent with responses to the same incident. Take a look at this post: http://www.disboards.com/showpost.php?p=16081748&postcount=28
Omg duck tales I haven't watched that in so long lol. Woot woot. Sure I would love to meet up with you sometime. Not sure how much I will be on tomorrow but i know I should be on late near closing.
Oh and I report all of them. I have my handy pen writting down names if things are really really bad. At least I try to report all of them until staff turns off my report button hehe :rolleyes:

Never gonna live that one down, am I?
Nope :rotfl2:

It all depends on what you reported. Staff dont have a problem with taken or babies. If someone is clearly breaking rules, report. If a baby was hitting someone they really dont need that report. Remember staff really want to deal with the more serious issues.
I copy down word for word what is said in my report. It goes
she said - lives on oh minutes away from WDW
She is giving out person.all info

and I leave it at that. I have had my son's character which I was using at the time get a warning that if he (i) reported again he (i) would get a time out ban. Shocked as I was I went to Hula and got it squared away. I explained what was reported and why and asked why he got that type of a warning. She assured me that she would take care of it and not to worry anymore.

I always report word for word and refresh my memory on the rules when they start to get foggy. If I am not sure I can always put in my report "I am not sure if this should be reported but better safe than sorry"

Yes, I had seen that a while back. It could have been how the report was worded? maybe not I could be wrong. I try not to let my personal opinions get involved. Being "gray" is not a problem. Advertizing it and asking others if they are is frowned upon by staff. It's a bit to much for the younger players to understand what that is and a conversation best left between parents and child.
Keep up the good work! I would never be able to take a stand like that, im the kind of person who gets walked on and when ppl tell me to back off i dont have the guts to stand up for myself. I give you credit for taking a stand! Once again great work!:thumbsup2
Well, It has been a while since I posted so I thought I would catch you up to date. So far, so good. I have been room surfing and finding those pesky trouble makers and reporting them to staff. Many more players have been stopping bad behavior in it's tracks which is so nice to see. Staff have been very kind to me and I would love to thank them all. I have seen some of them most nasty behavior towards staff when they have come to the rooms.
The other day when VMK_Nimue asked a girl to change her signature, the girl outright refused to change it and gave her a hard time. Nimue warned her if she did not change it she would be banned. The girl said "been there done that". Nimue asked her if she understood, the girl said "I choose to be banned" and **Poof** she was gone.
There was another girl tonight I found swearing in the Sci fi Dinner. I reported her and then when I asked her to stop bc it was against rules she started swearing at me. Each time I reported her until VMK_Song finally came to the rescue. She tried to tell Song I was swearing, when I asked Song if he wanted the photos I had taken sent into contact us he told me not to worry about it that they had a record of what was said by whom. Well miss thing did not like hearing that one bit, so she did the most unthinkable thing.. Poor VMK_Song got sworn at tonight :eek: Sure do wish I knew how long that ban was for her .. but I am guess it will be a very long time until she is allowed back in VMK, if ever.

These major trouble makers will always be trouble makers. Sooner or later I will find them. One day at a time One report at a time

I would really like to thank everyone here for teaching me how to take photos to send to contact us. Sorry I have not been able to post as much but most of the things I have found are not ok to post here. Thanks for the all the support and the help. The Dis family rocks! :grouphug:
Until next time, Forever


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