I am tired of complaining now i will do something about it


Sep 18, 2006
I am tired of complaining how rotten VMK has been getting. The stuff I have seen is horrible. Little kids see the things ppl say and do in VMK everyday. Well I for one am really tired of it. I have decided to get up off my rear end and do something about it.

To my friends and people who know me. I have not fallen off my rocker. I have not lost my mind. Yes you have seen me in countless doctor offices, taken rooms, and bay be rooms. I am still against taken and bay be for my own reasons and those wont be discussed here.

From now on I will be doing my part to make VMK safer for the little kids. I have been really busy the last couple days going in and out of rooms reporting people for major rule breaking. In the last two days I have reported:

2 doctor office rooms - for allowing girls do break rules about babies
4 girls - for the baby rule (only storks bring babies)
1 girl for making out
1 girl for talking about beer
1 girl for revealing personal information

I have politely asked 4 people to change their signature and one doctor office to change room i and surprizingly they all changed it to something more kid friendly.

I am being very carefull about how I report to make sure that the staff who sees the report understands that this is what I have viewed that person saying and that this is not ok for younger kids to see at all. I have also talked to Host Lily about this problem of rule breaking and about the fear of risking getting banned for reporting bc some staff may read the report wrong.

I am hoping that instead of just complaining maybe doing something will start to change VMK for the better... one report at a time. Staff can't be everywhere at all times .. I am going to help where I can.

Wish me luck :D
While it is good you are reporting these incidents I doubt anything will come of it.

I report several people daily for their behavior in the pirates game. Calling people names, saying they suck, and just harrassing behavior. I get the same response most everytime, VMK staff telling me to use ignore and to report only if it is an emergency. Like we all have stated in the past there is no ignore in pirates and it really angers me that I get this response. I highly doubt any of the players I report have been banned or even warned. Keep reporting but it's not going to get us anywhere. Especially when most kids today are allowed to be on internet whenever they want and are exposed to all this bad language and negativity.
I did bring those points up to Host Lily that it seems nothing is ever done to these ppl. That is seems hopeless to even bother to report. She assured me that they are taking things seriously. She asked for ppl to keep reporting bc they can not be everywhere and see everything we do.

She also asked for me to write in many of the things we discussed that night. Because of the problems I have with getting any comunication back from the black hole I will have to resort to calling the WDW offices and talk to the person there who can hopefully help us all.

I will be going to each Host individualy in their game rooms and hopefully get a chance to chat with them about problems with the report system and things going on in the game. If any of you have any ideas I would be happy to share some of them with the staff.

I am hoping by making staff more aware of our concerns and problems with the reporting system that maybe they might come up with a better solution for us and themselves. I am sure glad that I dont have their job. However I still find myself in a scary position of reporting each player I find that is breaking the rules. I know I put myself at risk of being the one in trouble for reporting a rule breaker and thats not something I like one bit. But everytime I report I hope it takes one more player out of the game who might say something really wrong in front of our young players.

Some how and some way things will change. I dont know exactly what to do but sitting around and watching wont change a thing. Those who break the rules will continue to do so and sooner or later they will be banned. I just hope it is sooner than later.
Alot of times there are many times I visit some doctor office rooms, day care, and such because I am very bored. *All I do is stand in the door way and watch...* And something always happens to accure when I'm in these rooms. Whenever I am in a doctors office, I always happen to run across a girl also breaking rules about babies. ^_^ And whenever I enter a day care room, I always see things happen that I do not want to repeat.

Many times I always report, and I get messages back saying, "Please do not report for this reason. The help button is for an emergency only." :sad2:

ForeverWDW said:
I am hoping that instead of just complaining maybe doing something will start to change VMK for the better... one report at a time. Staff can't be everywhere at all times .. I am going to help where I can.

Good luck with that. Alot of people have tried contact us and reported there, it's more likely "staff" will read it. Just hope it wont be sent to the black hole, though. When you report on VMK, a computer does it. *I think...*

Once again, good luck. :dance3:

Please keep this thread civil and do not attack people for their opinions on either side of this fence.
Everyone is entitled to his or her opinions about this matter.

While I agree to a point with what Forever is doing, I will not weigh in either way.
I have a different way of reporting a problem, i simply report that there might be a problem with a room or with the way a person is speaking, and ask that the conversation be reviewed. I have never gotten a "do not use" reply for doing this, I am not judging that the action is improper, what i am asking is for the people who can make that judgement ( VMK) to review the conversations.

Hope you understand this, it has worked for me in the past.
I just want to add that I used to report offensive room titles quite often, I still do, if it's really bad. Be aware that you are risking a ban for abusing the report feature, if you report for non-emergencies. I now only report for what I consider the more serious offences. I don't search rooms looking for problems, I know they exist, so does the vmk staff.
I will ask you to think about this...there are nearly 6000 players on the game and *maybe* 3 or 4 moderators. Do you really think they should be working for you or for everyone? None of us knows what's happening in every instance of every room at any given moment. By reporting relatively minor infractions and encouraging others to do the same, you may be taking staff from something more important.
I've seen kids offer personal information on the game. I won't go into the latest codes used for giving telephone numbers, but the mods know how to spot them. This is more serious than someone 'having a baby', in my opinion. I've also seen people giving their AIM and email addresses within the game. Yes, I report those offences.
Just something to consider.
I have seen Forever in many of these unacceptable guest rooms today and I have no doubt in my mind that she is doing all she can. This is a very selfless act on ForeverWDW's part, and I for one am glad that she is doing what she is. She is dedicating her own time to doing this and is not asking anything in return, and I respect her for that. I am so thankful that Forever is taking action, and I know that if she keeps perservering then she can make a difference. The very least that you can do is support her.

We all know that we get the same standard response from reports, and we certainly don't need reminding of that fact. They will listen to us if we don't give up, but your attitude is suggesting that we should just give up, and I don't appreciate that.

Forever has already taken the first step, and has done what none of us has. She has decided to take action, unlike the rest of us who have nothing to contribute but complaints. I am tired of complaining too, and I'm glad that someone has finally taken the initiative to do something about it. Now all we have to do is follow suit and staff is sure to listen to us.


Uh...Wow! I meant no disrespect to Forever in anyway. And I was not telling her to give up. I was voicing my frustration because I do the same as her, I report every chance I get, but I always get the same message back and that is to use ignore. So I was just telling her that her efforts may not resolve anything. She can of course keep trying and I keep reporting as well. My opinion is that reporting is not going to do too much, and that is my opinion. I was not telling her to quit!

I have a different way of reporting a problem, i simply report that there might be a problem with a room or with the way a person is speaking, and ask that the conversation be reviewed. I have never gotten a "do not use" reply for doing this, I am not judging that the action is improper, what i am asking is for the people who can make that judgement ( VMK) to review the conversations.

Hope you understand this, it has worked for me in the past.

BusyBea that is a great idea, thanks for sharing. I will have to use it that way the next time.
I have only been playing vmk for a couple of months, but would like to put in my own two cents. First I have not used the report feature. Perhaps I shouldn't comment. (?)

If the report feature does not have some type of option (like a check box) for the type of problem you are reporting maybe that is an enhancement that could be done.

You know some type of a check box for the more common problems with a small area where you could insert details. And a special box for "the most severe problems". I would think this would help the mods on their end to have the incoming reports somehow automatically ranked.

Again just my two cents. And as someone that is not very good at POTC I have heard my fair share of remarks to the point that I pretty much dread playing that game.
I have only been playing vmk for a couple of months, but would like to put in my own two cents. First I have not used the report feature. Perhaps I shouldn't comment. (?)

If the report feature does not have some type of option (like a check box) for the type of problem you are reporting maybe that is an enhancement that could be done.

You know some type of a check box for the more common problems with a small area where you could insert details. And a special box for "the most severe problems". I would think this would help the mods on their end to have the incoming reports somehow automatically ranked.

Again just my two cents. And as someone that is not very good at POTC I have heard my fair share of remarks to the point that I pretty much dread playing that game.

I just want to comment here, about Pirates, I play that game almost exclusively and most of my time in VMK is spent there, I also play on several different characters. What I have noticed that lately it has gotten much better as far as rudeness in that game. The fact is for the last couple of weeks I have seen almost no bad behavior in pirates. I want to believe that is because staff took our suggestions to heart and have done their best to get it under control.

Again just my two cents. And as someone that is not very good at POTC I have heard my fair share of remarks to the point that I pretty much dread playing that game.

That is too bad that people have to feel that way if they don't excel at a game. That is why I report so much in pirates, but now to find out I might get banned. I find that ridiculous.
This is not on the main topic of this thread, but I just wanted to share what I do when someone is rude to me in Pirates. Now, this is pretty bold (mean? lol) so I reserve it for EXTREME rudeness. If I'm playing and the other person on my team has already been blown up, I am fine with them saying encouraging things or reminding me to get health and stuff. BUT, if they start in with the abusive language "you sock", etc... Then I stop my ship and just sit there. I tell them that I am absolutely not going to help them win the game or receive any credits because of their rude behavior. Granted, I'm sacrificing my own credits too - but, let me tell you, the satisfaction is worth it. Sometimes, they quit right then and there when I announce that I am not going to help them and I am certainly not going to be bullied by them. Sometimes, however, they whine, beg, insincerely apologize, or (my favorite) become progressively more furious. Which is really funny. :cutie:

After all, it's just a game and it should be fun - nobody should feel bullied or even pressured in it. If someone tries to do that to you - I say turn the tables. Good luck, all. ;)
This is not on the main topic of this thread, but I just wanted to share what I do when someone is rude to me in Pirates. Now, this is pretty bold (mean? lol) so I reserve it for EXTREME rudeness. If I'm playing and the other person on my team has already been blown up, I am fine with them saying encouraging things or reminding me to get health and stuff. BUT, if they start in with the abusive language "you sock", etc... Then I stop my ship and just sit there. I tell them that I am absolutely not going to help them win the game or receive any credits because of their rude behavior. Granted, I'm sacrificing my own credits too - but, let me tell you, the satisfaction is worth it. Sometimes, they quit right then and there when I announce that I am not going to help them and I am certainly not going to be bullied by them. Sometimes, however, they whine, beg, insincerely apologize, or (my favorite) become progressively more furious. Which is really funny. :cutie:

After all, it's just a game and it should be fun - nobody should feel bullied or even pressured in it. If someone tries to do that to you - I say turn the tables. Good luck, all. ;)

ROFL, that is too funny. I am going to try that.
That is too bad that people have to feel that way if they don't excel at a game. That is why I report so much in pirates, but now to find out I might get banned. I find that ridiculous.

I have reported players for vulgarity in the pirates game, but only if it's excessive. Please use your best judgment on reporting players. Sometimes just a reminder that language such as theirs is wrong and against the vmk values is enough. Always try that before reporting.
I don't think it's ridiculous for vmk to ban for excessive reporting. There are far too many situations that require immediate attention over someone telling another player they "stink". I'd much prefer the mods stopping a possible scam or preditor. Another option for you may be to write down each offenders name and send a report to vmk using the contact us link. Yes, the infamous "black hole". Maybe if more people load up vmk's inbox, something more can be done to clean up vmk.

If you're having difficulty playing the game and would like more practice, there are a lot of Dis people who are more than willing to help. Feel free to look for us on the game or start a thread here on the Dis. You'd be surprised how much most of us like to help each other out. :)
I don't think it's ridiculous for vmk to ban for excessive reporting. There are far too many situations that require immediate attention over someone telling another player they "stink".

Well I dont report people just for saying you stink, it is normally very excessive and after several attempts to tell them to watch it. So I feel that my reports are valid. I don't think I abuse it in any way.
I apologize Shere_Khan, and Malificent. I lost it when I read your post, and it was very irresponsible for me to do so. I was just trying to defend a friend, and I admit that I did take your post offensively, when perhaps you did not mean it that way. I will remove the paragraph in my post immediately. And again, I apologize.


It's not problem Sparkle, I just had to go back to my post and look at it and think "Did I say something mean?" Lol - I hope not!
I can see how you thought I meant she should just give up. I just was venting my frustration that they never handle the problems when I report or other people I know have.
I don't want to make anyone mad at me, this is a fun place and I like talking about VMK here. I think what Forever is doing is good. I just hope she has more luck then I have. :)

Thankyou, Thankyou, Thankyou! For months now i have been trying to do somthing like this but usually end up being affraid to say anything, like if i ask someone to not talk about " bear" some ppl will say "Dont tell me what to do or i will report you!" i would be glad and honored to assist you with this please let me know how i can help
I am hoping that instead of just complaining maybe doing something will start to change VMK for the better... one report at a time. Staff can't be everywhere at all times .. I am going to help where I can.

Wish me luck :D

Dont feel alone here, ive been reporting every player lately, that has been doing something like that. I will gladly come join you on your journey if you like. Although i have not gone into rooms, that is a good idea. In fact a really good place to look is on main street, i always find some there.
Knowing how to word the reports is just about the best thing you can do. Just be polite. So far i have only gotten one response that said the report button is for emergencys only.
I salute you for your journey and remember i will gladly join you on your quest.


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