I am just packing my stuff and I wanted to remind you all


Dec 28, 1999
remember to take an extra set of glasses......I have two to take.....I can not imagine not being able to read or look when I was down there if I broke these...... :)

When are you leaving?

I want to go along!

<img width="60" height="68" src=Http://homestead.juno.com/rpeot/files/glittermick.gif><img width="68" height="68" src=http://homestead.juno.com/rpeot/files/TiggerFrog.gif>
<FONT color=darkblue size=2>Feb 1995 - Caribbean Beach</FONT>
<FONT color=cadetblue size=2>Feb 1997 - Port Orleans</FONT>
<FONT color=darkred size=2>Nov 1997 - Offsite</FONT>
<FONT color=darkgoldenrod size=2>Feb 2000 - Dixie Landings</FONT>
<FONT color=orangered size=2>Nov 2001 - All Star Movies </FONT>
begged to be others carry on luggage....but.....had to wait my turn.....we are leaving in 12 days.....I can hardly wait to get rid of this yucky snow that keeps trying to finish us up...... :)

Hey Pumba,
I, too, can't see athing without mine...mine are all packed...Dh just rolls his eyes at all I pack, but is some happy when we get down there and I have just about anything he can think of...I am all packed as of right now!! Now just hope they know what they are talking about when they say rain on Wed.!! I swear I will spend one day just thawing out!!! Please let me know about the DIS meet you plan on having in April!! Nance :D
A second set of glasses if you have them is a must for travel....My sister twice has lost her glasses at WDW..first time they fell down in the rental car seat and she had to wear her sunglasses for a day or so until she found them, so she was pretty blind at night with sunglasses...last time she lost them somehow switching glasses to sunglasses in one of the parks and they were never turned into Lost and Found...sure can ruin a vacation to be blind like that I am sure..... :( :( :( :( :(


11 TRIPS TO WDW ....
8/86, 4/88, 8/90, 8/92, 4/94, 3/96, 3/97 8/98,
12/98, 12/99, 12/00, 9/01
On our trip in Oct 99, my DH did not take an extra pair of contacts, no glasses either. So, on our 2nd day there, he dropped one contact, heard it hit the sink and GONE!!!!
So for an hour we all looked for it, every inch of the place. Then decided it must have gone down the drain. Well me and DD left for the park while DH stayed for the maintainance man to show up. Actually, he was there within 15 minutes. Took the entire drain apart. He said he does this all the time, but is usually looking for rings or other jewelry. anyway, NO CONTACT in the drain.
So DH proceeded to search again every inch of the place. After 2 hours (he is a very patient person, I am not, that is why I went to the park), he decided to give up. As he went to get something out of the suitcase, low and behold there it was!!!! Laying on top of the suitcase!!! It had bounced across the room and landed on top.
Well, from now on he always takes his extra pair!!! Lesson learned! :
I second the tip to take two pairs of corrected lenses but also consider getting your sunglasses polarized. It really cuts down on the glare!
I just got polarized prescription sunglasses and I LOVE THEM!!!!!!!

<font face="Andy" font color="blue" font size="5">Sherry </font>




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