I am absolutely devastated and it could have been avoided


Earning My Ears
Feb 19, 2011
I know there is nothing anyone here can do to help me, I am just incredibly upset and need to express my grief to a community on the internet who might understand. (And frankly I am procrastinating from having to go break my dying husband's heart.)

I'm a DVC member. My husband is the biggest star wars fan. We met at a science fiction convention at a live action roleplaying event (you know, live action roleplaying like is at the Starcruiser). He showed me his Star Wars collection on our first date. He proposed to me at Disney World.

He is also dying of pancreatic cancer. He's not expected to make it to the end of 2022, and if he does he's very unlikely to be able to participate in events like this by then. The thing he wants to do more than anything else before he dies is go to the Galactic Starcruiser. I started saving as soon as we heard about it. I've been checking the page every single day to find out when reservations start.

When we saw DVC members could reserve early, we were so happy that it meant we would probably be able to book a reservation for a time period when he was still well enough to enjoy it.

Then *today* they finally share the information that it has to be booked all with points. If we had known this a while ago, we could have banked enough points that it would probably be enough for one person. If the 50% borrowing limit wasn't in place we probably could borrow enough to make it work. I spent the last 4 hours waiting on hold so I could talk first to DVC, and then to Disney reservations trying to see if there was anything that could be done.
No, we won't be able to borrow the amount of points we could borrow under normal circumstances.
No, it won't help that I'm willing to buy an annual pass right now because it has to be activated at the park before you can reserve the Starcruiser with it. (We don't live in Florida.)

If Disney had shared the correct information even a couple days ago, I probably could have rented enough points from someone to make this work. I would have considered driving to Florida and back to activate an annual pass, that is how much this means to him. But even if everything doesn't sell out tomorrow, the booking window is only 2 days long and we only learned now.

Now I have to go into the other room and tell my husband that Disney only gave us half the information before now, and we probably won't be able to get him in before he dies after all.

I was never expecting anyone to make any exceptions for our personal situation, but if Disney had just provided timely information we could have done this all completely within the rules. But they didn't. And the worst part is I know they don't even care.

Thank you for letting me vent here.
I’m so sorry-I lost my dad to PC about a month ago and it’s such a bastard.

Rent your points and pay cash. Or maybe it would work to transfer in points?
I'm sorry you're going through all this. It's a roller coaster on top of a tilt-a-whirl. You've eloquently worded your difficulties here, and if you feel inclined you could give that feedback to DVC membership team. (members (at) disneyvacationclub (dot) com ) I was given this email today by DVC chat when I asked where I might direct my feedback about the booking process for the DVC membership. Just like your post, I didn't "bless anyone out," but I did share the impact of the current mechanisms in place. It is most unfortunate that AP holders, who only commit one year at around $1k, have more versatility than DVC members, who commit several decades and several thousands of dollars. (In theory, AP holders will also be able to book earlier, if AP phone lines open anytime prior to 9am.) Again, I'm sorry that you have so much going on that is meaningfully impactful. *gentle hugs from afar*

As a side idea, sometimes the 501st Legion will do events dedicated to help folks out for a final wish. It varies greatly by region, not all areas are set up to be able to help families with an appearance at an event. Each region has its own rules, but perhaps reaching out to your local garrison might start a conversation where something could be discussed. Here is a link (if I'm allowed to post here) for you to find your local unit. https://www.501st.com/maps/ Other peer costuming clubs are: Rebel Legion, Mandolorian Mercs, and Droid Builders. I'm much less familiar with the Mercs and Builders as to whether they will do events, but some areas do have joint 501st/Rebel Legion operations. Perhaps this might offer some avenues to bring Star Wars to your husband. May the Force continue to surround you both.
:yoda: :cutie:
Did the person who you talked to confirm you need an active AP for the early booking? I know you could book an AP discount room with a non active AP.

Hopefully you can still book if you have to wait for general public booking. Can a travel agent help then so you don’t waste hours on hold?
1) Call the AP booking line tomorrow if you can (not sure what it is but still try)
2) Check tomorrow if you can see how much availability there is for the next step (doubt it fully books)

Find someone who will transfer you points (not rent). Someone has to have points they are looking to transfer. You can get a transfer done by calling Member Services and on the spot have the points.

I don't know how plausible it is because of the wait times but it is a possible chance for you. I see right now multiple posts in the rental board for transfer and you could try contact them all tonight to have someone lined up tomorrow.

Also if you do end up trying to do the transfer I would likely call the booking line for it as soon as you call in to do the transfer. If the Galactic booking line picks up too quick before the transfer is done then hang up and call again to get back in line for booking.

Hope that you are able to get a booking. As someone said there is also Disney Credit Card early booking.

And F#$@ Cancer
One more option go to someone with enough points that is renting on here. See if they would book for you and you pay them both in cash as well as a point transfer (not sure on your resort but possibly its one they could easily turn around and rent for more).

Something like pay their rental price plus $1/point that you transfer to them.

Stinks Disney doesnt have their stuff together.
I am so very sorry for your situation. I hope it works out. I had read only one person had to be on points, but I am not keeping up on it, as you are. I hope your husband will get his dream, and be well enough to enjoy it. God be with you both. Strength for all you are going through.
I know there is nothing anyone here can do to help me, I am just incredibly upset and need to express my grief to a community on the internet who might understand. (And frankly I am procrastinating from having to go break my dying husband's heart.)

I'm a DVC member. My husband is the biggest star wars fan. We met at a science fiction convention at a live action roleplaying event (you know, live action roleplaying like is at the Starcruiser). He showed me his Star Wars collection on our first date. He proposed to me at Disney World.

He is also dying of pancreatic cancer. He's not expected to make it to the end of 2022, and if he does he's very unlikely to be able to participate in events like this by then. The thing he wants to do more than anything else before he dies is go to the Galactic Starcruiser. I started saving as soon as we heard about it. I've been checking the page every single day to find out when reservations start.

When we saw DVC members could reserve early, we were so happy that it meant we would probably be able to book a reservation for a time period when he was still well enough to enjoy it.

Then *today* they finally share the information that it has to be booked all with points. If we had known this a while ago, we could have banked enough points that it would probably be enough for one person. If the 50% borrowing limit wasn't in place we probably could borrow enough to make it work. I spent the last 4 hours waiting on hold so I could talk first to DVC, and then to Disney reservations trying to see if there was anything that could be done.
No, we won't be able to borrow the amount of points we could borrow under normal circumstances.
No, it won't help that I'm willing to buy an annual pass right now because it has to be activated at the park before you can reserve the Starcruiser with it. (We don't live in Florida.)

If Disney had shared the correct information even a couple days ago, I probably could have rented enough points from someone to make this work. I would have considered driving to Florida and back to activate an annual pass, that is how much this means to him. But even if everything doesn't sell out tomorrow, the booking window is only 2 days long and we only learned now.

Now I have to go into the other room and tell my husband that Disney only gave us half the information before now, and we probably won't be able to get him in before he dies after all.

I was never expecting anyone to make any exceptions for our personal situation, but if Disney had just provided timely information we could have done this all completely within the rules. But they didn't. And the worst part is I know they don't even care.

Thank you for letting me vent here.
so terribly sorry. Hugs❤
My thought was to try renting points and then rent yours out. While not clean, it may work.
As mentioned, I would try calling, but I don't know that even with your situation, that they can/will modify their rules.
Good luck.
Thanks you all for the kind words and advice. Pandemic times it particularly tough to find any kind of support, and honestly it really feels nice to know there are some strangers on the internet with kind hearts.

I will try these suggestions. I did mean point transfer not rental, I am just doubtful whether I could get it arranged within the window. But once the point costs are posted, I'm definitely going to give it a shot tomorrow morning in that forum.

As for the person who asked, yes I was told today that the pass has to be active. That said, I'm going to take the advice and try calling at 7 anyway. The one thing that is clear is that information flow on this is... not so great.

I have a Disney visa debit card but not a credit card. This is a good point though. If the debit card doesn't qualify, I bet I could get a credit card opened by the 12th.

Thank you all. I'll let you know if any of these are successful.
Also if you do end up trying to do the transfer I would likely call the booking line for it as soon as you call in to do the transfer. If the Galactic booking line picks up too quick before the transfer is done then hang up and call again to get back in line for booking.
That is smart!
Thank you. I'm holding out a remote hope that ~400 points will be enough for one person so I'll at least set the alarm to check the website tomorrow.
Sending prayers and positive thoughts for you and your husband, fingers crossed you are successful booking the Starcruiser'

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