Husbands first time


DIS Veteran
Jan 25, 2001
Hi I am new to the Board and am planning a trip to WDW for November 2001. I will be going with my husband, 17yr old daughter and 2yr old son. My concern is that my husband has never been there. I have been there once. He tends to get a little grouchy. He doenst like amusment park rides. I am just hoping that he will enjoy himself. I know there is more than just rides i just dont want him to have a bad time. If anyone has any suggestions for me to make sure he has a great time i would appreaciate it.
Thanks Michelle
Hi. My husband wouldn't go to Six Flags if it was across the street, but absolutely LOVES WDW. I think that "magic" gets to everyone when you get there. He's not a big ride person either, but it's just the way WDW is "put together" if you will, that makes everyone turn into a kid again. Good luck and I hope all turns out well for you.
My hubby has NEVER been on a vacation, let alone Disney World! He's been to one amusement park, and that was 20 yrs ago. He liked it, but it was a one day event. He's never had a family vacation, so this is VERY new to him. I'v been to DW twice, and DL twice. Our 2 oldest kids went with grandparents 5 yrs ago. So we are VERY excited about us ALL going together. At first he wasn't as excited, I assume because he had nothing to compare this trip to. I showed him the video planner,and he was hooked!! He had NO idea it was more than "children's rides". There really is Magic there, it's a state of mind. How else can you account for people from ALL walks of life, getting along, happy, kind towards one another?? It's the cleanest park I'v EVER seen, the employees' are the most motivated&friendliest on the earth!! Every detail has been taken into account, so that WE have the time of our lives. This is how I explained it to my husband, and we are EAGARLY counting down the days!! 65 and counting!!! Have a great time, I'm SURE your husband will be hooked, I am positive mine will. We're already planning next year's Disney Cruise!! Have a blast, and remember to pinch yourself!

"A dream is a wish your heart makes"...

DW 79' off site
DL 81' Disneyland Hotel
DW 82' Fort Wilderness
DL 87' Disneyland Hotel
DW 95' off site
DW 01' off site
When I booked our trip my DH said be sure this is when you want to go because it will be the only time. Well by the end of our trip he was planning what he was going to do the next time we go. I was very surprised he enjoyed it as much as he did. I thought he would like it but never thought he would love it almost as much as I do.

<font color= red Comic Sans MS> All Star Music-April 2000 </font>
<font color= purple font= Comic Sans MS> Shades of Green- DEC 2001 </font>
Whenever I go to Disney, I make sure we do things that my DH really enjoys. He only goes to DW for me and it's not fair I do everything I like and he's just there for the "ride". Whenever we go to Tomorrowland, I make sure we stop in the Space Mountain Arcade so he can check it out. In FW at EPCOT, we hang out in INNOVENTIONS for at least an hour! One huge arcade and lots of computer goodies for him to tinker with. He does enjoy a few of the rides, but I make sure I compromise and fulfill his needs too. :D You know what your DH likes and I guarantee you that Disney or Universal will have SOMETHING to meet his needs! Just plan it carefully and all will come out just fine! ALWAYS....ALWAYS...


SoG-MAY 98
I don't think you have any worries. My husband never went on amusement rides until he was 46 and we went to Great Adventure. All of a sudden, he likes amusement rides (he didn't really know what they were like and assumed it was all dizzying and nauseating like when he was a child). He isn't real keen on WDW because he thinks he's too old for interacting with the characters (like when I booked a couple of character meals). I'm so sure he'll love that too when he gets in the swing of things there. Don't worry. He'll love being allowed to be a kid again! :D
This will be me 9th trip to WDW and DH's first. Also going ont his trip will be my sister (7th trip), 1yo DS, 10yo SIL, 14yo SIL and FIL (all 1st timers. I am going nuts trying to explain to them about PS's, getting up very early etc.etc... Unfortunately it's just me and my sister vs. a bunch of very stubborn people. Every day I try to ask DH questions, he says it's 10 months away relax. I'm thinking me, my sister and DS should leave them all wandering around in circles as we enjoy our dinner at the Brown Derby. I'm hoping once we go he'll love it as much as I do & enjoy planning our next trip together. :rolleyes:
I'm glad I'm not alone. Your reply struck a chord. My husband and 16 yr. old son (lst timers)keep making comments such as "You're on that Disney site again!" as if I am going overboard planning our trip (two months away). I don't think so, since I'm being careful not to cram too much in to the point the family will feel I'm ordering everyone around! I just want to make it very special for everyone and planning ahead can avoid alot of headaches. Part of that planning is including activities they will enjoy, since there is definitely something for everyone at WDW. I can't wait to see their faces when we get there and capture it in pictures! I might as well be a first timer too - last time I was there was in the early '70s.
Thank you all for your advice and a few good laughs. I booked our trip for the 1st week of November and everytime i say something about it my DH keeps saying it is 9 months a way. I just say it will be here in a blink of an eye. I will make sure to take him to places i know will interest him.
Thanks again

Dixie Landings 11/2001
My SO thinks I'm crazy for planning so "early" hey, it's only 6 months away! I have to be ready to make my first PS in april : ) He hasn't been since he was a kid and is a little unsure. I think that trip was ruined by his commando mom (I think they did everything she wanted to - mostly shopping and not riding anything - she has motion sickness.) I try to slip in questions about what he'd like but mostly I'm trying to plan a trip that he would enjoy. I know he'll like character meals - he's a kid at heart - so we're doing those. I chose the WL because I think he'll enjoy it. I'm planning to have a gift basket waiting for him when we get to our room : ) It's actually fun planning for someone else. Now he doesn't call it "my vacation" quite as often.

August 2001 - Wilderness Lodge
June 2000 - Port Orleans
August 1999 - Disneyland
My husband tends to be a bit "grumpy" sometimes too, but he quickly got the bug! The best advice I could give though ... is to be sure to have a mixture of activities - surely one or more will strike the right chord for him. And, be sure to build lots of time ... so you can savor things about the place... like hanging out for the "kiss goodnight" in MK etc. It really does grab you even if you are trying not to be grabbed! My husband had a great time his first time... but was still a little aloof about the whole thing until our E-ride night! As we were working our way out of the park and savoring the fun we had just had - likeing the feel of an almost empty park, we passed by the mainstreet gazebo where all the Characters were congregated. We stopped to let the DD get an autograph with Minnie. While standing there watching... Minnie suddenly stood up - looked at my DH and ran over to him and gave him a huge Kiss on the cheek. Now my husband HATES displays like this - but he was SMITTEN! Such a good looking mouse - and she noticed him and him only! Oh, he will be watching for Minnie this upcoming trip! LOL


My DH keeps asking "How much is this going to cost me?" We've never done a real family vacation, so this is a splurge. I'm working on getting the best discounts etc. though. We're going with his brother's family and I want everyone to be involved in some of the planning, so when my planning video arrives I'm having a WDW planning party. We'll have frozen tropical drinks, watch the video, check out this site for restaurants and attractions and decide our PS. Hope it gets him in the spirit!

7/27/01-8/1/01 WDW Dolphin
I will admit I am a DIS user evrey night. My DH thinks I am nuts to plan 1 1/2 years in advance.

I agree with earlier posts. I was able to get a DC WL rate for Nov. Resserved my HDD tickets early (better seats ?). Got a great plane fare. And will do our PS ressies this summer - and KNOW where we are going to eat.

My DH does not want to hear about the WDW trip until 11/1/01 - thirteen days before we go.

At least my kids are excited.

Maybe Minnie will brighten up my DH view of WDW
when we get there.

Thanks for sharing all stories of DH's !
My 28-yr-old DH has never been to Orlando. I have been many times. He loves roller coasters and such and I think he will enjoy it. He does get a little hot headed at times, though. :rolleyes: I hope not while we are there! <IMG WIDTH="15" HEIGHT="15" SRC="/infopop/emoticons/icon_redface.gif" alt="red face">

2/28/01-03/06/01: Wyndham Palace for a night!
My DH - who has been avoiding talking about WDW vacation - FINALY said last night .....

"When we arrive at WDW I (DH) will probably be
the most excited person in our crew"

You will never know when that Disney Magic will hit those disinterested DH's !!!

Something he saw on the Disney Channel with my kids must have sprinkled pixie dust on him.

I am still going to have a family snack basket and a bottle of wine waiting for our NY crew when we arrive at the WL. Maybe I'll add some flowers for me !
Why not treat yourself great at WDW too !!!

Have a Disney Day ! :cool:


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