HRH ???

Jul 5, 2000
To all of you who have stayed at HRH before.

I know there is a CD player in the room, but do they also provide you with CD's(or a place to rent/use them) or do you bring your own.

Also, how is the noise level in the rooms. I have heard conflicting reports. Any problems recently. We are staying there in August. Hoping they get all there housekeeping problems ironed out. I am so looking forward to it after this cold and rotten winter the Northeast has had.

4 months and counting.......

Moving this to the Universal discussion board.


Barry Hom
Moderator, Universal and Sea World Boards

Click HERE for interesting Universal Orlando information!
They give you a CD when you check in, there is also a CD you can buy in the minibar, and they may have CD's available in the store in the lobby ...
Knew about the CD player in the room, so we brought our Buffett with us!
In the club lounge is a huge library to choose from, although it's not sorted nor categorized. No one was "checking out" what CD's were being borrowed, guess it's an honor system. We used 5 that evening and promptly returned them the next morning. Oh, the temptations though!
We play the complimentary check-in one all the time at home now. Great flashbacks!!

Talk about excess...we had a CD player at home, but only had a few CD's. So I used the trip as an excuse to buy CD's to take with us. :rolleyes:

We played the complimentary one, but it wasn't our type of music. So we happily played our Motown and 60's music favorites (and some Hawaiian music too). I found the rooms to be pretty soundproof.

Thanks guys for the info. I will bring some CD's.
My kids are already thinking about which ones they will bring. I personally hoping thet NYSNC and Blink 182 kinda are forgotten. (they play them over and over)

Hi Minijean,
Bring CDs from home!
Just wanted to mention that the selection of music played at HRH is really well rounded. Everything from the Beach Boys to Black Sabbath's Iron Man. And, I didn't find it to be too loud anywhere at all. It was perfect.
Our room was very soundproof. We heard nothing outside, slept all night long.
You'll love it!
Our room was pool view, 4th floor and we had no noise problems, My daughter brought CD's from home and thought the CD player was great.
Our room was the first at the end of the hall, and housekeeping always wanted to come in as I went out for my morning walk before 8, but I had a late sleeping family. We went to the park, pool, and we're coming back to shower and they were just getting back to us at 3:45. I thought this was a little too late, but we went down to the Beach Club, had a nice tropical drink, relaxed a little more,and decided that this ended up okay with us.
Big perk was that our room was ready on check in at 12:00 and they let us right in. Everyone is working on making this place a great place to stay. After this Jersey winter, I know what you mean about wanting a great get-away. Can't wait to return next year.


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