how many rides in the parks?

Mom to Jordan

DIS Veteran
Sep 5, 2004
:cheer2: My little 8 year old DN :flower: is going to WDW for the first time in a few months and was asking me how many ride there are all together in the four parks. I did not know. Can anyone answer her question???

Jordans' mom
I'll count and get back to you.....does she count shows and attractions as rides or just wants to know acutal ride rides?
Congrats on your trip. They have a great planning book just for kids. My 8 year old daughter loves it. It is Birnbaum's WDW for Kids by Kids 2005. I got mine at our local book store. It is well written for kids to use as a guide.
I did a count on this the other day and what I came up with was 92 total rides and attractions combined between all 4 parks. That includes shows and rides. Hope that helps.

21 day dance :dancer: :cool1: :banana: :cool1: :dancer: :thewave:
Thanks guys, I told her today the answer and her eyes lit up!!!

Went ahead and picked up one of the park guides for her too. Now if we can just make DH's schedual work so we can go with them!!!

Jordans' mom
You might want to take a look at a book by Birnbaum's called Walt Disney World By Kids For Kids. It is the "official" Disney touring guide, so there are a lot of full color pictures and character graphics. It also contains park maps that are virtually identical to those handed out in the parks.

I bought one for my (then) 3 year old, even though I knew he wouldn't be able to read a word. He still loved the pictures and maps. I bet an 8 year old that has bever been to WDW would really enjoy it.
Well, if you want the "joke" response, there's only 1 ride at Walt Disney World, and that would be the Great Movie Ride. All the rest are attractions ;) (there used to be two, but sadly, Mr Toad's Wild Ride is no longer with us)


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