How Many Pittsburghers Do We Have That Visit the Budget Board?


<font color=red>On Thread Killer Patrol<br><font c
Aug 19, 1999
It seems like I have said "Hello" to at last a half dozen Pittsburghers who are relatively new to the DIS in the past few days.
So if you are from Pittsburgh (or the vicinity) please sign in here! :)
(You also could tell us something about yourself or your next trip to WDW if you want. :) )

<font face="papyrus"><font size=2><font color=blue>BethR
Budget BoardCo-Host
Co-Host of The Rewards Board</font>

[This message was edited by BethR on 01-10-01 at 04:09 PM.]
I am relatively new to the board. But have learned so much in a short time. I have lived in the South Hills of Pittsburgh my whole life. I have been married for almost 11 years and have a 2 1/2 year old son. My husband is an aircraft mechanic and I am a stay at home mom right now but used to work as an R.N. I have 2 collie dogs that I show in my spare time. We are right now getting ready to leave in a couple weeks for our first trip to WDW in almost 15 years. My mom is also coming along with us on the trip. We are staying at the BWI and doing the 4 day Wonder also. To say we are all extremely excited is an understatement. I think I am the worse. I check the "Dis" everyday. My mom has even told me to calm down so I'm not disappointed when we get there. LOL I hope one day we can have a "Dis" meet in Pittsburgh. :)
I have lived away from pittsburgh a couple of times due to my employment with the airline industry but always end up back here in sunny (LOL) pittsburgh! from time to time I cruise the budget board and if something catches my eye then I look at it if not then I go on to something else. I spend most of my time on the community or transportation board. out of pittsburgh Usair has finally lowered the prices significantly to the florida area. they have air from as low as 129 round trip right now! they did have a special of 49 each way but they had very limited seats available. I am married and have the inlaws from h*ll and a beautiful DD that you can see in my posts. I have made many wonderful friends here on the DIS and I am going to disney again next month for a weekend -solo- and am staying with a couple of people from here on the DIS! my last few trips were sep/oct of 99, feb of 00,may of 00, and this past dec of 00! and now it'll be feb of 01! this will make #18 for me now! and each and every time is a different experience! and this time will really be different since I won't be pushing a stroller but now where will I put my drink??????

<font size="4"><font color="purple"><font face="Book Antiqua">
<marquee> First Inaugural Member Of the WDW Resort Cheerleaders!!--yeah baby! </marquee><font></font></font>

Hi, Beth, well, I'm not from Pittsburgh but am just over the Ohio line near Youngstown. Was just at the Magic Kingdom in December. Hope all of you planning trips have a great time there and roliepolieoliefan, (I hope I got that right), I don't think you'll be disappointed at all. Make sure you make those priority seatings for meals at least 60 days out!
Hi Beth, we are from Coraopolis (near the airport - actually Findlay Twp). These boards have helped me to send my brother and his family to Disney for a trip last May. While doing so, I ended up buying into DVC so that he could stay there and we will be staying at OKW for the FIRST TIME in March. I think I sent you a note before - my husband is from Plum (Treloar is the last name).
Hi everyone!
I'm from Mars, and you should see and hear the funny looks and comments I get when I tell people where I'm from! But as we're all 'Burgh people here I assume you know what I'm talking about.
I am a 33yo sahm, my DH is a 35 yo Systems Analyst. We have a 2yo DS who will turn 3 on our trip.
Our trip is 3/3 - 3/8. We got $99RT air on Delta thru priceline. We're going to sit thru a 90 minute timeshare spiel because they're giving us 4 nights in a suite and 2 - 2day passes to WDW. I found this site a week ago. If I had found it sooner maybe we wouldn't have to sit thru the spiel. Oh well, I told hubby that because of what I am learning we should be able to make another trip sooner.
Only 23 more days!
I am from Cleveland ( dont hold it against me), but originally from altoona, so do I count???? We are flying out of Pitts to Orlando due to much better deal. Hey and I love the pitts area, esp. the Gateway Clipper dinner howdy to all you PA people. :cool:

Caribbean Beach 91
Off site 92
Off site Caribe Royale 97
All Sports 00
All Sports 01
Hello All!

N. Huntingdon, if you DON'T know, is Turnpike Exit 7, otherwise known as Irwin.

I joined the DIS a while back, and was AMAZED at what I learned to plan and enjoy our FIRST WDW/Disney Cruise trip in Aug. 2000. My best friend is a travel agent, and at times I knew things SHE didn't!

I'm now a SAHM, also President of my youngest son's school's PTA. (Hence the nickname!) Two sons, ages 12 and 7. Hub sells cars for Kenny Ross Chevy, right up the road here. Any Aunt Penny fans out there?:) ;) :eek:

I am a former newspaper proofreader. I have yet to decide what I will do when I GROW UP. :rolleyes:


Learned so much thru the boards!!Thanks to all!

Caribbean Beach 8/2000
Disney Cruise 8/2000
Dixie Landings 8/2000
wow - all these neighbors i didn't even know i had! Hey, whatever HAPPENED to aunt penny! LOL!
hi beth! it's donna from your friendly local disney store!
I live in the New Kensington/Arnold area, work full time for a "major" insurance company in downtown pittsburgh, work part time at the disney store, have 2 kids (ages 16 and 6), one great husband that helps me out a bunch! We have been DVC members since 1996, TDS CM since 98 and going to wdw since 1987. I average about 4 trips a year, two with friends, one with family and one with just hubby and me. They're all different in their own way since i'm always going with different people. The "ladies" trip is always fun. A bunch of us met on the DVC AOL boards and we try to get together about once a year. Now most of us work for our local TDS so we have that in common too. If you're in the Monroeville area, stop by and say hello to me at the store!!

Does a former resident count? My husband and I both grew up in the area - I am from the Mon Valley and he grew up in Somerset Cty. We moved to Raleigh about five years ago when he got a job as an Aircraft Mechanic (actually Assembly and Test Technician) for GE Aircraft Engines here in the Research Triangle Park

This place has been good to us, but I would love to be back home near our family.

Anyone know if US Scare is hiring A&P mechanics?

We also just joined DVC recently and the plus to living here is that it is closer..........
Hi Everyone!! I am from the northern Pittsburgh area around Butler, PA. There will be 7 of us going to WDW from May 17-24 and boy are we looking forward to it! It's me, DH, DD, DS, MIL, and my Parents. It will be my Parents first trip, which I so conveniently talked into going. And we are taking my MIL, for she is a Saint and will never take any $ for watching our children. She is so excited too. I just hope that it will not be too hot when we go. Our Parents are in their upper 60's. Although, my DH and I will probably be the first to say, "we've had enough, lets go back to our rooms for a break."

I have learned so much from these boards. I sure understand how someone can get addicted to this web site. Thanks to all for your advice!
Hi Beth, Hi neighbors!!! My husband and I grew up in Bloomfield/Lawrenceville but moved north to Portersville several years ago. We visited Disney in May and October of last year (one trip as a graduation present for our daughter and the other was for just for the adults). We're going in May again (just the "big kids"). I just love these boards, they have helped make all these trips possible. Glad to meet yeenz all!!!!
Hi to al Pittsburghers. I'm a lifelong burgher living in the South Hills, but working in the North Hills. Will be heading back to WDW in 24 days. I've used this board for great tips for my upcoming and most recent visits to the world. We're gonna make our first on-site stop this year.

"The 3 most feared words in hockey...MARIO IS BACK!!!"

Christmas 1979 offsite
July 1989 offsite (Marriott World Center)
July 1996 Offsite (Daytona Adam's Mark)
August 1999 Offsite (Fairfield Star Island)
March 2000 Offsite (Fairfield Cypress Palms - new owners)
2001 - TBD
I don't live in Pittsburgh, but I LOVE to shop there! Does that count? My cousin lives near Ross Park Mall so I do come to PA often. Oh well, just thought I'd try!
Hi, Beth! I live very close to the Pittsburgh airport, in Hopewell.

I am married and have 2 children, 9 & 13. We travel to WDW at least once a year, usually in July. I was lucky enough to be able to go twice last year. My last trip was in December.

I am a travel agent, specializing in.. guess what?!! Disney travel! So at least when I can't be planning a trip of my own, I can have fun planning for someone else!

Hi Karen - I only live about 15 mintues from Hopewell (by the Airport) and am always looking for a reliable travel agent in the area. Can I e-mail you? I'm looking to put together a Disney cruise for about 5 or 6 families in my neiborhood and am looking for some assistance. Fran
I am from Pittsburgh. I live in suburb called Verona. I find your boards very helpful. I went to Disney last August and stayed at the Wyndham for $57/night thru Expedia. I got my airfare from Priceline but had to drive to Columbus for $97/RT for 3. I am hoping to gather more ideas so we can take a return trip this year.

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