How many DVC'ers have had problems with DDP?


Wigs out even the biggest circus freaks.
Jan 11, 2004
After reading AuntSues report (great btw) and a reading a few other threads over the past few weeks/months - I am concerned that things still are ironed out with the dining plan.

Are these threads/posts just flukes or have there been a lot of problems or issues when using the dining plan?

We are trying it in June.
We had problems on our last trip, but the entire computer system is currently being changed so that adult and child credits are seperated and things are tracked more carefully. A CM told me that there have been lots of glitches and unforseen troubles with the programming.

If you have trouble with the DDP once you have checked in and paid for it, you can room charge and then have concierge fix it by converting the charges to credits.
Not anticipating any problems, we were surprised to run into so much trouble. It was amazing how there never was a problem with the $2.09 snack credit, but for the $200 dinner, the kinks were not yet worked out. When the boys ran into problems, they were going to pay OOP, but eventually it was worked out. They said the manager put it in the system "the old way." Since the boys had no charging on their room account, I wonder how it would have been credited to them if they had paid.

By the time we went to LeCellier, we were handing in our three cards when we ordered dessert. Even telling the waiter that we were running into problems didn't seem to speed up the process. My husband felt it was "their" problem since we all had the DDP. He said once we pay, it becomes "our" problem. We just stood our ground at each restaurant, and sooner or later the problem was corrected, however it took a long time at a lot of places. I would think that by June it will be running fine. We never had any problems with the counter service or snack credits.
We used DDP on our last trip in Dec. and had no problems. It was our first time on DDP and I kept very close watch over our receipts, but no mistakes were made.

We only had 1 tiny problem. Our last CS was not put on the DDP, but was put on our credit card. They credited it back to the cc as soon as we called.

We are going to get the DDP for our 2 night stay in a studio. We will not give them the credit card at that time so we will not have that happen again.

Oops, forgot we did have another problem. The first time we tried to use it (at Pecos Bill) the card would not work. They had to re-issue them (at the hotel) and we had no problem after that.
We used DDP several times in 2006 without problems. On our trip early this month we didn't have any problems until on our last day we were unable to use our last snack credit. Since we were on our way out I didn't make a big deal and paid oop.
We had a problem in December wher on 2 different occasions they counted our infant as a diner, since they were listed on the Priority Seating reservation. Went to SSR front desk and they adjusted it for us.
I've used the DDP 4 times now and the only time I have a problem is if I have charging privleges on my room card. I always request no charging privleges, but the last trip at WLV, someone they gave me the charging privleges and twice the first day my credits were charged to the room instead of the ddp. Once I went to the front desk and had the charges transferred and turned my charging privledges off and no more problem.
The only issue was that we were not charged for 4 of our snack credits-we had 13, used 3, had 13-thought we had miscounted-used 1, STILL had 13--and then finally it started being taken off the next times we used it.:confused:
The main problem seems to be pants not fitting afterward.
Not anticipating any problems, we were surprised to run into so much trouble. It was amazing how there never was a problem with the $2.09 snack credit, but for the $200 dinner, the kinks were not yet worked out. When the boys ran into problems, they were going to pay OOP, but eventually it was worked out. They said the manager put it in the system "the old way." Since the boys had no charging on their room account, I wonder how it would have been credited to them if they had paid.

By the time we went to LeCellier, we were handing in our three cards when we ordered dessert. Even telling the waiter that we were running into problems didn't seem to speed up the process. My husband felt it was "their" problem since we all had the DDP. He said once we pay, it becomes "our" problem. We just stood our ground at each restaurant, and sooner or later the problem was corrected, however it took a long time at a lot of places. I would think that by June it will be running fine. We never had any problems with the counter service or snack credits.

This was our thing too. We just got back and it seemed like every other night the TS place had an issue with it. ONLY TS never CS or snacks. Each time it was that the card wasn't working and the manager had to push it through the old way.

The biggest issue was our last night at 1900 PF we had to wait a half an hour after the 1st time we asked for our check until we could finally leave. Seeing as it was our last night, and we had a time crunch getting back with 2 young kids from GF to BC with no car, that half and hour can be important.

It appears to stem from the new system. La Celier, Chief Mickey's, HDDR had no problems. Ohanna's and 1900 PF had issues. I think Hollywood and vine did too, but I can't remember. .
We used it in December 2 adults, 5 days and there were no problems at all. We ate TS at Le Cellier, San Angel, Cape May, Hollywood and Vine and Park Faire. We had charging privileges on the cards.

We've done the DDP twice. The first time-no problems. On our last visit, we had a couple of glitches which were resolved in a manner which was transparent to us.
They had a problem at Wolfgang's Cafe--so, they had to do it manually. They gave us a hand written receipt. We checked our remaining dining credits at the front desk later on and it was correct.
We also had an occasion when the card didn't work when DS was getting a Mickey Bar. I guess they did that manually, too, because when we checked our credits later it had been deducted and we had the correct amount.
Our last glitch was when we were ordering counter service for lunch. We had told the cashier that it was on the DDP, but he did a room charge. I was looking at the receipt and it had amounts on it and there was no DDP credits listed anywhere.... This was the first time we had a DDP receipt like that, so I asked the cashier right away if it had put on the DDP. Whoops! He had to void out the transaction and re-do it. The cashier thanked me for calling it to his attention right away. (I guess it becomes more difficult to fix if it is caught later on.)

Used the DDP twice and have had no difficulty, other than finding room in the suitcase for all the rice krispy treats we bought to use up the snack credits. The new system seems to have cashiers ringing up the order twice, even though we were a party of just 2 adults.
boy I certainly didn't realize they were having this many problems. I didn't last year.

did they go to a new system?

was considering it for my trip in March - not sure now.

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