How many days...


<font color=blue>Is now a card carrying member of
Feb 4, 2000
have you spent at disney?
on a cruise ship?
at USF?
at IOA?
at DL?

i was just wondering...hehe!

well Ive spent-
51 at WDW
none on a cruise ship :(
5 at USF
2 at IOA
6 at DL

so how about you?
51 days on one trip?! gasp!! OMG!! that's like the amount I've ever spent there! :eek:

I don't know, I don't keep track, and can't remember :D
I have spent:

WDW 51 days
US-6 days(not 5 days)
IOA-2 days
DL-6 days

But you knew that already!!!!

We went to US for 2 days in '96--remember...
Kiki-not on one trip!

Mom-oops...i thought we went one day!

sorry guys!

thanks mom for checking on me! :)
WDW... i could not tell you around 60 to 70 days if not more... hard to say!!
Cruise- 10
DL none i want to go!!
I have spent 36 days at WDW and thats all! At the end of august we will have had 51 in!
Well I think I lost count some where between 20 and 30 I guess at WDW if you count full days at Disney Quest. I think 7 at IOA. 4 at Us. None on a cruise and none at DL.
I posted this on the CB but I'll do it again!

40 Days at WDW
10 Days on the Cruise
2 Days at USF
None at IOA
None at Disneyland (but soon to be some!!)


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