How many contracts do you own? How many points are they?

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We have 2 contracts in October UY for a total of 385:

225 - AKV
160 - SSR

I would really like to purchase a few more at SSR, maybe 100 - maybe soon - maybe tomorrow!

Now this is an old thread!

We now have:
250 BWV
175 VWL
150 VB
140 AKV
140 BCV

and our contract is up to XXX.13!

We weill have 2 contracts before the end of the week both at SSR. Both will have Aug UY.
SSR 160
SSR 100
We have 3 contracts at SSR...100, 60 & 60. Can't wait to add on at GCV!
We have 2 contracts - both at SSR. One for 200 and one for 50 in case we ever decide we have too many points...we thought 200 might be good number to keep and we thought the smaller 50 pt contract would be a quicker sell to someone as an add-on if we ever needed to cash in for a few dollars. Right now we're still in the "want MORE points" mode though!:goodvibes
Since this thread is 4 years old and we have had several newer variations over on Mousellaneous, I am locking this one. Thanks all.
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