How long to tour IOA?


Jan 10, 2001
We are going to do 1 day at IOA in mid-November. We are staying offsite, and I am trying to decide whether to buy a one day ticket or get a two day ticket so we get more universal express passes (we would save the extra day for another trip). Our kids will be 4 and 7 years old. We are going to try to hit the following (I know the 4 YO will not be tall or brave enough for everything I have listed):

Pteranadon flyers
Flying unicorn
All of suess landing
Triceratops encouter
Dudley Do-Right's Ripsaw Falls
Eighth Voyage of Sindbad
Poseidon’s Fury
Storm force?
and weather permitting Popeye & Bluto’s Bilge-Rat Barges

If we have time, DH will probably try to hit the roller coasters while I watch the kids in the play areas.

Am I missing anything that the kids would enjoy?
How long will this take?
Any tips on what to hit first and what to use universal express on?

We had FOTL privileges and easily did IOA in one day this past week. The lines were rather short. ofhter the ewaits were only 15-20 min in the standerd line. My guess would be that Nov would be less crowded and easily done in one day with the one day pass but if you are certain you will return get the 3 day pass since it will still be good even if prices go up.

<font color= red Comic Sans MS> All Star Music-April 2000 </font>
<font color= purple font= Comic Sans MS> Shades of Green- May 2002 </font>
Just bumping this up.

Any feedback on my choices of rides/attractions for my DD (who turns 7 on our trip)
Hi aec!

I went to IOA with my two kids aged 5 and 8 last month. I bought a 3 day pass as it seemed the cheapest way, used one day at Universal the other at IOA and decided to save the last day for another trip.

My kids loved Seuss Landing and we went there first and did all the rides with no queuing, we spent a long time in this area and went back there at the end of the day.

We also loved the Lost Continent, and enjoyed the Flying Unicorn and Poseidons Fury. Jurassic Park was packed by the time we got there but we spent sometime in the interactive dinosaur discovery centre - the queues for Pterandon Flyers were HUGE!!

Toon Lagoon was brilliant fun though we didn't do the Barges as my 5yr old wasn't tall enough (& I didn't fancy getting soaked), the kids loved My Ship Olive. In Super Hero Island (also packed!) we only did the new X-Men ride.

If you want to e-mail me for any more info feel free too. I'm sure you'll love IOA, we did!

Astrid :rolleyes:

DWC - June '84 & Oct '94
WDW - Oct '89 & Mar '99
DLP - Dec ' '97


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