How is SWGE for the original SW movies fan?

Anyone who criticizes the merchandise has not been paying attention. Most of it is a HUGE success. You have to get a RESERVATION to drop $215 to build a light sabre...and they are mostly all full. The Kyber Crystals are such a huge hit they just had to limit those to one and only if you buy $50 Holocron to put it in. Many items are running short, limited, or have already sold out (don't worry, they will get more).

We are going in August and my two boys (20 & 17) were all excited to drop the $215 at Savi's to build a light sabre...and then we started to see some of the YouTube videos of the pre-made legacy Light Sabres for sale for about the same price. We are ditching Savi's and going to buy MULTIPLE legacy Sabres. We each have at least 2 we are going to buy, so about $1000 right there.

Disneyland has lacked older boy and adult male merchandise for a very long time. There is demand.
I have never understood the hate for the prequels....and the box office reflected they were massive successes as well. I thought they were great, especially the 3rd one which I consider the second best of all 8 movies! (BTW, Im 53)

Hey, I really love The Phantom Menace, and I know I'm in the minority on that one. I like all the prequels, and, dare I say it, as a whole I think they are better and more cohesive than the OT *GASP*! My favorite Star Wars though is actually The Clone Wars and Rebels animated shows. When Clone Wars is at it's best, it is better than any of the live action films!
Anyone who criticizes the merchandise has not been paying attention. Most of it is a HUGE success. You have to get a RESERVATION to drop $215 to build a light sabre...and they are mostly all full. The Kyber Crystals are such a huge hit they just had to limit those to one and only if you buy $50 Holocron to put it in. Many items are running short, limited, or have already sold out (don't worry, they will get more).

We are going in August and my two boys (20 & 17) were all excited to drop the $215 at Savi's to build a light sabre...and then we started to see some of the YouTube videos of the pre-made legacy Light Sabres for sale for about the same price. We are ditching Savi's and going to buy MULTIPLE legacy Sabres. We each have at least 2 we are going to buy, so about $1000 right there.

Disneyland has lacked older boy and adult male merchandise for a very long time. There is demand.

That's a good point about the older male demographic having been previously under-served.
Original SW fan here...meh on the prequels and sequels. But still enjoy all things SW cause I’m a fan. However, walked into SWGE last night and made our way to see the Falcon.... DID NOT expect in any way the emotional response I had. I got immediate tears!!! Out of nowhere and certainly wasn’t thinking walking over to GE that I’d have such a visceral reaction. I must say, Thank God they were not playing John Williams or there would have been blubbering!! No joke. Lol

To each his/her own, of course, but I was surprised as I think many are. It’s definitely worth the trip. IMO

And the lightsabers at night are INCREDIBLE. I don’t want to pay $200...but seeing everyone taking photos and the way they LOOK at night has me considering it!!!
Original SW fan here...meh on the prequels and sequels. But still enjoy all things SW cause I’m a fan. However, walked into SWGE last night and made our way to see the Falcon.... DID NOT expect in any way the emotional response I had. I got immediate tears!!! Out of nowhere and certainly wasn’t thinking walking over to GE that I’d have such a visceral reaction. I must say, Thank God they were not playing John Williams or there would have been blubbering!! No joke. Lol

To each his/her own, of course, but I was surprised as I think many are. It’s definitely worth the trip. IMO

And the lightsabers at night are INCREDIBLE. I don’t want to pay $200...but seeing everyone taking photos and the way they LOOK at night has me considering it!!!

Didn't John Williams do all the scores for Galaxy's Edge? I think he did. So, you can commence the blubbering one again. ;)
There’s no music in the outdoor portions of the land, just sound effects.

Which sucks. Truly. I get that they were trying to create a “real SW destination” where swelling music doesn’t play in the streets because you crossed the road...BUT ITS STAR WARS. The music is half of it. They really should rethink this. It’s what made The Season of the Force for me. Walking around TL hearing the SW music. Loved it! It would make SWGE epic...and help with my wanna-be Solo swagger up to the Falcon!!:teeth:
Your husband sounds kinda grumpy, tbh. I'm always a little miffed when people start taking ownership of a thing that millions of people enjoy, if I'm being honest. SW is for everyone and there are enough characters/ships/etc. for there to be something for everyone.

I bet he would have enjoyed Savi's and the cantina.

He is not at all grumpy. He was really, REALLY looking forward to the land. Seriously. He knew it wouldn't be "original trilogy land", because I burst that bubble for him months ago. He still had high expectations. He was let down. He says Carsland at DCA is a better overall land, and I don't disagree with him. SW land could have been amazing. It just isn't, though. He is allowed to have an opinion.

When millions of people enjoy something, there is a reason for it. Disney should have stuck with what is tried and true about Star Wars, rather than being so arrogant to create their own "Star Wars planet land." It feels like a Star Wars knock off land, and I am standing by that opinion.

The cantina was the one thing he really wanted to do, and that is a whole other story. Why build the only bar in Disneyland and make it so small? There is a ton of empty, open space in this land. Really bad planning on Disney's part here. We didn't get in during our reservation. My husband was crushed by that.
Didn't John Williams do all the scores for Galaxy's Edge? I think he did. So, you can commence the blubbering one again. ;)

Yeah, which they are only using for commercials and other promotional materials. So dumb. This land needs music. It is the one thing that makes every good theme park land great. It is disorienting to hear ships taking off and landing and not see ANY movement or indication that ships are taking off and landing. It just sounds like we are too close to am airport. The land needs more movement AND music. For the love of Yoda, turn on some music!
He is not at all grumpy. He was really, REALLY looking forward to the land. Seriously. He knew it wouldn't be "original trilogy land", because I burst that bubble for him months ago. He still had high expectations. He was let down. He says Carsland at DCA is a better overall land, and I don't disagree with him. SW land could have been amazing. It just isn't, though. He is allowed to have an opinion.

When millions of people enjoy something, there is a reason for it. Disney should have stuck with what is tried and true about Star Wars, rather than being so arrogant to create their own "Star Wars planet land." It feels like a Star Wars knock off land, and I am standing by that opinion.

The cantina was the one thing he really wanted to do, and that is a whole other story. Why build the only bar in Disneyland and make it so small? There is a ton of empty, open space in this land. Really bad planning on Disney's part here. We didn't get in during our reservation. My husband was crushed by that.

I never said he couldn't have an opinion, but if you know the land isn't based on the OT, why complain about the ST versions of the ships and proclaim it isn't "your" Star Wars? That just doesn't make sense.

Disney wasn't being arrogant, they're creating *more* SW content for the fans, which they've been doing for years now. If you prefer the OT, that's perfectly fine and you're entitled to criticism of the land, but. I don't see a point in complaining it isn't OT-based when it was made explicitly clear that this was a new SW locale based heavily on the ST.

Also, millions of people enjoy the ST films as well. Regardless of the folks who live to complain about Disney-backed SW films, they've been pretty successful at it.
He is not at all grumpy. He was really, REALLY looking forward to the land. Seriously. He knew it wouldn't be "original trilogy land", because I burst that bubble for him months ago. He still had high expectations. He was let down. He says Carsland at DCA is a better overall land, and I don't disagree with him. SW land could have been amazing. It just isn't, though. He is allowed to have an opinion.

When millions of people enjoy something, there is a reason for it. Disney should have stuck with what is tried and true about Star Wars, rather than being so arrogant to create their own "Star Wars planet land." It feels like a Star Wars knock off land, and I am standing by that opinion.

The cantina was the one thing he really wanted to do, and that is a whole other story. Why build the only bar in Disneyland and make it so small? There is a ton of empty, open space in this land. Really bad planning on Disney's part here. We didn't get in during our reservation. My husband was crushed by that.

I feel like they were in a "no win" situation when they decided to go with the narrative of creating an actual land.

Carsland at DCA & Hogwarts at Universe changed the IP driven land. It wasn't just an open space where a collection of rides & attractions existed.....the land itself was now a specific place....and part of the appeal.

The problem with Star Wars (vs. something like Carsland or Hogwarts) is that there isn't one singular location in the franchise that would encompass what everyone loves. There's Tatooine, Hoth, Endor, Naboo, Cloud City, Coroscant, not to mention locations like the death star.

Will the millions of fans, everyone would have a different opinion (or favorite location) where they'd prefer it to be based on. Creating a generic "new" place in the Star Wars universe wasn't a bad idea at all....however the time frame that exist in the franchise creates problem.

You can't have Vader & Kylo Ren walking around together. You can't have (the younger) Luke existing with Finn & Rey in this version of land. Now, if they just created a general Star Wars "land". They could toss everything from the OG trilogy, prequels & sequels & although it wouldn't make thematic sense, you'd still appeal to any & all of the fan base.

But again, Hogwarts changed things. Immersive lands are "in" now. ROTR is the flagship ride in Galaxy's Edge (and supposedly all Disney parks in general if rumors are to be believed) so that automatically will keep Batuu in the new trilogy BUT......things change. Music can always be added. Kylo as a walk around character can be replaced by Vader.

There was so much hype going into this land (form both fans AND Disney) that there was bound to be disappointment, especially from fans of the OG who wanted to see that version. That being said, I think as time goes by, more OG fans will accept it as it is. Time changes things.

There's a lot more love for the prequels's possible that the sequels may also grow with time. Empire Strikes Back wasn't as popular, critically, upon its release. In fact, there were quite a few bad reviews. It possible time may soften the feelings toward the new batch of films as well. (FWIW I love the OG & the new films equally! The first 2 prequels are the only ones I'm "meh" about)
Yeah, which they are only using for commercials and other promotional materials. So dumb. This land needs music. It is the one thing that makes every good theme park land great. It is disorienting to hear ships taking off and landing and not see ANY movement or indication that ships are taking off and landing. It just sounds like we are too close to am airport. The land needs more movement AND music. For the love of Yoda, turn on some music!

You nailed it. Exactly what I was missing!!
“What” you hear doesn’t jive with what’s going on around you! Feels disconnected and random airport noise. Like I said, they wanted to make it a “real” destination. It’s not. And no one expected it to be. It’s ok to pluck the heartstrings, in my humble opinion...George Lucas earned it and I didn’t sprout spontaneous tears at the Falcon for nothing. Disney, don’t forget what makes you amazing...that people will always suspend their disbelief to savor a moment of imagination. No need to try for commercial and real...falls flat. Give us some drama. Some magic. Some Walt.
I feel like they were in a "no win" situation when they decided to go with the narrative of creating an actual land.

Carsland at DCA & Hogwarts at Universe changed the IP driven land. It wasn't just an open space where a collection of rides & attractions existed.....the land itself was now a specific place....and part of the appeal.

The problem with Star Wars (vs. something like Carsland or Hogwarts) is that there isn't one singular location in the franchise that would encompass what everyone loves. There's Tatooine, Hoth, Endor, Naboo, Cloud City, Coroscant, not to mention locations like the death star.

Will the millions of fans, everyone would have a different opinion (or favorite location) where they'd prefer it to be based on. Creating a generic "new" place in the Star Wars universe wasn't a bad idea at all....however the time frame that exist in the franchise creates problem.

You can't have Vader & Kylo Ren walking around together. You can't have (the younger) Luke existing with Finn & Rey in this version of land. Now, if they just created a general Star Wars "land". They could toss everything from the OG trilogy, prequels & sequels & although it wouldn't make thematic sense, you'd still appeal to any & all of the fan base.

But again, Hogwarts changed things. Immersive lands are "in" now. ROTR is the flagship ride in Galaxy's Edge (and supposedly all Disney parks in general if rumors are to be believed) so that automatically will keep Batuu in the new trilogy BUT......things change. Music can always be added. Kylo as a walk around character can be replaced by Vader.

There was so much hype going into this land (form both fans AND Disney) that there was bound to be disappointment, especially from fans of the OG who wanted to see that version. That being said, I think as time goes by, more OG fans will accept it as it is. Time changes things.

There's a lot more love for the prequels's possible that the sequels may also grow with time. Empire Strikes Back wasn't as popular, critically, upon its release. In fact, there were quite a few bad reviews. It possible time may soften the feelings toward the new batch of films as well. (FWIW I love the OG & the new films equally! The first 2 prequels are the only ones I'm "meh" about)

Yes to all of this, these are great points.

Also yes to loving everything and being "meh" about TPM & AOTC!
I'm a huge fan of the OT-- I was 13 when the first was released, and I remember having a set of 4 movie posters that I had up in my room for years. DH camped out overnight for Empire Strikes Back when he was in college. When the prequels came out, we eagerly watched Phantom Menace, and were so disappointed by the bad writing, bad acting, and thin plot. We never bothered to watch 2 and 3. We mildly enjoyed 7, but haven't got around to 8 yet. Now with our September trip coming up and SWGE looming, we committed to watching it all straight through. We watched 1 a few nights ago and it was as bad as we remembered, though at least I've got a better idea who is who. Watched 2 last night-- better, but still not as nuanced as OT, IMO.
DSIL is a rabid fan. So we are very excited for SWGE regardless. And at least 3 of the 6 of us are totally building light sabers. :-)
There's a lot more love for the prequels's possible that the sequels may also grow with time. Empire Strikes Back wasn't as popular, critically, upon its release. In fact, there were quite a few bad reviews. It possible time may soften the feelings toward the new batch of films as well. (FWIW I love the OG & the new films equally! The first 2 prequels are the only ones I'm "meh" about)
THIS. This is only one person’s opinion, but my Dad loved TLJ. He was a big fan of the original trilogy and remembers going to the movies every week when they came out. We were talking about how a lot of people hated TLJ, and he commented that there were a lot of people who hated ESB and thought it ruined SW back then.

Anyways, people are free to like what they like, and if some people refuse to step into SWGE because they wanted a land based on the original trilogy, that’s their decision.
I seriously do not get why people think Carsland is more immersive than SWGE. To me, it's a street. The mountains look great, but it's one street. /shrug

I still can't wait to go back to SWGE. Been 3 times during the Reservation period. I love all the little details. Looking up there is detail from top to bottom. It feels like I'm in the same 'world' that Star Wars lives in.
I seriously do not get why people think Carsland is more immersive than SWGE. To me, it's a street. The mountains look great, but it's one street. /shrug

I still can't wait to go back to SWGE. Been 3 times during the Reservation period. I love all the little details. Looking up there is detail from top to bottom. It feels like I'm in the same 'world' that Star Wars lives in.

Very true! The details are amazing. Nothing was overlooked or taken for granted. In fact, the more I go the more I realize how multiple visits give you time to take it all in and appreciate the work & effort. And I’m sure I haven’t yet “seen” 90% of that effort...more exploring to do!! ;)


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