How do we use old park hopper passes?


Earning My Ears
Jan 15, 2001
We have park hopper passes with one day left on them from 1995. Our two older kids have moved from the child passes to adult ones. Is there a way to get a credit on new passes or even better can we transfer these old ones to our 5 year old?
My parents had Park Hopper passes on them that had one and two days left on them. These were from 1995 also and were the paper kind. We went to WDW 2 weeks ago and my Dad had to take them to the ticket booth and exchange them for a ticket that could be electronically read. Some people mentioned having to pay more since at the time the tickets were purchased there was no Animal Kingdom park. But my dad did an even exchange.

I have read that people are able to use old tickets as credit towards the purchase of new tickets so I imagine that's what you would do with your child tickets. But I am not sure that the credit would be an incremental amount equal to what you paid for the ticket or would be a credit equal to the price of a child's ticket today.
do not know exactly when they did it ...

but when we were there in october 1998 .....

they exchanged park passes we had from early 90's for no fee ...and included the "animal kingdom" on them.....

to me that was a nice gesture on the part of disney...

of course, if you have just read about Mr. Eisner's bonus for this year of 11.5 million

due in part to increased attendance at theme parks.....a lil bit to us "lil guys" does not hurt once in a while...
We were in WDW in May and had several old passes. My DS, age 13, had an old child's "punch" type pass with his picture on it(he was age 5 or 6) with several days left on it. The CM at the Guest Services window at MK made a joke about how much he had grown and updated the pass to an "Adult" for NO CHARGE. We also had several old "punch" type passes (bought way before AK) with a few days left on each and the CM changed them to the new strip passes that DID include AK for NO CHARGE. My DH and I had APs but my DS used all the converted passes, even at AK, with no problem at all. Hope this helps!

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Thank you so much for the scoop! I am amazed at the amount of helpful information that is out there. This forum has made my trip planning SOOO much easier!!!!!!!!
Just wanted to say:

<font face="papyrus"><font size=2><font color=blue>BethR
Budget BoardCo-Host
Co-Host of The Rewards Board</font>
I would first see if the child passes can be converted to adult passes at no charge. If not, then I'd have the younger child use them. I see nothing wrong with having one family member use all the leftover days, even though Disney says they are non-transferable. You'll definitely lose money if you apply the value of the 1995 pass toward the purchase of a new 2001 pass.


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