How do I go back to a world that doesn't have fireworks every night?

A few more fun shots from around the Poly.



Can't believe he took a break from playing in the sand for a picture, but we got it :)


The guys were hanging in the room because neither one likes the sun. Bill is on the balcony reading and Dad is taking a nap. I went over to tell them that there was lots of shade on the beach and it wasn't too hot.


And worked :) I've been married to my husband for almost 10 years now and have known him for 13. I can count the number of times I have seen him in shorts on one hand. For some reason he thinks he looks stupid in shorts, so he doesn't wear them. But I think all the walking and heat got to him, so he borrowed a pair of my Dad's.

Bill and I took a stroll while Mom & Dad hung out at the beach with Bradey.








Ahhhh....just never get sick of that view!

So after we rested up, we got ready to go back over to MK for TomorrowLand, dinner, and a little thing called Wishes.
Back we go....

After Bill and Bradey changed, we jumped back on the monorail...


And back to the MK.


This spot was too crowded that morning due to opening ceremony, so we grabbed a photopass this time around.

And we spotted this furry guy...



First order of business this afternoon was to do TomorrowLand. It was pretty light crowds, so we took our time and strolled through the hub and to the right.


These guys said hello as we walked by. Okay, not really, but they were cute.

We did the Buzz ride first. It was only about a 5 min wait at about 4 in the afternoon. Not too shabby :)


We were stuck for a minute, so I turned us so Mom could get a picture.


Hee hee, Bill looks really intent on killing Zurgg :lmao: Bradey was on my lap. Most of the time he was shooting and I was "steering". So I'm not gonna show our scores :thumbsup2


Next up was Monsters Inc. And Dad got picked to "play" Sully. It was fun. He is a good sport and really took his "role" seriously. I think Bradey was proud because after he said "Grampa was a better monster than those other guys". :rotfl2:

After we filled up the laugh meter and saved the world....we felt like relaxing, so we headed over to the People Mover. Now, I know it has changed names a few (hundred) times, but it was the People Mover last I knew it and it is again now, so thats what I call it. It is still one of my favorite rides there. And again, as our luck was pretty crappy about this all week, we got stuck in the dark just beyond Space Mountain. It was like 5 mins of sitting there in the dark hearing the screams of SM behind us. But soon we were moving again.


As we were going over the Indy Speedway Bradey said he wanted to do it, so after PM, we made our way over there. It was a pretty long line, so Mom and I waited patiently in the Grand Stands while the boys rode. Well, even though they told the CM they were together, they put Dad in a car way away from Bill & Bradey, so he just said forget it and came up with us to watch them. He was bummed and pissed at the CM. He really wanted to do this with them. But not much we could do about it at this point as Bill was taking off.


I was hoping to see Push the Talking Trashcan around somewhere, but we didn't spot him that day.

So, after the race cars it was getting later and we were getting hungrier. We had a light lunch at Capt Cooks that afternoon, so we were ready for dinner. I did not make any ADRs that day because I just didn't want to be tied down in the parks. I had spent days and days with a spreadsheet and all the menus in the parks and had figured out where and what I wanted to eat well before we left. But I don't think we ate at a single place I had prepared for. The lines for rides were not long, but for some reason all the restaurants were packed every time. Even QS. I think it was around 6 by this time and we wanted to make sure we got a good spot for Wishes. So we grabbed one of those little yellow tables over in front of the Plaza. We figured we could take turns going and getting supper while we saved the table. It worked out great and we had an awesome spot for Wishes.

First Dad and Bill went to Casey's to get some dogs and corndog nuggets for Bradey. Dad had just the plain one that he doctored up. But Bill went for the Barbeque Slaw Dog - topped with pulled pork, cole slaw and barbeque sauce. I can't believe I didn't get a picture of this thing. To call it a "hotdog" was just not right. It was huge! And messy :) He ate it all though with no stains on his shirt afterwards. I was so proud :love:

Then it was me and my Mom's turn. First we headed down to the Main St Bakery to check it out. We wanted to shop a little too, so we did a little window shopping. We knew we were going to DTD on Wed, so we held back. We didn't like the looks of anything at the Bakery, so we went into Caseys too. We both just got the plain dogs and put our favorite stuff on them. Yum. I am not a huge hotdog fan, but these were good. There's just something about being able to dress it the way you like it that makes all the difference.

So after all this we didn't have much extra time to wait for the show to start. We had a good view and loved the projection show.



It was just amazing how they can get so detailed with the projections. I was in awe! Then the music started! I was excited to see it up close after watching it for the past 2 nights from our resort. It is neat to see Tink go right overhead. I knew she flew over, and had spotted the little green dot from the beach, but it was cool to see her up close.


Star light, star bright
First star I see tonight
I wish I may I wish I might
have the wish I wish tonight
We'll make a wish, and do as dreamers do
And all our wishes
will come true

I was in love! I had to buy that soundtrack! It still gives me the chills when I listen to that little girl's voice at the beginning.

So we quickly went out right after the show. It wasn't as bad as I had feared getting out. Everyone was moving the same way, so we just put Bradey in the stroller and went with the flow. The express monorail was packed, but our resort monorail was almost empty, so we were quickly back at the Poly and ready for bed.

I hadn't been sleeping well because I am such a light sleeper and with all the people in the room, I was having a rough time. So we switched beds with my parents (so I was the one on the outside) and I turned my noise maker I had brought from home way up to drown out all the noise. I slept like a baby that night! :cloud9:
Moving right along....because I have nothing to do all day at work...

Tuesday Feb 7th. EPCOT DAY!

Having 5 people in a room when 3 of them do not sleep well makes for early mornings. But that was fine with me, because this was EMH at Epcot. So we got up and went to Capt Cooks (of course) for breakfast. Now, let me explain something. I know alot of you are saying....."boy she didn't do many ADRs did she?" Well, no I didn't. I tried to do one ADR per day. Except for MK day. I was leery about morning ADRs because I didn't know how we would sleep. I didn't want to make ressies for 8am if we were all tired and wanted to sleep in. I just didn't know what our Disney Style would be yet. Probably next time I will plan more breakfasts, but we were happy with Capt Cooks and it was cheap (well Disney cheap anyway) so we ate there most of the time. Don't worry, we'll mix it up a little for Wednesday ;)

So with our bellies full of Mickey waffles, we walked over to the TTC to catch the Epcot monorail. Most of the resorts have just buses to EP, so arriving via monorail is kinda special :) It is neat to ride all around Future World and back before getting off. Bradey was excited to see all the fountains. So we found a photopass guy right at the entrance. Got some grumbles from the guys, but oh well.



Gotta love that "golf-ball" :)

I had heard the stories on here and knew enough to hightail it over to the Land before it got too busy. So with that in mind, we headed straight there and walked right on to Soarin. Mom has a fear of heights and Dad gets motion sickness, so they waited for us in the shop next door. It was really neat. I have to admit, the golf ball flying at my face kinda made me shriek and jump a little. :confused3 What can I say, monster dinosaurs and flying golfballs are not my thing.

Dad wanted to ride the Living with the Land boat ride while we were already there. I wanted to hurry over to Nemo before it got too busy, but gave in since Bradey was excited about this ride. It was just as I remembered it and I think everyone enjoyed it. I pointed out the Garden Grill as we went floating by it. We would eat there later with Chip n Dale.

After that we walked over to Nemo. Because of EMH, the park was just opening up, so crowds were still low.


How did I not get a picture of the Mine Mine Mine seagulls :confused:

We rode the Nemo ride. Gotta say, I wasn't impressed. Thank god it wasn't busy. If I had waited in a long line for that, I wouldn't have been happy. But it was over with. I got to see my beloved Dory. Very disappointed in the selection of Dory merchandise in all of Disney. Is she not the most wonderful character there is? There's not even anything online for her :(

So after Nemo we got the well-known Bruce pic


And then hit up Crush and talked with him for a bit. Bradey didn't want to do this, but he laughed so hard at all Crush's jokes. I tell you, that takes talent...being able to come up with fun stuff on the fly. The Crush guy was awesome. Next time I hope Bradey will sit up front with the kids so maybe he can talk to Crush himself. He was too shy this time.

Next up was one of my absolute favorites.....FIGMENT!

Gosh I love that little purple guy! It was different than I remembered it, but still fun and the song was stuck in my head for the rest of the day!

After Figgy, we spent a little time in the funspot on the way out.


Bradey and Dad had fun making music. They did that for probably 10 mins while Mom and I tried to make a custom Figment.

Bradey spotted those jumping fountains and we played around with that for a bit.




Ha! Finally caught the sucker on film! I was so proud :)

By this time it was about 11:00, so we wanted to head over to the World Showcase, but we still hadn't done Ellens Energy ride, so we quickly went over there and walked right in. That was neat. I don't think it was there the last time I was, so this was new to me. I was worried that it would be too loud and the dinosaurs might scare Bradey, but he just held onto my arm and he was fine.

Up next.....World Showcase and a less than stellar lunch.
Great update ! I love the castle show and I ALWAYS get the chills when I hear that little girl sing that song !! I even get teary eyed. :rolleyes:

I have just 3 ADRs for our trip. I like a very loose itinerary. :thumbsup2
Glad you didn't have too bad of a time getting out after Wishes. That was a hairy time for us! Bad planning on my part though, we did Wishes on our first day after traveling all day. :scared1: Love your report!! Looking forward to more!:goodvibes
I just love your updates... Honestly - I think your TR is what helped me get excited about going back to WDW after finding out about Rufus - you don't know how much that means to me right now. So, thank you for sharing your trip with us. :)

Love all the photopass pictures. I really want to do the show at the castle in September as it has been a few years since we saw it. So glad you were able to retrieve moms ticket. One of my favorite things about the Poly is just relaxing on the beach.
Its a snowy day here and I stayed home from work, so might was well DIS a little :)

Great update ! I love the castle show and I ALWAYS get the chills when I hear that little girl sing that song !! I even get teary eyed. :rolleyes:

I have just 3 ADRs for our trip. I like a very loose itinerary. :thumbsup2

I really wanted to try more of the awesome restaurants, but just didn't want to push my family too hard. Sometime I want to stay at one of the Epcot resorts and plan dinner each night at a different country. There just weren't enough days in the week for all the food I wanted to try. I can't believe I didn't even try anything other than Caseys at MK. I planned on Pecos Bills one day for lunch, Cosmic Rays, Columbia Harbor House. Next time.

Glad you didn't have too bad of a time getting out after Wishes. That was a hairy time for us! Bad planning on my part though, we did Wishes on our first day after traveling all day. :scared1: Love your report!! Looking forward to more!:goodvibes

Oh gosh! My family is so tired and cranky after flying, theres no way we could've done that! It really wasn't bad getting out. Must not have been really busy that day. I didn't feel the crowds were that bad, and everyone was going the same way, so we just flowed along with them. Maybe if I had wanted to stop in the shops a little or try to go backwards, it might have been worse, but we were good.

I just love your updates... Honestly - I think your TR is what helped me get excited about going back to WDW after finding out about Rufus - you don't know how much that means to me right now. So, thank you for sharing your trip with us.

Glad I can help, even just a little :hug:

Love all the photopass pictures. I really want to do the show at the castle in September as it has been a few years since we saw it. So glad you were able to retrieve moms ticket. One of my favorite things about the Poly is just relaxing on the beach.

Which show, the Dream Along with Mickey daytime show, or the Magic Memories and You before Wishes? They were both great!

Bradey was so funny after the DAwM show. I think this was his first time seeing an evil witch. He said to me as we were walking away... "I just don't understand mom, if I met an evil witch, I would just run her over with my tractor." :lmao: Is he a hick or what??
Which show, the Dream Along with Mickey daytime show, or the Magic Memories and You before Wishes? They were both great!

Bradey was so funny after the DAwM show. I think this was his first time seeing an evil witch. He said to me as we were walking away... "I just don't understand mom, if I met an evil witch, I would just run her over with my tractor." :lmao: Is he a hick or what??

I meant the Dream Along with Mickey (I NEVER miss Wishes).

Your son cracks me up. I think my son is turning into a "hick" with living in Iowa and helping out on farms lately. :rotfl2::rotfl2:
Okay, I am home and this computer is really slow, so I'm not sure how this will work, but I'm gonna try an update. That is why I usually do them from work...this computer is really old. Here goes....

With most of the things we wanted to do in futre world done, and lunchtime fast aproaching we headed over to World Showcase. My plan was to grab something light at the bakery in France, but I didn't look at a map when I planned this. There was no way we would make it all the way around to France before we fainted from hunger. Okay, maybe it wasn't that bad, but we wanted to eat. So Mexico was first. I didn't see anything Bradey would eat at the QS there, so we rode the boat ride (which we all liked by the way) and looked around their pavillion for a bit.


I know the pyramid was there in '92 when I last went, but I don't remember anything about inside of it. Maybe it wasn't open, or maybe I just didn't bother going in. But it is really neat in there. I wish I had made ADRs at that restaurant...I would like to just soak up that Mexican atmosphere sometime.

Next up was Norway. Hey, I think I remember these guys have a bakery too. Maybe it is just as good as France. Yeah, maybe not.... We made our way into Kringla Bakeri. I had heard about the School Bread and was excited to try that. But I thought we ought to have a sandwich first. Bill and I shared the Ham and Cheese with Apple sandwich. It was great except for the nasty jelly/compote stuff with onions and raisins. I don't really know what it was, but it was NOT in the description we read before ordering. I enjoyed it until I got to the middle and got the glob of that nasty stuff. Mom and Dad shared the Roast Beef. They both said the bread was too hard and no one ate more than a few bites. Except Bradey. He had the waffles. It was a thin waffle folded in half with raspberry jam inside. He thought it was very yummy and ate it all. We all shared 2 schoolbreads. The cream inside was heavenly, but I didn't care of the pastry itself. Too dry and had a funny flavor. I could see the little black flecks of some spice. Anyone know what they put in it? It was horrible, just wouldn't bother to get it again.

So after a very disappointing "lunch" we checked out the Norway area.


Is this Norway, or Germany? Can't remember where we were.

But we rode Maelstrom, and got stuck in the dark near the top of the big hill at the beginning. Our luck with getting stuck was right on all week, but luckily we always got back on track and finished the rides. I have heard a few people on here saying they had alot worse luck than us, so I'm fine with it. Bradey wasn't too scared of the troll, and we all liked the ride.

Moving on to China. Mom and Dad went in to watch the movie, but Bill, Bradey and I just looked at all the neat things around and waited.


Over the bridge and to the "world marketplace" with the drums...



They had fun with them while I shopped. I almost bought some cool things here. They had some beaded necklaces made out of old Disney maps made in Africa I think. Those were neat.
We hopped a plane (or walkway) to Venice for a photo shoot.


And continued walking the circle. I had planned to go back with Bill later and tour the countires in more depth, so this was just a quick walk around for Bradey to see it all. Unfortunately we never got around to that, so I am really bummed we didn't take more time.

But we made it around to France. It was a chilly day. For Maine residents to wear sweatshirts in FL, it must be cool. So Bill, Mom and Dad wanted to stop for a coffee and warm up a little. I wanted something yummy from the bakery, so Mom and I went up there to see what we could find. A little tip, if you didn't already know, they have the cheapest coffee we saw all week at the french bakery. But I have to say, I was disappointed with their pastry selection. Nothing really caught my eye. Mom got a big chocolate chip cookie, but I came out with just Bill's coffee. I was bound and determined to have something for a snack, so even though it was cold, I got a Grey Goose Slush. Wow! Was that good! I don't drink much, but I could've tossed a few of those back. Yum.

So we walked over the bridge and on to England. I would've liked to spend more time there, but by this time I think everyone was kinda sick of the chilly dreary weather. So we just kept going. Next up was Canada. My husband's father lived in Canada until he was 16, so we had to check this place out. We passed up some pretty fun souveniers, but we didn't want to carry them around with us and we thought we were going to come back, so we skipped them.


The little path through the "mountains" was neat.

We had an early ADR at Garden Grill and it was about a hour away, so we decided to walk back to Future World at this point. We played around in the Innoventions buildings for a while.


Bill and Bradey had fun playing the video games. And Mom took Bradey through the Piggy Bank adventure. After Innoventions we went over to Spaceship Earth. That was fun. I don't remember doing that when I was little, so that was new for me. I knew they were going to take a picture of us, but I didn't know when and I didn't have Bradey's head up high enough, so it didn't come out. But it was fun.


Now it was time to eat. We were really looking forward to this because Chip n Dale are his favorite. We were seated on the lower level in one of those nice big booths. I love this restaurant for character interaction. I'm so glad I booked it for his first character meal. With the booths, you can't see anyone else in the whole place, so you really feel like you have the characters all to yourself.



Chip was first. He peaked up over the back of the bench almost as soon as we sat down. It was funy watching him play with Bradey.


Bradey had a word search on his menu and Chip found and circled the word "royalty" then pointed at it and at him like he was saying, "thats me". It was funny. I don't know how they hold a pen with those costumes!


Then this guy came along. Chip was at the next table, so Dale picked up Bradey's straw and was poking Chip with it :) They were so much fun!


Then came Farmer Mickey. Bradey asked him if he brought his tractor and he pointed down into the field we were rotating by. We had our food by now obviously and it was really really tasty, but not nearly enough. It was served "family-style" with one platter. There was a tiny piece of fish that mom and I both took a little piece and it was gone. They had a beef thing that was yummy and sliced turkey. Everything tasted good, but one platter for 4 adults was not enough. We asked for more fish right away, but were never brought more. We did get some extra beef and turkey much much later, but by then we had sat for too long and just didn't feel like eating more. Pluto came around.



See the lady over the bench? She was a pain. She kept hurrying all the characters by us for some reason. She said to Dale once, "Dale, that dog is going to lap you if you don't get a move on." Really, is that magical to say in front of a kid who is just meeting his idol for the first time. He had just gotten to us! She really annoyed me by the end of the night. Luckily, they all came around probably 4 times each, so we got to see them lots.



So all in all, I liked this place very much. I think if our server was better and actually brought us enough food, we would have rated it a 10. What food we had was very yummy and the character interaction can't be beat. But for the price, they should make sure it really is all-you-can-eat.

Okay, its a snow day here and my little guy is getting antsy for me to go out and play with him, so I'm gonna leave off for now here. Coming up....

Mom and Dad take Bradey back to the Poly so Bill and I can have a little alone time. What do we do with this time??? Well, you already know we didn't make it back to World Showcase like we planned, so what happened?
I meant the Dream Along with Mickey (I NEVER miss Wishes).

Your son cracks me up. I think my son is turning into a "hick" with living in Iowa and helping out on farms lately. :rotfl2::rotfl2:

He loves anything to do with tractors, farming, hunting, fishing, and of course living in Maine...logging. You should've seen his birthday cake this year. It had a skidder hauling logs on it! Let me tell you, that was hard to find. I made a sheet cake and bought a toy skidder at Walmart to put on top. He still uses the skidder :)
Great update. I love WS...I could spend two days there. I'm sorry you didn't get back there to tour it more leisurely.

The picture you asked where you were -- that was Germany.

My DH did not like the school bread either (I won't touch it because I don't like coconut).

I'm glad you enjoyed your meal at Garden Grill. We've not done it since our boys were really young -- I'm thinking at least 17 years ago. I'm not a fan of family style because I prefer going to get the food I like and having plenty of it.

But the characters sure were having a great time with your DS.
Our trip is in a few months so I'm passing the time with TRs...yours is going great so far! So glad I found it because, though I am a WDW nut, I have learned a few things! Didn't know that about CounterSrvc meal credits all being the same. My DD8 will be glad to get to eat some stuff not on the kids menu this time! Also didn't know you could walk from TTC to the Poly! we own at Bay Lake Tower so that's where we usually stay, but we always go over to Poly to eat at Ohana's! And, we don't spend a lot of time at World Showcase, but now that you have mentioned those beaded necklaces made from old maps at Africa, I may well be making a trek over there this time!

Great job, looking forward to reading the rest!
Totally loving all your updates Suzi!!! I dunno what it is about your TR that is getting me so excited for our trip - but I just love it! Thank you!!! :)

Maybe it's because your adorable little guy is seeing the world for the first time - and you kind of are too... It's just really refreshing and fun to watch.

Sooooo.... Do you have any other trips in the works?

Great update. I love WS...I could spend two days there. I'm sorry you didn't get back there to tour it more leisurely.

The picture you asked where you were -- that was Germany.

My DH did not like the school bread either (I won't touch it because I don't like coconut).

I'm glad you enjoyed your meal at Garden Grill. We've not done it since our boys were really young -- I'm thinking at least 17 years ago. I'm not a fan of family style because I prefer going to get the food I like and having plenty of it.

But the characters sure were having a great time with your DS.

After looking at the pic again I knew it was Germany. I could read the signs behind us. But I had already put it there, so deal with it ;)

Our trip is in a few months so I'm passing the time with TRs...yours is going great so far! So glad I found it because, though I am a WDW nut, I have learned a few things! Didn't know that about CounterSrvc meal credits all being the same. My DD8 will be glad to get to eat some stuff not on the kids menu this time! Also didn't know you could walk from TTC to the Poly! we own at Bay Lake Tower so that's where we usually stay, but we always go over to Poly to eat at Ohana's! And, we don't spend a lot of time at World Showcase, but now that you have mentioned those beaded necklaces made from old maps at Africa, I may well be making a trek over there this time!

Great job, looking forward to reading the rest!

Welcome! Those necklaces were cool. They were at just a cart in between countries, so I'm not sure if they are there all the time. We didn't even try O'Hana's this time around. I had heard it was loud and fun, but my DS is too shy to join in with the games they play and I thought he wouldn't like to be pressured. So we stuck with Kona and really really enjoyed each meal there. Have you tried Kona? Both dinner and breakfast were incredible!

Totally loving all your updates Suzi!!! I dunno what it is about your TR that is getting me so excited for our trip - but I just love it! Thank you!!! :)

Maybe it's because your adorable little guy is seeing the world for the first time - and you kind of are too... It's just really refreshing and fun to watch.

Sooooo.... Do you have any other trips in the works?


Oh D~, I am hoping to go either late Nov or early Dec when the Christmas lights are up, but crowds are low. Hoping for 2013, but not sure. It might have to be 2014. And we will be staying either at Wilderness Lodge, POFQ, or Art Of Animation. Maybe a split stay between WL and POFQ.

But Bradey and I have 12 days until we are in Cape Coral, FL to visit my parents. They just couldn't stand to only see him those 4 days at Disney all winter. They won't be back here in ME until the end of April.
This will be a quick one.

After dinner at Garden Grill, we split up. What was supposed to happen is that Mom & Dad take Bradey back to the Poly so Bill and I could go explore the WS in more depth. But, first I wanted to take a walk down to the Boardwalk Area resorts to walk off dinner so we could have something yummy for dessert from WS.

So we took a leisurely stroll through the International Gateway and down to Beach Club. That place is gorgeous! I could definitely see us staying there sometime in the future. And the walk up to Epcot was really quick and easy. We had to go inside and check out the lobby and store. It didn't appear that their QS set up was very convenient. I liked Capt Cooks much better. It was right in the middle of their store. Weird. But it looked like they had some yummy pastries there.

So we walked along Storm-Along Bay and down the wooden boardwalk to past Yatch Club. I didn't go in YC cause it was looking like rain and I wanted to make the whole circle. We walked down across the bridge with Swan/Dolphin on our right and Boardwalk on the left. They all look so beautiful. But what is the deal with the fish statues on Dolphin? Why couldn't they get dolphins up there? :confused3

We walked around the Boardwalk, which was totally a ghost town by the way, looking for the Bakery. We never did spot it, but I'm sure it was there. We just weren't in the mood for pastries. I wanted icecream or something like that.
This walk was longer than we had thought and by the time we made it back around to the International Gateway, we were pooped. I really wanted to ride Test Track with him and when I checked my Lines app, it said a 15 min wait. So we headed over that way, but when we went by a waittime sign it had 45 mins on it? :confused3 No way we were waiting that long in line after that walk. So we just gave up and headed out. We were tired and just wanted to relax at our beautiful Poly.


As we were waiting for the monorail to come, I called my mom to see if they were all in bed or if they wanted a cupcake from Contempo. Turns out they never went back. They had spent the evening playing in the Innoventions buildings and were just coming up the monorail ramp too. So we got to ride back with them after all. Bradey was pretty tired. This was the first all day at a park time for him.


So concludes our Epcot day. Wish we had taken more time at World Showcase, but there's always next time. Our 10th anniversary is coming up at the end of Spetember. I am trying to convince hubby that it would be a fun long weekend without Bradey down there, but he is one of those people who thinks Disney is for kids and isn't jumping at the chance. We'll see ;)
This will be a quick one.

After dinner at Garden Grill, we split up. What was supposed to happen is that Mom & Dad take Bradey back to the Poly so Bill and I could go explore the WS in more depth. But, first I wanted to take a walk down to the Boardwalk Area resorts to walk off dinner so we could have something yummy for dessert from WS.

So we took a leisurely stroll through the International Gateway and down to Beach Club. That place is gorgeous! I could definitely see us staying there sometime in the future. And the walk up to Epcot was really quick and easy. We had to go inside and check out the lobby and store. It didn't appear that their QS set up was very convenient. I liked Capt Cooks much better. It was right in the middle of their store. Weird. But it looked like they had some yummy pastries there.

So we walked along Storm-Along Bay and down the wooden boardwalk to past Yatch Club. I didn't go in YC cause it was looking like rain and I wanted to make the whole circle. We walked down across the bridge with Swan/Dolphin on our right and Boardwalk on the left. They all look so beautiful. But what is the deal with the fish statues on Dolphin? Why couldn't they get dolphins up there? :confused3

We walked around the Boardwalk, which was totally a ghost town by the way, looking for the Bakery. We never did spot it, but I'm sure it was there. We just weren't in the mood for pastries. I wanted icecream or something like that.
This walk was longer than we had thought and by the time we made it back around to the International Gateway, we were pooped. I really wanted to ride Test Track with him and when I checked my Lines app, it said a 15 min wait. So we headed over that way, but when we went by a waittime sign it had 45 mins on it? :confused3 No way we were waiting that long in line after that walk. So we just gave up and headed out. We were tired and just wanted to relax at our beautiful Poly.


As we were waiting for the monorail to come, I called my mom to see if they were all in bed or if they wanted a cupcake from Contempo. Turns out they never went back. They had spent the evening playing in the Innoventions buildings and were just coming up the monorail ramp too. So we got to ride back with them after all. Bradey was pretty tired. This was the first all day at a park time for him.


So concludes our Epcot day. Wish we had taken more time at World Showcase, but there's always next time. Our 10th anniversary is coming up at the end of Spetember. I am trying to convince hubby that it would be a fun long weekend without Bradey down there, but he is one of those people who thinks Disney is for kids and isn't jumping at the chance. We'll see ;)

I love the look of Beach Club is the only deluxe that I still want to try sometime. Sorry you were too pooped to tour World Showcase, but glad you got a little alone time anyway.

If DH needs convincing, just tell him that DH and I have taken 8 of our last nine trips wtihout kids. While at first we missed them, we've come to enjoy our "adults" only trips.
If DH needs convincing, just tell him that DH and I have taken 8 of our last nine trips wtihout kids. While at first we missed them, we've come to enjoy our "adults" only trips.

I know, there is so much for us to do. Rides we can't ride with Bradey, see all the shows that a 5 year old can't sit still for. We didn't watch a single show and I love them! I'll keep working on him. See, what I have to do is pick out a trip that is twice as expensive, then give him the choice of the 2 :lmao:


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