Hi, I’m Julie McCoy, Your TR Director

Catching up again.
I went to X-Caret my first trip to Mexico which I guess was only 11 years ago though it feels like forever ago. But I really cannot remember much about x-Caret itself. Even your photos don't bring back any memories :confused3 Apparently I guess I wasn't impressed when I went but your photos make me wonder why not? As always gorgeous photos Jen!
Catching up again.
I went to X-Caret my first trip to Mexico which I guess was only 11 years ago though it feels like forever ago. But I really cannot remember much about x-Caret itself. Even your photos don't bring back any memories :confused3 Apparently I guess I wasn't impressed when I went but your photos make me wonder why not? As always gorgeous photos Jen!

Maybe it was still new then? I would have to look at its history but I am guessing it isn't that old.
It really looked like paradise here.

We walked down the steps and entered the water one at a time. There were a few from our group that decided not to do this and Miguel said he would tell them where to meet the rest of their party. Mom and I get in and Mom immediately freaks out. She is claustrophobic and she just said she didn’t like it at all. So I told her to go back up towards the guy that let us in and tell him you want out. I was trying to get out of the way of others and then I lost her. I assumed she got out and I went on through the caves. I must say she made the right decision because there were areas that were in complete darkness and she would’ve hated that.

Of course after I part ways with her I realize I have the key for the duffle bag so she won’t be able to retrieve her cover up till I get back.

I swim along and try to take pictures.

I was disappointed as there wasn’t a current pushing you along so you really had to work to swim. Plus my life jacket was too big so I kept flipping in strange positions and to swim I had to fight it.

Also when I would try to swim if there were several people coming up behind me I would kick them. I must’ve been really slow because people kept passing me. I really was trying but it was so hard.

A look up.

I also seemed to stay with the “romantic” couple who were always clinging to each other and smooching. UGH! I kept trying to get away from them and no matter how hard I tried they were always either right behind me or in front of me after a bit.

This was an exit you could take if you wanted to get out before the end. They had several along the way and I was sooo tempted to use one.

I also kept trying to change my camera settings but I just couldn’t see well enough to figure out what I was doing.

There is the romantic couple again.

A look underwater.

It took me a long time to get to this point and by now my underarms were rubbed raw from the life jacket. I tried to readjust it a few times but it wasn’t helping.

Hey…there are some flamingos.

Hey there is a fish…..nice shot I took of it…look how I framed it so well…..NOT! LOL.

There is the end!!!!!! YAY!

I was so stinking glad to be done with that. It was too long for me. And the fact that my lifejacket didn’t fit properly was another downer for me. And struggling without a current was another issue. I think if I were to try it again I would need a buddy with me. Like the romantic couple…her guy pushed her most of the way…I need a romantic buddy for this!

I got out and was so relieved to be done with that. I went to the counters to get our duffle and then retrieved all our belongings and moved on.
The next picture I took is of this gorgeous …..wall. No clue why I took this picture….unless I truly did like the wall? LOL.

Well, a romantic partner wouldn't have helped me at all. Mike can't swim worth a darn. He can dog paddle..that's about it. It was long ago decided that if one of our kids began to drown that he should just get the heck out of my way and let me save the child in question. :laughing:

Honestly. I have absolutely no idea how it is he never learned how to really swim. We have lived our whole lives on an island for heaven's sake.

It does look interesting though, even if the swim itself wasn't so easy.
Costa Maya was on my bucket list for the longest time. I did choose our cruise in November 2012 based on the fact that Costa Maya was part of the itinerary. I consider it it part of my top 10 cruise ports. Then again, we did not stay in the port area, but headed for some Mayan ruins, which I wanted to do since my early teens. The ruins we went to were only about an hour away and well worth the effort. I have to say that pool at the port looks inviting though.

A cruise line that serves steak and eggs for breakfast would be right up Graham's street. I better keep quiet about this.

I am not too keen on people trying to get me to buy there stuff either. If I am interested, I will approach them. Pushy sales people just make me turn around and leave. The area around the plaza looked nice.

I love that manatee statue.

The earrings your mom got you are so beautiful.

Dinner looked lovely again.

X-caret is another place that is on my bucket list, but I always think it is too far from Cozumel. At some stage we need to do a land-based vacation in Cancun or the surrounding area so that we can do some of the attractions on the main land.

That port area looks nice. We have only ever been to the port that DCL uses.

Some of the photos really remind me of Chankanaab. What a shame that the life jacket caused you so much trouble and that you found this part of the tour so much hard work.

Oh wow! I'm not sure if I would have been able to complete through the caves. I'm not claustrophobic but the whole life jacket and having to work so hard may have done me in. You are a trooper for doing the whole course/trip.
I am so grateful to you for being so honest about that river - I would not want to do that at all- thanks for letting me know! Some of those cenotes look really beautiful in the caves, though. They light up the stalagmites- really dramatic.
Well, a romantic partner wouldn't have helped me at all. Mike can't swim worth a darn. He can dog paddle..that's about it. It was long ago decided that if one of our kids began to drown that he should just get the heck out of my way and let me save the child in question. :laughing:

LOL! I think Skip would drown me. :rotfl:

Honestly. I have absolutely no idea how it is he never learned how to really swim. We have lived our whole lives on an island for heaven's sake.

I am not a great swimmer, but I can swim.

It does look interesting though, even if the swim itself wasn't so easy.

It was interesting...glad I did it once, but probably won't rush back to do it again soon.

Costa Maya was on my bucket list for the longest time. I did choose our cruise in November 2012 based on the fact that Costa Maya was part of the itinerary. I consider it it part of my top 10 cruise ports. Then again, we did not stay in the port area, but headed for some Mayan ruins, which I wanted to do since my early teens. The ruins we went to were only about an hour away and well worth the effort. I have to say that pool at the port looks inviting though.

I think the ruins would make it much better. I really debated on it but I wanted to keep the costs down since this was my 4th trip of the year and I knew I was really pushing it. :goodvibes

A cruise line that serves steak and eggs for breakfast would be right up Graham's street. I better keep quiet about this.

I was pretty happy with that choice myself.

I am not too keen on people trying to get me to buy there stuff either. If I am interested, I will approach them. Pushy sales people just make me turn around and leave. The area around the plaza looked nice.

It's so annoying!

I love that manatee statue.

The earrings your mom got you are so beautiful.

Thanks. I love them

Dinner looked lovely again.

X-caret is another place that is on my bucket list, but I always think it is too far from Cozumel. At some stage we need to do a land-based vacation in Cancun or the surrounding area so that we can do some of the attractions on the main land.

they have a resort right there and I have seen pictures and it looks nice.

That port area looks nice. We have only ever been to the port that DCL uses.

Some of the photos really remind me of Chankanaab. What a shame that the life jacket caused you so much trouble and that you found this part of the tour so much hard work.


I really got a workout with that swim.

Oh wow! I'm not sure if I would have been able to complete through the caves. I'm not claustrophobic but the whole life jacket and having to work so hard may have done me in. You are a trooper for doing the whole course/trip.

It was really hard work. I am glad I did the whole thing, but I wouldn't call it enjoyable. :rotfl:

I am so grateful to you for being so honest about that river - I would not want to do that at all- thanks for letting me know! Some of those cenotes look really beautiful in the caves, though. They light up the stalagmites- really dramatic.

Yes it was pretty down in there....when there was light....but I wish I was in a better frame of mind so I could've enjoyed it more too.
I started walking towards where I thought the restaurant was where I would find Mom.
This is supposedly the world’s biggest hammock. I don’t really call that a hammock, I call it a lounge chair…but we already know I don’t always use the correct terms for things.

THIS is what I call a hammock.

It sure is beautiful here, even if it is 99 degrees with high humidity.

I got turned around and found a restaurant but not the right one.

I kept moving and found this little lizard.

I found the flamingos.

I also was in search of a restroom.

I found a map, got my bearings and went to the restroom and then found the restaurant.

Miguel was waiting with my camera and I grabbed it from him and then found Mom inside.

Mom had made a friend and they were seated and her friend was eating. I will call her C. C was doing a triple cruise I believe with her husband. She was here alone today because her husband wasn’t feeling well. He husband had booked this excursion but didn’t tell her anything about it so she didn’t bring her swim suit with her. Her and Mom had walked around and explored a bit and then came to the restaurant to wait for me. She was very nice and I am glad Mom found someone to hang with.

This was the view from our seats.

Mom was enjoying a beverage.

It was all open and just so pretty to look at.

Mom and I ordered a sampler type platter to share.

I didn’t pay attention that it came with corn tortillas…I wish I would have…then I could’ve asked to have those switched out with flour ones. We did get one flour one and I gobbled that one up.

The food was just OK. I guess I am not a big fan of authentic Mexican food. Many years ago I had stayed at the Moon Palace in Cancun and I remember thinking then the food was not all that great then too. I was dying for a Wendy’s cheeseburger and fries by the time we flew back into the states.
C had had a cheeseburger and it looked really good and I had wished I had gotten that instead.

We watched this boat go around. It was some kind of Twister boat ride and it would zoom around really fast and then stop and spin and you could hear the people scream. I could see myself throwing up all over everyone. LOL.

I agree with your definition of a hammock. I am glad that your mom found somebody to spend the time with while waiting for you. Your lunch looked lovely.

X-Caret looks beautiful! I don't think I would of had the courage to swim through the caves. I don't like to think about what lurks below the dark water. :scared: I like to be able to see the bottom. Wish I was a little more adventurous because it looks fun.
Your view during lunch was amazing! We went to the Moon Palace for our honeymoon! I don't remember having an issue with the food, but I know what you mean sometimes about a good ole American Cheeseburger.
Jen, I'm so excited to finally be back on Disboards!! I've really missed your Trip Reports and with the cold weather we've been having here in Ohio it's nice to see your tropical cruise pictures! :D
Um, no, that's not a hammock. That's a dang lounge chair if I ever saw one.

I'm glad that your mother found a friend to sit and talk with while you were doing the cave tour. We ate in the restaurant in the Mexico pavilion at Epcot and I didn't care much for it so I'm thinking that I probably wouldn't have liked what you and your mom ordered either. I'm not of a non-authentic Taco Bell eatin' kinda gal.
Yep, not a hammock. That is a chair. Said for the person who labeled it a hammock, cause obviously they have never experienced the sheer bliss of a hammock.
I agree with your definition of a hammock. I am glad that your mom found somebody to spend the time with while waiting for you. Your lunch looked lovely.


I was so glad she found someone to hang with too...It made me feel so much better that I didn't leave her high and dry.

X-Caret looks beautiful! I don't think I would of had the courage to swim through the caves. I don't like to think about what lurks below the dark water. :scared: I like to be able to see the bottom. Wish I was a little more adventurous because it looks fun.
Your view during lunch was amazing! We went to the Moon Palace for our honeymoon! I don't remember having an issue with the food, but I know what you mean sometimes about a good ole American Cheeseburger.

It is beautiful.....but not Castaway Cay beautiful. LOL! Ok, it might be...just a different kind of beauty.
My issue was that the meat wasn't like good american meat. It was Mexico cow which obviously are not fed as well. hahaha! And one day we had french fries and it was like heaven. So many sides were just weird to me. But this was over 15 years ago too.
Have fun today!

Jen, I'm so excited to finally be back on Disboards!! I've really missed your Trip Reports and with the cold weather we've been having here in Ohio it's nice to see your tropical cruise pictures! :D

Where have you been? And just in time now for the new board....which I do not like as of now. Much harder to manuver around.
No school today for Claire. Lovely Ohio weather.

Um, no, that's not a hammock. That's a dang lounge chair if I ever saw one.

That is exactly my thoughts.

I'm glad that your mother found a friend to sit and talk with while you were doing the cave tour. We ate in the restaurant in the Mexico pavilion at Epcot and I didn't care much for it so I'm thinking that I probably wouldn't have liked what you and your mom ordered either. I'm not of a non-authentic Taco Bell eatin' kinda gal.

I was glad she made a friend. We never did see C after that day though. I was surprised thinking we would probably run into her here and there.
I am a taco bell kind of girl too.

Yep, not a hammock. That is a chair. Said for the person who labeled it a hammock, cause obviously they have never experienced the sheer bliss of a hammock.

hahah! Exactly!
Love the updates! DH & I did Xcaret on our honeymoon - 15 years ago! We loved the underwater caves, had a blast. The restaurant looks familiar, DH ordered what he thought was a salad - it was, but with Cactus! Yuck! He also lost his wallet somewhere there. Did you find it? He almost lost his wedding ring - if he would have lost that too, I think I might have lost him! LOL

Love the crack about the viagra!

Do you think you had enough time there for the day? Cozumel is a stop on our next cruise, and we want to do different excursions than last time. DH was thinking about Xcaret again, now that we could take DS there.
Love the updates! DH & I did Xcaret on our honeymoon - 15 years ago! We loved the underwater caves, had a blast. The restaurant looks familiar, DH ordered what he thought was a salad - it was, but with Cactus! Yuck! He also lost his wallet somewhere there. Did you find it? He almost lost his wedding ring - if he would have lost that too, I think I might have lost him! LOL

We had cactus on our plate too. It was this big green oval flat thing and I asked what it was and they told us cactus....no thanks!

Do you think you had enough time there for the day? Cozumel is a stop on our next cruise, and we want to do different excursions than last time. DH was thinking about Xcaret again, now that we could take DS there.

There was no way to do it all thats for sure. But if you do a few things then you will have a good time. I will say the aquarium we went to later in the day was a big hit for me as well as seeing the turtles.
Wow I got really behind. That swim looked really strenuous. This excursion seems much to ambitious for what I want to do on a cruise, but I'm glad to hear about it!
We saw an iguana off to the side …just hanging out at the restaurant. Now if I saw this in Ohio….I would freak…but in Mexico it seemed kind of cool.

I got up and went over to get a better look at him.

This was a view from our table….they were collecting that sea weed stuff and bagging it.

This boat was coming towards the coast.

It was funny because it looked like it was just going to slam right ashore…I assume there was some water inlet there.

And a little visitor.

We finished up our meals and paid the bill. It wasn’t cheap either….even for sharing a meal.
We headed out and I said good bye to iguana friend.

We walked around a bit to explore.

We came to the snorkeling area….I believe it was an extra cost to snorkel.

I do think if you were coming for the day though you could buy a package that included snorkeling, other activities and food as well.

We walked by a beachy area which was just beautiful…but it was very hot out and sitting on a beach didn’t sound fun to me. And I wasn’t too keen about leaving my camera in my bag to go swimming.

There is one of those twister boats.



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