Help with TUG resale


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Sep 26, 2000
Hi - I am looking at adding on more points! Someone suggested TUG awhile ago so I posted my request with them. They contacted me with a resale I may want. Has anyone ever used them to buy a resale? If anyone has anything good or bad to report, I would really appreciate the info. Thanks so much.

TUG is not a realty company, but is a great source for timeshare information.

It sounds as though you used their Classified Ad section to post your request and have been contacted by someone with points to sell.

Treat this like a private sale without a broker involved. You may want to have an attorney and Title Company assist you with the sale to protect yourself. TUG may also have some suggestions about how to proceed. Good Luck!
TUG stand for Timeshar User Group. It is an excellent source of information concerning timeshares. There is a nominal fee to join and it is more than worth the money. There are also free segments of the website that can be accessed without being a member. If you want to check it our the website is: Good luck! Enjoy!;)

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