help Please


<font color=blue>I'm ba-ack!!!!<br><font color=mag
Apr 28, 2001
I didn't know if there was a way just to look at all my posts like I used to be able on the other board, I liked that. This was I don't miss thanking someone who answered my question. Thanks for the help:confused:
You sure can GailT!

Just click on your user name and it will take you to your "user profile". In the top line (opposite your user name), in the upper right hand corner, you'll see a link "Search for all posts by this user." Click it and you'll see all of the posts that you've made.
Thanks Chris, I appreciate you helping me but more then that you did it so fast, looks like I am gonna have a relaxed day, I get tense when I don't know how to do some cmputer things that are just so easy.
Have a great day:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

How do I change the "Welcomed Guest" verbage under my user name? I've looked everywhere under cp & can't find it.

Thanks!!! Jose :confused:
The option will become available after 30 days and 30 posts. You will be able to change it in a box titled "Custom user text."

If you would like to have a webmaster change it before then, make a new post on the tech board titled "Webmasters-title change request" or something similar. :D
Thanks Lisa.....

Does that mean (30) additional posts or (30) total? Am I safe to assume that the "custom user text" will appear under the user cp?

Thanks again! Jose :)
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It counts for 30 posts total, and after 30 days on the boards.

You can go to >user cp, then edit profile. After 30 days, there'll be an additional field you can modify - custom user text.


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