Help on finding the best lightweight stroller!


Earning My Ears
Jan 9, 2004
We are leaving for Disney in less than 1 month. I am looking for a good lightweight umbrella stroller for my son who will be 21 months. He only weighs 25 pounds.

I would like a stroller that can recline and will fold easily.

I have been waiting for the Eurotrend stroller, but is is not availabe right now and time is running out. Others that I am considering are the Chico Caddy stroller and Chico London stroller. There are goods and bads about both of them.

I am looking for any advice you may have on a reclining umbrella stroller.

I actually just bought DD a new umbrella stoller yesterday because our Combi Savvy Z broke (it's a great stroller and it got a lot of use but it's $$). Anyway, I looked at the Chico Caddy because it had gotten great reviews and was priced well. We didn't end up getting it because DD liked a non-reclining one better. The only downside I noticed was that DD couldn't get into the Chico by herself because the seat was very high. She didn't have any trouble with any other stroller. On the plus side it was quite roomy. DD is about 37" and she had about a 4-5" clearance between her head and the canopy.
You might want to consider the Inglesina Swift. It's a full-featured European umbrella stroller, but the price is excellent.
It is available all over the web for $99, lower if you can find a coupon.
I just purchased the Maclaren Triumph (on sale at Babies R Us for about $120) and so far love it! The stroller fits both my DD's (3 and 5) and is light-weight. We love the carry strap which will make it much easier for us in WDW. Even though it was significantly more than the Chicco, I felt it's size and quality would last longer for us. If you have a BJ's Wholesale near you, ours is currently selling the Chicco for a great price. We own other light-weight strollers and this by far is our favorite. Our Combi was difficult to stear and our Graco was bulkier (although the cup holder and larger basket were great!).
any other less expensive models out there???
I'm also looking for a lightweight/umbrella stroller with basket, cupholders, tray.
i just bought the Eddie Bauer like the one used for the stroller swap. $43 at, free shipping. It doesn't have a parent tray, but does have the child tray, basket, and it weighs under 15 pounds. It arrived yesterday and looks to be worth the $$
The only umbrella stroller on the market w/ a cupholder is the Peg Pliko, and trays don't work on umbrella strollers b/c they have to break in the center. You can get both those items as aftermarket accessories and add them on very cheaply, but don't expect them to come w/ the stroller.
I went to babies r us and investigated all the options. I liked and purchased the Graco Citilite for about $70. It's very lightweight, big basket, full recline, cupholder, auto lock close. It was much cheaper than those "Euro" models that are supposed to be so wonderful and "chic" and I thought had much more substance and quality for the price. I had to laugh at these $120 flimsy things that you pay for a label....anyway.

I started using it months before the trip and just love it. Took it to disney and loved it to. Trying it at the store it was hard to find the latch to unlock/unfold it but there is a little tab button on the side to unlock. It was so easy to steer with just a fingertip...really!
We have had the Chicco London for about a year and we absolutely love it. It's lightweight and folds easily. It reclines to 5 positions but the best part is that you have an option for the child's legs to stretch out in front of them which is great because my child is tall. She loves the stroller and it looks like she's sitting in a recliner most of the time!!
We also have the Graco Citilite and love it. It is very easy to close, carry and stroll. It folds as flat as many umbrella strollers, but it does not fold lengthwise like a Combi...does that make sense?? When it folds it is smaller and very, very lightwight..easy to take virtually anywhere. We took our Citilite to Disney twice with no problems on the monorail or bus or boat!
Nope! We took it on the plane. You have to check it at the door of the plane and retrieve it as you get off so you have it the whole time you're in the airport.
We bought a bright yellow chicco caddy last year and have used it at Disney twice for our son. We love it! It is very light and comes with a carrying case and rain cover. It was very easy to fold quickly and put on the train with us going around the MK. One thing I particularly liked about it was last time we went it rained for several days - my son loved the rain cover that fit over the front and actually insisted on us keeping it on even when the rain stopped - we saw other kids in the same strollers in the rain with their covers keeping them dry too. The bright yellow is also great for spotting in the sea of blue strollers too. Our son just turned 3 and is 40 inches tall and he still fits in this stroller easily. I bought it online for around $40.00.
Good to hear! I just bought the Chicco Caddy yesterday. I am hoping that it will be a durable stroller for some time to come. Did you purchase the mesh storage basket for the stroller? Where?
I purchased the Mcclaren Daytripper last year at Babies R Us. I love it! I went to the Science Museum recently with my neices and the 6 yr old got in it. I had no problem with it at all. It comes with an attachable rain shield and has a basket. The only thing that I don't quite like is that it can be hard to recline. I recently saw on-line an attachable sun/weather shield for this stroller.
I didn't purchase the mesh bag but saw someone else with one on their Caddy. I did purchase a cup holder from Babies R Us that clips on the handle that works great. I have found this stroller very durable.
Thanks for the info on the basket NotUrsula. I have placed my order and hope that it arrives in time for out trip. We are down to 2 1/2 weeks!!!!


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