help me get to Dis on $1200 or less - please!!


<font color=green>Feels naked without a tag!
Mar 23, 2001
OK, DH is going on his annual golf trip and leaving me and DD at home (feel sorry for us???). So, help me take DD to WDW this fall..
I have reservations for the $49AS rate for Aug 30-Sept 3 (4 nights).. I also have a certificate from Marriott for 3 nights free at a Marriott or Rennaissance (MOWC doesn't qualify) - The 2 renaissances are at SeaWorld and Kissimmee (World Gate) and I know nothing of them. I do not want to go for a week.. 3-4 nights is plenty.
Dilema.. pay $220 at AS for hotel and turn Marriott certificate in for 4dayhopper adult ticket OR stay at Renaissance free and pay for ticket??
Airfare $400
Can we go???? please???
help!! <IMG SRC="/infopop/emoticons/icon_confused.gif" alt="confused"> :rolleyes:
I still have to convince DH that we should go, and can go.. and budget is ok.. and he should get to go to!
2 adults, 1dd (6)
and I didn't mention that our first trip was in June and we were lucky to stay at the BWV in a 1bdr. My DD liked the Keister Coaster so much, will she be disappointed at the ASMusic??
DH doesn't think that DD should get to go again so soon... afraid to spoil her..
go figure!! (that task is done!!)
I feel you. This is my family's third trip to Disney this coming May in less than a year. We (or should I say) I must be crazy! This definitely will be our last trip for a long :rolleyes: time. Anyway, I think your plan is doable (where there is a Disney will, there is a Disney way!).

I'd stay on-site. I just could not imagine staying offsite with having to rent a car or wait on a shuttle back and forth. As a matter of fact, DH insists on staying onsite for the convenience of the transportation and ease of getting back to the room. I also think the rate you have for the Allstars is wonderful. I'd definitely turn that Marriott reward certificate into a park hopper if you can. That takes care of the hotel and one ticket.

As far as food goes, since you are only going for 4-5 days (we are doing the same thing to cut down on expenses - staying less time) you can keep food expenses down by doing what we plan to do, eat 2 meals a day. We are planning on eating a character breakfast in the late morning, having a mid-day snack of ice cream or popcorn and then dinner at a counterservice stand. At MK we plan on eating at Peco Bills for dinner and at Epcot at the UK pavilion for the fish and chips. The only exception will be dinner at 50's Prime Time Cafe at MGM.

As far as the other two tickets are concerned, you could decide just how many days you actually plan to spend in the parks. My hubby only likes Epcot so I am purchasing him a one day ticket ($50); DH and I will have 4 day hoppers (a little less than $400) or the bounce back ticket for 3 days which come to about $280 together. I'm leaning toward the park hoppers because I just love park hopping and even though we will only have 3 days in the parks I figure I can use those leftover days on a future trip and get to tour each of the 4 parks instead of deciding on three.

I hope this isn't too much information for you but I thought I'd give you an idea of how we are doing our quickie trip. I am very excited because we had to cancel our trip for June and I just couldn't stand the thought of not going this year so we need to do this on somewhat of a budget. I hope I was helpful to you and I hope you make your trip happen and that your hubby goes along with your plans.


CBR - 10/98
BC - 10/98
BC - 6/00
GF - 9/00
Dolphin - 5/01!!!
Thanks for the thoughts on the tickets - and on the meals. DD will want to have breakfast with the princesses again (go figure!), that'll run about $75 (Cinderella is not a cheap date!!). We have started the 'coin jar' in the water bottle, we have all agreed that when the jar is full we will go to disney.. now, how to explain to dh that I got his paycheck in nickles??

any more ideas out there?????
Have you thought about doing any of the rewards programs? I do freeride and greenfield online to help pay for little expenses on the trip. With freeride you can earn $10 every 10 days or so. It used to be $10 every 4-5 days so the programs are definitely changing but still fun! There is a rewards forum on this board that discusses all the different programs out there. Happy planning!

P.S. I've got to have my Cindy's fix just like your daughter and will be calling tomorrow morning to (hopefully) get my ressie!


CBR - 10/98
BC - 10/98
BC - 6/00
GF - 9/00
Dolphin - 5/01!!!
I have stayed at the Renaissance near Sea World. It was very nice (we stayed there because my husband was attending a conference there). But, I would take the AS and buy my passes if I were you. With 4 days, you will need to focus on just WDW, and the transporation back and forth to an off-site hotel would be a pain. I also agree about the 4 day hopper. Although it is more $$, I love to hop. I would do the bounce back tickets for just 1 or 2 days, but 3-4 I would do the 4 day hoppers.

My wife and I are going down in April and Im going on the greyhound bus(cheapest)and staying at a motel called the Continnental in Kissimmee ($280wk)and rental car ($170wk)mid size -- all for under $700.00! Im not well off, but do enjoy disney. By saving on some of the basics, we have money for park hoppers,shows,movies,etc. Looking forward to spending my 10th year anniversary there. :)
thanks everyone!
I have decided to turn my Marriott certificate for 3 nights back into Marriott and exchange for a 5 day park hopper plus pass (1 day free water parks) and save the extra days for next time. I have read about some family airfares and I think that we are gonna do it. Reservations at the All Star Music (wanted should be ok) for 4 nights is $220, airfare should run about $500+, one park pass free.. $350 in 2 more. and the change jar should get us a good deal of spending money.. hubbys paycheck in nickles (ha). I think that we are gonna do it.. Aug 30-Sept 3rd.. wdw here we come.
oh, is Labor day a bad weekend???????
iwannogoto! I would vote for staying on site. You can't beat the transportation.

I have marriot points and would LOVE to turn them into a ticket! Do do you redeem the points for a WDW ticket??

Wow! Thanks for the reward info on tickets!

Hilton Honors has Disney tickets with points also...
click on hilton honors and dig through rewards to find it. I think that they only have the 4 day hoppers (or hopper plus) passes
Congrats first for figuring out a way to finance your trip! Second, I just wanted to comment on Labor Day weekend. DH and I were there this past Labor Day and boy was it hot! The parks were not too bad except MK was very crowded during the afternoons. Other than that we had a wonderful time and I know you will. This year we will be there for Memorial Day weekend and even though I dread the crowds especially at MK, I'd rather deal with crowds and a bit of heat at Disney than be at home (or worse, at work). Have a great time!


CBR - 10/98
BC - 10/98
BC - 6/00
GF - 9/00
Dolphin - 5/01!!!
Have you thought about turning you Marriott cert in for a courtyard hotel. We stayed at the Marriott Courtyard in Downtown Disney. It was wonderful. The service was great, hotel nice. They also have a wonderful bus system to the parks. It was very prompt and convenient. The Courtyard in DD also offers guests Early Entry and E nights. :)
I have been weighing the options between paying for ASMu ($220/4 nights) and using cert for 7 day hopper plus for child OR 3 free nights at Renaissance World or World Gate and paying for all tickets. OR 3 free nights at Courtyard DD and paying for tickets. I think that I decided 4 days for $220 is better than 3 nights free and paying for all tickets.. besides, If I was paying for tickets I wouldn't be purchasing the 7 day for DD.. BUT I AM OPEN TO ANY OPTIONS.. WEIGHING ALL OF THEM CAREFULLY, WE ARE ON A BUDGET.
Try priceline for airfare. Since you are near Chicago you should be able to get some sweet deals, and probably direct, well maybe, flights. I can get rt tix, Dulles(washington dc)/Orlando, for about $70 on priceline. Bid carefully, but you should do ok, just be flexible about flight times (they won't depart before 6 am or after 10:30 pm, unless you say it's ok). You can't beat the $49/nt allstars, but will you need a car while you're there? We always get a car, but check the shuttle prices before you decide a car is a no-go, shuttle adds up quickly, esp. if you need to stop for shopping, also figure in Disney transport times, often busses are notoriously complicated and take more time than it's worth. Do you need PHplus pass? Can't see that you'll have time for water park. Gotta go, good luck, DD and I never spend over $1200 on our trips, so you can do it! PS tell all relatives that you want disney dollars for holidays/ can use 'em everywhere, even at the ice cream stands!
Great! I just took a chance on Priceline and bid $33 with the amex bonus of $20 for 4 nights (Aug30-Sept3 - Labor Day weekend) and got it - at the Wyndham Palace in DTD thanks to the info on the priceline board! So 4 nights is totalling $160.99 incl tax.. I might get stuck with a 'resort fee', any idea how to get out of that?? I signed up for the Wyndham by Request and put in my room preference, hopefully I will get it!! Now to chance airfare via priceline?? I think that I will hold off for Southwest sales first...
$160.99 4 nights hotel
good deal!!
I too have the bug and have finally gotten my way with my hubby. We'll be there the same time as you! - 8/29 - 9/3. I'm bringing my hubby, son 12 yrs, and daughters 5 & 7 yrs. and we're staying at All star Movies for $49 per nite. (we've got 2 rooms). I had the Contemp. for $139 per nite but opted to change to ASMov and save over $200, which will cover my hopper pass. I've been saving for awhile, and thought we wouldn't be going until next year, but found cheap airline tickets ($156.50 ea nonstop RT) and the hotel for $49 per nite and told my DH, we're going, with or without you! I originally had the Music and wanted the Movies and couldn't get it, but called to check again today and it was available so we're staying at the ASMovies! Where did you finally decide to stay?
Iwannago - can't find the disney ticket option on the hilton site. Could you provide a little more detail on how to find Disney tickets on the hilton site? I even did a search of "disney + rewards". I think in my excitement, my limited computer abilitilies went out the window.
iwannago toooooooooooo!

WL ( & that's my final answer!) Nov/Dec 2000
Vero/ASMo Jul/Aug 2000
BC Jan 2000
ASSp Jan 1999
DxL Jan 1998
BWV May 1997


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