Help me decide when!!!!

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Earning My Ears
Feb 26, 2001
I was set to depart on Oct 5-13 but now I'm thinking that parks will be too crowded over a holiday weekend.Any thoughts? I'd also love to hear from anyone that has ever experienced WDW closer to Halloween.ALSO~I recently discoverd a fantastic discout is being offered to residents of PA but I can only take advantage of that by checking in by 10/3~will it be too hot~I guess now I need some input from someone w/a crystal ball. ;)
Hi...maybe I am having a senior moment, but I cannot remember any holiday that would flood the park Oct 5 to 13. I think this would be a great time to will be mellowing into the 80s, evenings cooling down......sounds good to me...Ted
I was referring to Columbus Day which is on Oct 8th making Oct 5 the start of a holiday weekend
Living in Mass., a state that believes any excuse for a holiday shd be taken(Wonder why St Pats Day isn't a holiday here,LOL)I do realize that many other states do not take Columbus Day as a holiday. In our town the Fri of that weekend is often a teacher in-service day, so we get a 4 day weekend. Several friends have gone that weekend & did not think crowds were any problem. We have made 3 Oct trips & loved it, the weather is beautiful then & I've heard that the celebration of Walt's 100th birthday may begin Oct 1, so you wd get to see the special parades, etc.
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