Help me decide! Sorry so long.


Future Floridian
Aug 18, 1999
We have plans to go to Disney 6/19 through 6/24. We is me, 45 yr old Mom, DS 14, DD 10 and my son's friend who is 16. I have ressies for 5 nights at the Swan at a govt rate of $129 per night, then we will be heading to St. Petersburg Beach for 2 nights before flying home. I already have 2 4 day park hopper passes, that I earned doing Pointclick sometime back. I would have to purchase an additional 4 day park hopper pass for my son. In addition to the 4 day park hopper pass, I would need to purchase a pass to either Blizzard Beach or Typhoon Lagoon for 3 people. My son and his friend insist on going to Islands of Adventure to ride the coasters and also to Busch Gardens to ride the coaster when we get to Tampa. The way I figure it, I am still going to be shelling out alot of money for park tickets, even already having 2 4day hopper passes.
No one in my family has ever been to Universal, IOA, Sea World or Busch Gardens. I was at Disney in 1998.

Well, I got to looking around on this board, and I noticed that some of you were getting great rates at the Hard Rock Hotel. The FOTL sounds awesome. I think I would actually save a little money if I purchased 3 5 park flex tickets. If I could get a discount at Hard Rock Hotel, similar to the one I got at the Swan, I am thinking maybe this is the way to go.

I love Disney, but I want to see these other parks too. What do you all think? All suggestions welcome. I am so confused!!

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If you get the Entertainment Card, you can get a garden view room at HRH for $117.50 a night. If you look on this board, you can see pictures Barry took of this type of room. You would qualify for FOTL and the parks are within walking distance. Also there is a free shuttle to Sea World from HRH. Last month we spent 3 nights at the Swan and then 5 nights at the HRH. It was the best vacation ever and we would love to repeat it. :)

Besides these boards, another invaluable source of information I used were Kelly Monaghan's two books: "Universal Studios Escape" and "The Other Orlando". I think they would be useful to you too.

We just got back from 3 nights at the HRH, and 3 at the BC. We only went to the HRH because of the FOTL, since we love the BC at Disney. Well, it was the best move we made. We were there the Sunday before Easter, and FOTL made it possible to enjoy the parks in spite of the crowds. We also slept a little (Well the teens and hubby did) and still were able to enjoy the park. But the big plus was the HRH. My 15year old daughter and friend fell in love with this hotel. None of us wanted to leave. The pool area was beautiful. You couldn't go wrong going to HRH and the parks. It was very hard to rationalize going to the BC and paying all that money after the deluxe treatment we had at the HRH. We also visited the Swan/Dolphin, and think we'll stay there 2 days next year (teacher's discount) then 5 at the HRH. We didn't plan on going back so soon, but the HRH, Universal and IOA were so great, we're planning next years trip already.
Have fun planning! :cool:
Thanks for the replies. I am sorry to report, that I was unable to get any discounts for the time I am going which is 6/19 - 6/24. I already have my airline reservations, which are not refundable, so I am unable to bend on the dates. It looks like my Universal trip will have to wait until next year.


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