Help Me Adding a 6th guest??????


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Nov 14, 2004
My son would like to invite his best friend to join us....

We already make reservations for 5 at POR ....Did someone have an idea how much will be the different?????

We need another room?????

If not we can change to All Sports with two rooms???

We're a family of five and often have talked of bringing along a niece to give her a free trip and have an extra hand with our little ones...but the cost has always thrown us off...adding a 6th person would mean moving to a 2 room or to a villa. It usually doubles your expenses. You might check the rates at Old Key West Villas...we received a very good rate one year for a 2 BR and it worked out great....also renting DVC points might be an option...let us know how it works out for you!
What about the cabins at FW? I believe they can sleep 6 and that is a great resort for kids too.
You'll definitely need another room if you want to stay at POR. There's only room for 4-5 people - and the trundle bed option is really only good if you have a smaller child with you, because the bed is a bit on the small side. Plus, 6 people with one bathroom? :earseek:

You could probably get a good deal for two rooms at a value resort - the beds are the same size as the ones at the moderates (full, not queen) and you'll have two bathrooms, and room for 6 people on 4 beds, so that two people can have a whole bed to themselves!


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