HELP!! Info needed on traveling w/ small children...


Isn't is time to go?
Apr 24, 2000
My wife and I will be taking our two small children to WDW in March of next year. The kids will be 2 years (26 months 2b exact) and one year.
(Yes we are already planning our 1-month old's first trip!!). I would love some advice and/or stories on anyones experiences with young kids. Thanks!!!
Bob & Julie & Nikki & Ethan.

PS-My wife and I are gonna do a 4-day, 3-night "escape" in January. Our first trip back in way over a year. Just us, no kids. Can't wait!!

1993-Hotel Santa Fe, Eurodisney
1995-Dixie Landings
1996-All Star Sports
1997-Carribean Beach Resort
1998-Port Orleans
1999-Polynesian; Disneyland
2000-DVC Boardwalk
2000-DCL Wonder (4-day)
2002-Grand Floridian
2002-Boardwalk Villas
My first piece of advice was going to be to stay on-site, then I looked at your trips and figured you were probably going to do that anyway. We like the cabins at Fort Wilderness because they have a full kitchen, a separate bedroom (the kids could nap and we didn't have to be too quiet), and the boat directly to the Magic Kingdom. Bringing a double stroller goes without saying, but actually we brought two singles last trip and that worked out good too. We could split up, each with a child. We also had the two-way radios so we could stay in touch. My best advice would have to be to keep reading these boards. We had been to Disney several times and thought we knew it all. Then I discovered these boards and got a wealth of new and useful information. I think it's great you're bringing your small children. Some people looked at us like we were nuts but our trips are some of our best memories as a family. :)
we took our DSs to DL when 1 was 2.5 and the other just under 1 year. We had so much fun that we have been to WDW 3 times since then-DSs are now 3.5 and 5. You will probably spend most of your time at MK, so I would suggest staying at a monorail resort. The monorail makes it so easy to get back to your room for naps, breaks, etc. We stayed at the Poly for our first trip, and graduated to the WL for the other 2 trips. DSs think the monorail (as well as the rest of WDW transportation) is a ride! Have fun!! Pamela


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