Help do we need winter coats


Earning My Ears
Nov 28, 2001
Hi everyone

We're coming to WDW on the 5th January for our first trip, but seen the posts about it being cold.

Now I've packed a selection of clothes- shorts,t-shirts, trousers, sweatshirts but am wondering if we will need our thicker winter coats- padded anoraks.

I know layers are the way to go, but not sure about the coats.

Would love any help from you.

It is pretty cold there right now..... last December my husband and I were very happy that we brought our winter coats!:)
Last January we had plenty of layers to wear. We would wear a t-shirt, a long sleeve shirt over that, a sweatshirt and then a fleece jacket. That way we could peel off some layers when it warmed up some during the day and then put them back on when it got colder at night. I would bring hats and mittens though because they were sold out of them and we were happy we had them for the kids, especially at the nighttime parades and fireworks.
My family and I were there a year ago about this time. I saw the highs were in the low 50's and thought a sweatshirt would be enough to wear. WRONG!!! Take your gloves and a hat along with a heavy coat. It is very cold there even if the temp is 50. You can always wear layers and then remove them.
Our first trip was this past October. It was a high of 63 for our first day, not sure what the temp dropped to by 10:00 pm. I am guessing 58-60. That's when the five of us went swimming. We were cold but who cares, we were on vacation in FL.

I don't care if it is snowing, I am going swimming. You can't expect a Buffalonian, visiting Fl, not to go swimming. It just wouldn't be right.

I guess what I'm saying is: should you bring warm clothes? Check the weather reports just before you head to Orlando. If it is cold to you bring whatever you think you need. Me? If it's 35 I am in a t-shirt...well for a little while anyway. Fifty and I'll be in shorts and a t-shirt al day.


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