Heeeeeeere’s Hei Hei!

I’m in love, however he is QUITE the pest and his bad habits are becoming very apparent. He needs LOTS of training... Like how not to pounce from across the room onto a person’s full bowl of cereal... Or if you’re scared of Lucky, maybe don’t chase her around and act all victimized when she puts you in your place :rotfl:
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Yeah he was saying, “I see you haz coffee... I can also haz coffee?”

My cat was like that as a small kitten. Would drink anything, including the melted scotch my ex would leave out...he trained us really fast to not leave drinks unattended. He is still a milkaholic and would cut someone for milk if he had thumbs like Hei Hei and could figure it out:)
So. Apparently Hei Hei has some slight birth defects. As most of you know he is polydactyl with six toes on his front paws. I discovered yesterday, during a rare moment of calmness, that he has five toes on one back paw, nails and all. But on the other back paw he only has the standard four... weird.
Welp. Browsing and came across this thread, son walks by and immediately goes "oh look at that cutie!' now followed by "why can't we get a cat"...
If you ever need a kid to wear out the kitties my son would volunteer to be shipped cross country :rotfl:.

We have a chicken we nicknamed Hei Hei (she does the pecking thing with snacks-literally have to point her beak in right direction, plus she runs into screened doors.)

So. Stinking. Cute. Baby. Kitty.
So. Apparently Hei Hei has some slight birth defects. As most of you know he is polydactyl with six toes on his front paws. I discovered yesterday, during a rare moment of calmness, that he has five toes on one back paw, nails and all. But on the other back paw he only has the standard four... weird.

I've been on a trip to The World for the past week. What's Hei Hei been up to? Because we need to know this. :)
I am so in love with this cat!!! When I was little my parents got me a kitty and she promptly decided that my brother was her favorite! She used to follow him around the house, and wait outside of the bathroom for him, and sit on his lap, and I got nothing from her, cats...
Just wanted to say your Torti is adorable too. I had one for almost 17 years. She loved me and hated DH. But he came along after I had her. My Blaze had what the vet called Torti-ude and it definitely didn't help when we got a second kitty.
I am so in love with this cat!!! When I was little my parents got me a kitty and she promptly decided that my brother was her favorite! She used to follow him around the house, and wait outside of the bathroom for him, and sit on his lap, and I got nothing from her, cats...

Cats are like that! When we got our two (we went, of course, to get one) the kitten DS picked out attached to me, the one DH picked out attached to DS, and poor DH got the short end of the tail.
Just wanted to say your Torti is adorable too. I had one for almost 17 years. She loved me and hated DH. But he came along after I had her. My Blaze had what the vet called Torti-ude and it definitely didn't help when we got a second kitty.

I have a tortie and she also has "Tortie-tude!" I love it!
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So cute!
So. Apparently Hei Hei has some slight birth defects. As most of you know he is polydactyl with six toes on his front paws. I discovered yesterday, during a rare moment of calmness, that he has five toes on one back paw, nails and all. But on the other back paw he only has the standard four... weird.

My husband and I adopted a polydactyl kitten when we first got married. She had eight toes on each front paw and five on her back paws. Guess what we named her...Toes.

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